Joy Filled Marriage.pdf

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G God’s Plan For a Joy-Filled Marriage is a marriage preparation supplement
Based on Pope John Paul II’s theology of the Body, this supplement need
not replace current diocesan or parish programs. rather, it is intended
to enhance a key component of marriage preparation: catechesis in the
theology of marriage and the gift of human sexuality.
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage can be implemented as a one-day
seminar or over multiple evenings.
“the program was wonderful. I plan to return
—stephanie s.
A C o m P e l l I n g V I s I o n
thAt sPeAks to the
heArts of todAy's CouPles
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When people think of the Catholic Church’s teaching on sex and
marriage, they often think of a list of “prohibitions.” others who
live the Church’s teachings often do so with an “I’m-coping-with-it,
but-I’m-not-happy” attitude. God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage offers
a refreshing, liberating vision of marriage and sexuality—one that
helps couples fully embrace, and even celebrate, god’s glorious plan
for their lives.
God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage provides couples with a rich
understanding of the teachings of the Church and offers them the
tools to live married life as god intended. the creators of the program
believe that when engaged couples understand god’s plan for marriage,
including a clear and pastoral explanation of the “difficult teachings,”
they come away from the program with a sense of liberation and
gratitude rather than resentment toward the Church.
that offers engaged couples a more compelling presentation of god's
glorious plan for marital love than perhaps any program available in the
Church today.
to the Church because of it and I’m so excited.
thank you so much, this program has truly
touched my life.”
“my fiancée and
I have grown and
deepened our love
and commitment to
Christ more from this
program than in our
whole relationship.”
P r o g r A m o u t l I n e
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage is divided into two main parts, each with
three engaging presentations and two reflection exercises for couples.
Part 1 – Catholic Faith & Your Marriage
—steve s.
It is the common experience of those who work with engaged couples that the faith
of these couples is most often in need of rediscovery, nourishment, and maturation.
Following the basic Christian schema of “Creation, Fall, and Redemption,” Part I
provides a reflection on the Word of God as understood by the Church in regard to
God’s plan for marriage and our need for Christ. It also helps couples understand
the nature and meaning of the commitments they make in their exchange of vows.
Part 1 includes three presentations:
“this was the best
presentation of
Catholic teaching I
have ever heard.”
—melanie f.
• God’sPlanforMarriage“IntheBeginning”
• ChristRestoresGod’sPlanforMarriage
• WhatAreYouSaying“IDo”To?
Part 2 – Sacramental Sexuality
While many factors have contributed to the breakdown of marriage and family
life, special attention must be given to the widespread acceptance of new sexual
attitudes and “lifestyles.” There is no sidestepping this often difficult aspect of
marriage preparation. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body provides the positive
approach we need. Building on the foundation laid in Part 1, Part 2 of God’s Plan
for a Joy-filled Marriage presents the joys of “sexual honesty” before and within
marriage. Part 2 includes three presentations:
“If my fiancée and
I had learned these
teachings of the Church
on sexuality sooner,
we would never have
become sexually active.”
—mark m
• TheJoyofSexualHonestyBeforeMarriage
• TheJoyofSexualHonestyWithinMarriage
• SomePracticalBenefitsofNaturalFamilyPlanning
ProgrAm mAterIAls
“this class has
renewed my faith in
the Catholic Church.”
—Jennifer W.
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage comes with resources for both the couples and
instructors/facilitators. For couples, we offer a workbook and a text book:
Each person will receive a God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage workbook
for use throughout the class. The workbook is laid out in an easy-to-use
format. *
Each couple will receive a copy of the highly-acclaimed book GoodNews
Teaching . The workbook cross references more than 115 topics covered in
more detail in this text. It is an invaluable resource that couples will turn to
as they discern the issues they face in marriage.
“As an evangelical
Christian, I was blown
away...I am now
considering taking
rCI A.”
* An instructor's edition of this workbook is also available.
—lisa r.
