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Origins of Language
Origins of Language
Constraints on hypotheses
Sverker Johansson
University of Jönköping
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements
of American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence
of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Sverker Johansson
Origins of Language : Constraints on hypotheses / Sverker Johansson.
p. cm. (Converging Evidence in Language and Communication
Research, issn 1566–7774 ; v. 5)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Language and languages--Origin. 2. Human evolution. 3.
isbn 90 272 3891 X (Eur.) / 1 58811 629 8 (US) (Hb; alk. paper)
© 2005 – John Benjamins B.V.
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While language in the strict sense may be uniquely human, numerous other species
have their own means of communication, many of which appear to share at least
some, if not all, of the properties of language.
‘The infinite use of finite means’ is a crucial property of human language (Hum-
boldt, 1836), but it is also a property of the songs of certain birds and whales, at
least in the limited sense of their combining a set of elements in an infinite variety
of permutations. Recursivity may be found in some songs (Li & Hombert, 2002),
and the coining of new elements has been reported for some birds (Clemmons,
1991). The majority of animal communicative acts may be non-symbolic sig-
nals, but there are examples of vocalizations where this is not self-evident (Marler,
1998, further discussed below). Hauser (1997) gives a thorough review of animal
communication, in an evolutionary perspective, and Hakansson (1995) provides a
popular overview.
Birdsong, just like human language, can be culturally transmitted, and geo-
graphical ‘dialects’ are common (Wiener, 1986; Baker, 1996). Some birds appear
to have an innate ‘song acquisition device’ (Whaling et al., 1997), in analogy with
the proposed language acquisition device of humans. Birds of many species need
to hear the songs of other birds of the same species during a sensitive period while
they grow up, or they will not develop normal singing abilities (Wiener, 1986;
White, 2001). And Okanoya (2002) reports that there are patterns in the song of a
Bengalese finch that can be modeled by grammar-like rules.
But whatever similarities there may be between birdsong and human speech,
they have to be produced by parallel evolution — the underlying hardware is com-
pletely different, both in the vocal apparatus (Goller, 1998) and in the brain. It
is interesting for comparative studies (Wiener, 1986), but if we are looking for
possible precursors of human language, we had better turn to mammals.
Whale songs and calls are culturally transmitted as well (Whitehead, 1998;
Noad et al., 2000; Yurk et al., 2002), and some researchers argue that whale
songs have something resembling a hierarchical grammar (Seife, 1999), though
this remains controversial. The overall style of whale songs more resembles bird-
120 Origins of language
song than speech, so their relevance for language is not totally obvious. Gibbon
songs also resemble birdsong more than they resemble language, even though gib-
bons are our fairly close relatives (Hauser, 2000; Geissmann, 2002). Still, Cowley
(2002) and Ujhelyi & Buk (2001) suggest that there may be links between gibbon
song and human language.
The sounds produced by dolphins have more language-like features, but their
quantitative study is still in its infancy. McCowan et al. (1999) find promise in an
information-theoretical approach, akin to Zipf’s classical work on human language
(1935; 1949), but the available ‘dolphinese’ corpus is still insufficient for any firm
conclusions. The classification and discrimination of dolphin ‘words’ is also a
non-trivial task for humans (or human-built computers), since the ‘phonology’ of
dolphins is so different from ours (Janik, 1999).
Do animal calls mean anything?
“What do animal sounds mean” asks Marler (1998, p. 2). The traditional view,
among biologists as well as linguists, has been that they have only affective mean-
ing, expressing only the emotions of the ‘speaker’, without symbolic referents.
This view is likely to be accurate in the case of most animal communication.
But numerous studies in recent decades, starting with Seyfarth et al. (1980), have
demonstrated that many animals use alarm calls and/or food calls, that for all prac-
tical purposes function as if they carried symbolic referential meaning.
