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Cosmic Healing IV (2 DVD) - Volume 23

Buddha Palm, Empty Force

Cosmic Healing IV is training in expanding our mind and Chi to the universe. By learning to relax, smile and let go, we can expand ourselves into the universe, the empty space, extending out a Chi pattern, so it can grow, multiply and be absorbed back for our use.

Cosmic Chi Kung DVD consists of four sets of simple postures and movements for absorbing the life force energy of nature and the universe. By practicing this art you can learn to take color healing Chi from empty space into yourself or to direct it from the source straight to others for healing. Each of the four sections of Cosmic Chi Kung develops a different type of energy mastery. Each section begins and ends in the same way, yet has different movements in the middle part.

When we can train the body to these energies or light then we can transform it to be our own energy. Taoists regard this as containing a higher octane than just food. These energies are abundant all around us. All we need to do is learn how to take in and transform them to use for ourselves and to help heal others.

1. First Section: Connecting to Heaven and Earth
2. Second Section: Opening the Bridge and Regulator Channels and extending Your Chi Outwards
3. Third Section: Opening and Energizing the Governor and Functional Channels
4. Fourth Section: Activating One Finger Art and the Chi Belt

Running Time 1 hour 26 minutes

1. Universal Tao Introductions (02:43)
2. Healing Hand Technique (09:28)
3. Human Hand and Practice (40:46)
4. Empty Force Chi Kung (08:59)
5. Palm Finger Training (07:50)
6. Holding the Chi Ball (08:25)
7. Training Finger (05:42)
8. Chi Belt (01:49)
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