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CodeSaver: A truly Open Source screensaver
Copyright (C) 2003 by Corey Hershhorn
Released under the GPL (see included LICENSE.TXT)

CodeSaver v1.1 Release Notes
Date Released: 02/10/2007

Please uninstall any previous versions before
installing this release.

Please report any issues at in the HELP Forum.

New Features Since v1.0:

Syntax colorization

Multiple monitor support

New settings/options:
	Source Code Subdirectory Scan
	Random File
	Typo Frequency
	Mock Compile Sequence

CodeSaver v1.1_b1 Release Notes
Date Released: 02/02/2007

Thank you for your interest in helping with CodeSaver
beta testing.

Please uninstall any previous versions before
installing this beta release.

Deployment now makes use of:
	Used to package dlls into application executable.
	Used to archive setup and source distributions.

Please report any issues at in the HELP Forum.

New Features Since v1.0:

(No new features since v1.1_a3 for those who have
been assisting in alpha testing)

Syntax colorization
	Uses DotNetFireball

Multiple monitor support

New settings/options:
	Source Code Subdirectory Scan
	Random File
	Typo Frequency
	Mock Compile Sequence

CodeSaver v1.1_a3 Release Notes
Date Released: 01/31/2007

Please uninstall any previous versions before
installing this alpha release.

Please report any issues at

New Features:

Turned mock compile sequence off by default and added
header that notes this is only a screensaver if the
mock compile sequence is enabled.

CodeSaver v1.1_a2 Release Notes
Date Released: 01/30/2007

Please uninstall any previous versions before
installing this alpha release.

Please report any issues at

New Features:

Multiple monitor support

Typo frequency

Mock compile sequence after all files are "typed"
before restarting

Support ';' separated file filter.
(Ex. "*.cs;*.java")

Improved setup.exe

CodeSaver v1.1_a1 Release Notes
Date Released: 01/24/2007

Please uninstall any previous versions before
installing this alpha release.

Please report any issues at

New Features:

Syntax colorization (installation can be customized
by modifying *.conf files in the
C:\Program Files\CodeSaver\conf directory). Syntax
colorization implemented using DotNetFireball (source
w/ mods included in source package). DotNetFireball
is an open source project located at:

Subdirectory scan option enabled.

Random file option added.

Flicker has been resolved/minimized - solutions
requires region collapsing be turned off in all
DotNetFireball source syntax files.

Directory browse dialog updated to directory
selection only.

CodeSaver v1.0 Release Notes
Date Released: 03/13/2003

Originally released on -
now defunct.

First non-alpha release.

Added support for non cs file types.

CodeSaver v0.3a Release Notes
Date Released: 02/02/2003

Added variable "typing" speed).

CodeSaver v0.2a Release Notes
Date Released: 01/30/2003

Minor update to v0.1a to change registered name from
generic "Setup" in Add/Remove Programs control panel)

CodeSaver v0.1a Release Notes
Date Released: ?/?/2003

Small distribution of original proof of concept.
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