How to Make a Peanut Butter Bomb.txt

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                         The Peanut Butter Bomb.

     I was inspired by Acid Reign to write this file.. Bravo Acid..!
 Possibly you've heard of the almighty gerbil feed bomb. Well.. this is a 
variation of that WONDERFUL anti-personnel device.
      -1- Jiff Peanut butter Jar.(NOT PLASTIC!)
      - - Gasoline
      - - Some gunpowder.(empty a few shotgun shells)
      -1- Model airplane glue.
      - - Sugar.
      -1- Fuse.(any type except electric)
      -1- Psychotic tendency.

Ok.. Mix the gunpowder with the sugar in a 10:1 ratio. Then add enough model 
glue to thoroughly coat the mixture. Mix the glue and the mixture so that the 
newly formed mixture becomes VERY sticky. Half fill the peanut butter jar with 
this. Now, add the gasoline. Fill the jar the rest of the way up. Close the jar. 
Shake vigorously(not TOO vigorously!). Now drill a hole in the lid. Put the fuse 
in the jar. Light the fuse. And unless you are quite a far way away from this 
little toy when it explodes.. prepare to die. The only drawback to this bomb 
is.. if you add the gasoline a while before you set the bomb off, it may jam up. 
Of course.. you can overcome this by pouring the gasoline in JUST before you 
plant the bomb. This bomb will have about 2 - 10 times the power of the gerbil 
feed bomb.
HAVE A BLAST! (literally)
(c) 1999 GarBlEd UsEr      All rights blown to hell.

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