Center Counter - Paul Hodges, 1994.pdf

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Power Pia�!
The Center Counter!
Postal Master Paul Hodges
With contributions by
IGM Alex Fishbein
The ChessBase University Por a�! Series (CBU 252pp)
R & D Publishing
A Division of 4M Data Systems, Inc.
© Copyright 194. R & D Publishing. All rights Resed
ISBN 1-883358-07-8
No pat of this publication may be reprduced, stord in a retrieval system, or
transmittd in any form, or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tapes,
mechanical photocopying, recording, or othewise, without prior and current
written permission from the publisher.
R & D Publishing
A Division of 4M Data Systems
P.O. Box 133
Hagerstown, MD 21741
(800) 524-3527 (Orders only)
R & D Power Play! Series:
Senior Editor:
Paul Hdges
Cover t:
Gary Ferster
Cover Layout:
Dawn Maddox
JM Prductions
he Center Counter! (CBU252pp)
The modern amateur chessplayer has
been bombarded with thousands of
examples of chess literature aimd at
instructing the student in ways to
conduct the opening and middlegame
in chess. How many of us have not
rushed to the bookstore to purchase
the latest "System against the ..." or
"Encyclopedia of ..." or "Complete
Repetoire against..." in our quest to
improve our knowledge and {hopefully)
our results, only to find that we must
wade through a mass of variations and
complete games, a time-consuming
and intimidating method of study that
often defeats its own purpose. While we
at ChessBase University acknowledge
the importance of the traditional
literature, we hope to tackle the two
most fundamental and important
problems that the chess amateur faces
when he reaches the critical transition
between the "opening" and the
"middlegame" ...
How do I get there??
What do I do ater I'm there??
The concept of "Power Play!" is that
chess openings and the middlegames
derived from them can be broken down
into a number of critical positions, and
that study of these positions in an
interactive playing environment will
confer on students a deeper, more
resilient understanding of the problems
that confront them on the chessboard.
These "Power Play!" positions have
been carefully selectd from thousands
of master games and are the key
element to this book's structure. As in
ice hockey where "Power Play" implies
a man or more superiority on the ice,
"Power Play!" adds a serious weapon
to the chess arsenal of the prepard
This "Power Play!" "Book-on-Disk"
was originally developd in electronic
format to be used with ChessBase
USA's master-strength playing
program KnightStalker (or Fritz) and
that still remains the most convenient,
efficient way to apply the Power Play!
methd. But "Power Play!" can be usd
effectively by anyone who wants to
really understand chess, whether you
have access to any one of a number of
chessplaying programs and dedicated
machines, to an avid sparring patner at
the local club, or the simple,
old-fashioned expedient of piece
shuffling in the convenience of your
study. Either way, "Power Play!" will
make you a stronger, beter informed
Structure Of The Power Play!
If you own an MS-DOS compatible
computer, you might want to consider
the additional investment in ChessBase
University and the "Power Play!"
books-on-disk series. In addition to the
wealth of useful information provided to
you in this book, the disk provides a set
of computer-specific tools to make your
studies even easier. "Power Play!"
disks include:
1. Document files which contain
material that can be viewed in
Hypetext. The Hypetet will present
an oveview of each of the "Power
Play!" positions from the opening under
study, discussing White's and Black's
plans and allowing access to the critical
position in the game files. Additionally,
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