The original study of Seyfarth et al. (1980) concerned the alarm calls of vervet
monkeys. These monkeys have a set of three distinct alarm calls, used for three
different predators (snakes, leopards, and eagles). When a vervet monkey hears
one of these calls, he or she takes appropriate action, different for each alarm
call. They run for cover in bushes when hearing the eagle call, climb up into
the treetops when hearing the leopard call, and stand up to scan the grass when
hearing the snake call. A purely affective call, basically conveying only that the
caller was scared by a predator, could not reasonably have led to such appropriate
actions. Marler (1998) also reviews some interesting data on the call acquisition
of young monkeys — the calls as such appear to be innate, 1 but the association of
a particular call with a particular predator is learned, and the young monkeys start
out by over-generalizing, using the eagle call for anything from falling leaves to
actual eagles, and then gradually learn when it is appropriate to use the call. Adults
use the call almost 2
exclusively when a monkey-eating bird is around.
1 Though there exist other monkey and ape calls, where the calls themselves appear to be learned, since
‘dialect’ differences between groups have been observed (Mitani et al., 1999; Fischer et al., 1998;
Hauser, 1992; Marshall et al., 1999).
2 The rare ‘mistakes’ concern birds that resemble dangerous birds, but are actually safe.
Animal communication in the wild 121
It should also be emphasized that these monkey calls are not, as far as we can
tell, iconic (cf. Section 11.3). They do not resemble any sounds of the predator
they’re referring to (Carstairs-McCarthy, 1996). In Diana monkeys, the alarm calls
of males and females are acoustically different, both from each other and from any
predator sounds, but nevertheless engender the same response in both genders (Zu-
berb uhler, 2000d). This non-iconicity is a central property of human languages as
well, and has been invoked as a defining and uniquely distinguishing property of
human languages. 3 Finding similar non-iconicity in animal communication under-
cuts the human claim to uniqueness.
But in order to regard calls as truly symbolic, referentiality and intentionality
are crucial diagnostic features, that are difficult to operationalize in wild animals.
The phrase ‘ functionally referential’ is often used in animal communication con-
texts, basically in order to sidestep the contentious issue of whether animals intend
to refer to an eagle or whatever, but retaining the implication that these calls for all
practical purposes function as if the caller intended to warn his fellows. We shall
return to the issue of communicative intent below.
Since the original work by Seyfarth et al. (1980), similarly ‘functionally refer-
ential’ calls have been observed in numerous species:
1. Birds:
Chicken, both domestic and their wild relatives (Evans & Evans, 1999; Mar-
ler, 1998; Hauser, 1997).
Several species of passerines (Marler, 1998).
2. Rodents:
Alpine marmots (Marler, 1998), but oddly enough not the closely related
yellow-bellied marmot (Blumstein & Armitage, 1997).
Several species of squirrels 4 (Greene & Meagher, 1998; Marler, 1998).
3. Suricates (Manser et al., 2002).
4. Primates: too many to list here. Reviewed in both Marler (1998) and Hauser
(1997). The list includes a few lemurs (Fichtel, 2004), numerous monkey
species, and chimpanzees. 5
It should be noted, however, that the functional referentiality is not always along
the dimension of different predator species. According to Zuberb uhler (2000d),
squirrels use different calls depending on the urgency of the alarm, and chicken
use different calls depending on predator elevation — a hawk on the ground elic-
its the ground-attack call normally used for foxes, rather than the air-attack call
3 The non-iconicity of human language is not, however, totally self-evident and universally accepted.
Nuckolls (1999), Langacker (2001), and Wilcox (2004) argue for non-negligible iconic components in
human speech, and in sign languages the iconicity of many signs is obvious.
4 Shriner (1998) found that squirrels and marmots also respond to each other’s alarm calls.
5 Hauser (1997) and Marler (1998) disagree on how solid the chimpanzee evidence is, which is rather
remarkable since Marler’s sole reference on this issue is to a study by Hauser. Byrne (2000) and
Crockford & Boesch (2003) add some more evidence of chimpanzee call referentiality, which may
help to resolve the issue.
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