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OSP - Server-enabled Graphics
14 Dec 01

OSP Tourney DM/CA/CTF allows server operators to set up custom
graphics for display to clients while they are connected to the
server.  The motivation here is to allow clans, communities and/or
tournament organizations to implement additional graphics in the
game for demo/screenshot enhancements.

In no way will these additional graphics interfere with normal
gameplay, as they are displayed in only two places:
     - On the level screenshot page seen while connecting to
       a server.
     - On the end-level scoreboard after a match has been
       played and before the map is restarted or the next
       map loaded.

The format for customization is rather straight-forward.  I've
also included an example in the main OSP-Q3 distribution for
reference in case things dont seem to go well:

1. Collect the graphics that you want to display.  These
   graphics should be targa (.tga) format of type 6(?) or
   type 10(?) for maximum compatibility (i.e. for transparency
   layers).  JPEG (.jpg) format may work, but it is unsupported
   at this time in OSP.

2. Create a new .pk3 file and add these graphics to the path:


3. Name these graphics in the following manner:

        customXX.tga  (where XX is from 1 to 16)

   This naming scheme MUST be monotmically increasing, starting
   at "1".  In other words, name your first graphic "custom1.tga",
   the next one "custom2.tga", and so forth for all your graphics
   *UP TO* 16.  OSP supports only 16 custom graphics.

4. When complete, place this .pk3 in your server's osp/ directory.
   You should name the .pk3 with a your own name, starting with
   a "z-" prefix, to ensure proper "sv_pure 1" semantics.

5. Enable sv_pure 1 and sv_allowDownload 1 on the server to ensure
   that clients can download the custom graphics .pk3 file.

6. Create a gfx specification file that defines the position and
   size for each of the graphics for both the connect splash
   screen, and the end-level scoreboard.  The format for this is
   as follows:

      x y w h:x y w h

      - x = the X (horizontal) coordinate (from the left)
      - y = the Y (vertical) coordinate (from the top)
      - w = width of graphic
      - h = height of graphic

        ----> Note: The X coordinate must be between 0 and 640,
              while the Y coordinate must be between 0 and 480.
              Don't worry about people with larger or smaller
              screens, OSP will scale the graphics to the
              client's resolution appropriately.

      As you can see, there are two sets of coordinates defined
      on each line, seperated by a ":".  Each line represents the
      coordinates for one of the graphics, with the first set
      specifying the connect-screen position/size of the graphic,
      and the second set representing the end-level scoreboard
      position/size for the graphic.

      The graphic specified is implied by the line number that
      defines position/size.  In other words, the first line
      corresponds to the positioning information for the
      "custom1.tga" graphic, the second line specifying info
      for "custom2.tga" graphic, etc.

      To suppress the display of a graphic on one of the screens
      (i.e. show only on connect, but not on end-level), then
      substitute "-1" for all "x y w h" info bits.

      Specify only the number of lines equal to the number of
      "customXX.tga" graphic files that you provide in your
      custom graphic .pk3.

7. Define "server_gfxspecfile" with the path/name to the graphics
   specification file you just made in the server's main .cfg

8. Restart the server and BAM! your in business.

9. If you're having trouble, take a look at the example I have
   in cfg-gfxexample.  Just copy these two file into the main
   osp/ directory, and add the following line to your server's

        set server_gfxspecfile "gfxdef.cfg"

    Upon connect, clients should see 3 additional blenders in
    the corners of varying sizes.
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