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Vance Ferrell
Scientific facts
which annihilate evolutionary theory
Including 1,350 scientific quotations or references,
43 pages of illustrations, a research guide,
and a complete index
This book is based on material on our website which has
been highly recommended by scientists and educators
Evolution Facts, Inc.
The Evolution Cruncher
by Vance Ferrell, B.A., M.A.
Published by Evolution Facts, Inc.
Box 300, Altamont, TN 37301 USA
Printed in the United States of America
Cover and Text Copyright © 2001
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Contents ———
A Treasure House of Information 8
The origin of this book
and how to use it
1 - History of Evolutionary Theory 15
How modern science got into
this problem
2 - The Big Bang and Stellar Evolution 68
Why the Big Bang is a fizzle
and stars cannot evolve out of gas
3 - The Origin of the Earth 119
Why the Earth did not evolve
out of a molten state
4 - The Age of the Earth 126
Why the Earth is not millions of years old
5 - The Problem of Time 160
Why long ages
cannot produce evolutionary change
6 - Inaccurate Dating Methods 167
Why the non-historical
dating techniques are unreliable
7 - The Primitive Environment 208
Why raw materials on earth
cannot produce life
The Evolution Cruncher
8 - DNA and Protein 242
Why DNA and protein
could not be produced by random chance
9 - Natural Selection 283
Why natural selection
only makes changes within species
10 - Mutations 318
Why mutations cannot produce
cross-species change
11 - Animal and Plant Species 373
Why the species barrier cannot be broken
12 - Fossils and Strata 411
Why the fossil/strata theory is a hoax
13 - Ancient Man 519
Why there is no evidence
humans have evolved from anything
14 - Effects of the Flood 615
What actually happened after the Flood
15 - Similarities and Divergence 691
Why similar structures
are not an evidence of evolution
16 - Vestiges and Recapitulation 717
You have no useless or unnecessary
structures inherited from earlier life-forms
17 - Evolutionary Showcase 743
The best examples of evolution
have proven worthless
18 - The Laws of Nature 777
The laws of nature
oppose the evolutionary theory
19 - Evolution, Morality, and Violence 794
Evolutionary theory
is ruining modern civilization
20 - Tectonics and Paleomagnetism 831
The truth about plate tectonics
and paleomagnetism
21 - Archaeological Dating 834
Egyptian, and other, dates
correlate archaeological finds with the Bible
22 - Evolutionary Science Fiction 840
Fabulous fairy tales
which only tiny children can believe
23 - Scientists Speak 856
Evolutionary scientists say
the theory is unscientific and worthless
24 - Utterly Impossible 895
Things evolution
could never invent
Research Guide 906
How to locate additional
information for your research paper
Subject Index 915
The best way to find
what you are looking for in this book
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