“This program has been exceptionally beneficial and has brought us closer together in love of each other, and in deeper union with the Catholic Church.”—Rebecca W.
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Faith Should Be Proposed , Not Imposed
trAInIng ProgrAm
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
The creators of God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage
believe that the key to a successful program is not
only its content, but also the people who facilitate
or teach the program. We have created turn-key
training programs to help you bring one of the
most effective marriage preparation programs
available in the Catholic Church today to your
parish and diocese. For more information about our
training program, visit
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage works from the premise
that Catholic teaching can never be imposed , only proposed ,
especially in our modern culture where messages that
are contrary to the Catholic vision of marital love are
commonplace. We realize that we are presenting the
Church’s vision to a skeptical audience that will ask many
valid and understandable questions. We also know that
pastoral sensitivity is vital to transmitting the message
We believe that when Catholic teaching is upheld in its full
splendor, it does not need to be foisted on anyone. men
and women are naturally attracted to the beauty of god’s
plan for marital love; most couples simply have never heard
it presented in a sensible, appealing way.
God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage seeks
to do just that—present the fullness of
Catholic teaching on marital love in all its
beauty. the rest is in god’s hands.
T “this program is the first that I have heard that offered candid and logically sound
—tom s.
Life-Changing Results
91% were sexually active coming into
the program.
48% (of the above 91%) said they will save
sex until marriage because of this program. An
additional 20% said they were now considering
saving sex for marriage.
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage is based on the
highly successful program first developed in the late
1990s by the marriage and family life office in the
Archdiocese of denver. one of the first steps the
Archdiocsese took was to implement a survey that
addressed “lifestyle” questions—both before and after
couples went through the program. the results were
31% stated they will “definitely use” natural family
planning in their marriages because of this seminar.
45% “may use NFP” in their marriage.
78% came away with a better understanding of the
Catholic vision of marriage.
50% came away with a more positive impression of
the Catholic Church.
48% planned to be more active in their faith as a
result of the program.
having surveyed more than two thousand couples over
a five-year period, the creators of God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled
Marriage found that:
61% made a deeper commitment to
Christ as a result of this program.
“This program has been exceptionally beneficial and has brought us closer together in love of each other, and in deeper union with the Catholic Church.”—Rebecca W.
discussions about Catholic teaching on sex and marriage. I am truly appreciative.”
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Strengthen Your Marriage Preparation
Program with a New Supplement
Based on the Theology of the Body
God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage is a
supplemental marriage preparation workshop
designed to help today's couples understand
and embrace an authentic Catholic vision of
married love. It's the first program of its kind
to integrate thoroughly the "new language" of
Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body in its
presentation of Church teaching.
God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage
demonstrates the "whys" behind the "whats"
of Catholic teaching in a non-threatening
and convincing manner. It helps couples
understand the beauty of God's plan for
marriage and the joy of living it. Originally
created for the Archdiocese of Denver, God's
Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage , recently revised
and updated, is now available for use in
parishes and dioceses throughout the country.
A Supplement, Not a Replacement
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage is a supplement
to existing marriage preparation programs. It is
designed to enhance two key components: the
theology of marriage and the gift of human sexuality.
place a strong emphasis on marriage
as a Christian vocation to which
couples are called and to give them
the means to live it fully through
marriage-preparation programs
which are ‘serious in purpose,
excellent in content, sufficient in
length, and obligatory in nature.’”
—John Paul II
Most marriage preparation programs provide
couples with only an hour or two of instruction on
the theology of marriage and sexuality, God's Plan
for a Joy-Filled Marriage provides couples with a
more thorough presentation and explanation of
the teachings of the Church. Its “pedagogy,” or
approach to teaching, is both rich in content and
pastorally sensitive.
The program is divided into two main parts, each
with three engaging presentations and two reflection
exercises for couples. The program can be taught
by an instructor or by using our videos/DVDs. The
course can be offered in a single day (with morning
and afternoon sessions) or over a series of evenings
(from two to six sessions).
God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage
is available in Spanish.
I “I encourage you to continue to
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