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Microsoft Word - WALKTHROUGH for Deadly Sin
By over_cloud9
This guide is based on version 1.31 so any updates that were not present in the
previous versions may be mentioned in here. The game is a fantastic combination of
the unique tile set of RPG maker XP and polished features of RPG maker VX. The
story is well thought and presented as an exciting adventure from the very
beginning. Since the heart of every RPG game lies in its story, the game developer,
Harmonic deserves ample compliments for gifting us a good replay able game. The
best part is that the game is not overstretched in terms of play time which leaves us
a lingering taste after completing it.
I’ll not reveal the story so that you can enjoy the game; also there aren’t any
spoilers as such. Thanks to the Harmonic and forum members for making some of
the maps and the players for posting helpful solution to any difficult situation in the
game. And a very special thanks to Delacroix (Bruno Glening) for helping me with
the game play and for assisting me in every possible way while writing the
walkthrough. The list of rare equipments and skills is jotted at the end for your
reference. You can click on any topic in the contents to get transferred to that
section of the walkthrough. There is no in-game tutorial to help you through the
game play, so if you are new to RPG games, here are some handy tips to sail you
through (these tips do not include the simple RPG game playing and game control
techniques as it is assumed that you know the basics).
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There are no side quests, so there is no quest book or journal to refer to. Press
‘esc’ key to pull down the game menu where you can check out the current items,
weapons and equipments in your inventory, equip characters, use healing skills of
your characters, etc. you cannot save the game anywhere except on world map
and can save only on save points . You may heal the HP and MP of all your
party members can be healed totally by using tents at save points.
Press the ‘shift’ key while making your characters walk in order to move them
faster. However in some parts of the game, it is not recommended to use this
feature; it’ll be mentioned as and when such situation occurs.
Talk to everyone in the village as they give hints to many things. Also don’t forget
to buy equipment, items, etc from shops before leaving any village or town.
Each dungeon is infested with monsters and if you do not wish to fight, you may
deactivate a vibrating crystal (monster node) in order to clean out all foes in
any one level of the dungeon. On deactivating each monster node, you’ll gain a
certain amount of skill points.
The seals increase the stats of any character permanently on whom you use, for
example seal of wisdom increases intelligence, seal of might increases strength,
Buy gems in order to preserve your gold (the buying and selling price of gems are
same). Enemies may mug your gold during fights or when you try to flee, buy they
won’t take away gems.
The general stats as quoted from Harmonic-“
1. STR: Strength. Affects only physical attack power, for normal attacks, or
skills that deal physical damage.
2. DEF: Defense. Affects only physical defense. Mitigation is arithmetic,
meaning enemy attack power - your DEF = damage.
3. INT: Intelligence. Affects both magic attack power, and magic defense.
Useful for someone who doesn't cast spells, as it boosts magic defense.
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4. AGI: Affects several things: Turn order, critical hit rate, chance to hit, and
chance to evade.
5. MP: Magic points. Automatically regens every turn, used for casting magic.
6. EN: Energy. Same function as magic points, but regenerates only at the
beginning of Glade's turn.
7. OV: Overdrive. Same function as magic points. Does not regenerate
automatically. Gain overdrive by dealing damage, taking damage, or using
adrenaline rush.
8. Threat%: Chance to be hit. Everything generates threat. Dealing damage,
healing, using skills like Taunt generate threat. The rule is: Characters with
high HP/DEF want the most threat to absorb attacks.”
9. HP: hit points of your character. It is similar to your characters health in
battles and if it reaches zero, then your character will be knocked out. The
only way to restore him/her back would be to use the branch of life from
your items or by using spells of your character.
The skills of characters do not come on leveling up. By pressing ‘A’ anytime on
your keyboard you can purchase skills in exchange of skill points gained during
battles or by deactivating monster nodes in any dungeon. All skills are not
available just like that. Higher skills can be acquired only when a certain number
of easier skills are obtained or if one skill is upgraded to meet that minimum
number. Harmonic has explained it beautifully here-
“Skill points are acquired through battles and hitting monster nodes. Hit "A" to
access the skill menu. Once in the skill menu, you will see 5/10/18/30 on the
bottom of the window. Those show how many prerequisite skills you need in
order to buy the skills in that column. Hit "A" again while inside the skill menu to
see how many skill points you have, as well as how many skills you've bought. In
addition to needing 5/10/18/30 skills bought respectively, most skills have
prerequisites. This is indicated by an arrow leading into the left side of the skill
box. For prerequisite skills that can be 3/3, you only need 1 for it to serve as a
prerequisite. (see image on next page)
As you can see, I've pointed out a prerequisite arrow, and the 18-point column. For
the 5, you need 5 total skills bought.
Note: "Synergy" means that the skill listed as a synergy benefits the skill you
currently see. For instance, Dori's Cyclone says "Synergy: Double attack." Thus,
points in double attack benefit Cyclone.”
Fighting strategies can vary from dungeon to dungeon and is also different for
difficult monsters (from now to be referred as ‘bosses’). I may recommend some
strategies for the extremely difficult ones, but in general you should practice
planning your own battler team and tactics. The armor and weapons also play an
important part to decide how good you can defend/offend the enemy.
Use the ‘ctrl’ and ‘f’ key together on your keyboard to find things that you are
particularly looking for in the walkthrough in a hurry. Make sure that the spelling of
the word you type is correct or else the keyword you are searching for may not be
found highlighted.
Each area that you enter will be also referred as ‘screen’. For convenience
sometime I may refer like “go back by three screens”, etc. this means that starting
from the current area (screen) you go back to the previous area and then to the
previous of this area and then to the previous of the latter again through the
passages you have followed.
THE BEGINNING : the game begins with our main character Lorelai being
abandoned by his guardian for a greater quest. Now you are in control of Lorelai,
who is ready for what fate is calling her for! There are two chests beside the
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