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************** DMagic1 Wheel Mod v3.0 For Vice City***********************
**************** by DMagic1 **********************************************
*************** **************************************
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******************* 05/11/03 *********************************************


Please restore your original wheel.dff and default.ide files if you used the earlier
wheel mod version.


This will allow you to add wheels to the car models to be used with GTAVC.
Every car can now have a different wheel.

MAKE A BACKUP of default.dat and default.ide files incase of error.

1. Run the DMagic1wheelmod.exe to install the wheel mod or use the manual istall
   DO NOT use both.
2. When every you want to use a car that has its own wheels in the model,
   you have to set the wheel type to 249 in the default.ide file. Here is an example:
   132, 	stinger, 	stinger, 	car, 	STINGER, 	STINGER, 		null,	executive, 	10, 	6,	2ff0,		250, 0.7
   The stinger above has it's wheel type set to 250. That means that the wheel_smallcar
   will appear on the stinger ingame. If you added wheels to the stingers model then 
   you would need to change the wheel type to 249. That way your wheels that are on the
   stinger model will be there ingame. If you set a cars wheel type to 249 and it doesn't
   have any wheels modeled on, it will appear with no wheels.

A detailed tutorial can be found at the page. 
3. This area is for adding wheels to car models. Wheels added to a model will need to be
   the same size as one of the wheels from the wheel.dff file. You can check this by
   importing the wheel.dff file into your cars.dff file. Use this only to get the correct
   scale for the wheel. The wheel will appear to be way too big for the car. This is ok.
   Make sure you don't leave those extra items in your car.dff file. Place the wheels you plan 
   to add where your wheel_dummys are. Be sure to center the axis for each wheel. The axis for 
   your wheels should be the same as the axis for your wheel dummys. DO NOT change the axis for
   your wheel dummys. You will have to ROTATE the left wheels 180 degrees on its Y axis so that
   they face the same way as the right wheels. Name each wheel to correspond to each dummy. If
   it is the wheel is near wheel_lf_dummy then name the wheel wheel_lf. Once all that is done goto
   the hierarchy browser. In the hierarchy browser place each wheel inside of its corresponding dummy.
   The wheels are textured just as any other part of the car is.
I hope to see lots of car for GTVC now coming with their own wheels.


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