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3½ (4)” 5 (5¼)” 3 (3¼)”
8½ (9)”
F09-P32 Daring
rows 1-16 once, then rep rows 3-16.
Special symbol key
= Knit into front of st, then ktbl of same
st—1 st increased
= On RS rows, k1. On WS rows, p1, yo.
6-st right cable Sl 2 sts to cn
and hold in back of work, dropping yo’s, k4,
k2 from cn.
6-st left cable Sl 4 sts to cn
and hold in front of work, k2, dropping yo’s,
k4 from cn.
13 sts and 19 rows = 4”/10cm in St; 16 sts =
3½“/9cm in cable pat, both on larger needles
With smaller needles, cast on 84 (92) sts. Beg
with a WS row and working first 2 (1) sts after
selvage st as knit sts, work in rib pat for 2¼
“/6cm. Change to larger needles and place pat
as foll: Selvage st, 10 (11) sts St st, 5 (6) sts rev
St st, 16 sts chart A, 5 (6) sts rev St st, 12 (14)
sts St st, 5 (6) sts rev St st, 16 sts chart B, 5 (6)
sts rev St st, 10 (11) sts St st, selvage st—86
(94) sts. Work as established until piece mea-
sures 13“/33.5cm from rib pat. Shape arm-
holes Bind off 3 (4) sts at beg of next 2 rows,
2 sts at beg of foll 4 rows, 1 st at beg of foll 6
rows—66 (72) sts. When armhole measures
8½ (9)”/22 (23cm, shape neck and shoul-
ders as foll: Bind off 7 sts at each shoulder
edge once, 7 (8) sts twice. At same time, on
first row of shoulder shaping, shape neck as
foll: Work to center 18 (20) sts, join another
ball of yarn, bind off center 18 (20) sts, work to end.
Working both sides at same time, bind off 3 sts at each
neck edge once.
With smaller needles, cast on 42 (46) sts. Work rib pat
same as for back. Position pat as foll: Selvage st, 10
(11) sts St st, 5 (6) sts rev St st, 16 sts chart A, 5 (6) sts
rev St st, 5 (6) sts St st, selvage st—43 (47) sts. When
piece measures same length as back to armhole, shape
armhole at right edge same as for back. When armhole
measures 6¼ (6½ )”/16 (17)cm, shape neck at left
edge as foll: Bind off 3 (4) sts once, 2 sts twice, 1 st 5
times. When front neck measures 2¼“/6cm, shape
shoulder at right edge same as for back.
Work same as for left front, rev all shaping and working
chart B.
With smaller needles, cast on 38 sts. Beg with a WS
row and working first 2 sts after selvage st as purl sts,
3¼ (3½)”
1½ (1¾)” 1½ (1¾)”
2¾ (3½)”
11½ (12½)”
Chest 46” (49½)”/117 (126)cm
Length 25 (25¼)”/63.5 (64.5)cm
Upper arm 17 (18)”/43 (46)cm
Rowan “Cocoon” (bulky-weight yarn); 100% new
wool; 126yd/115m; 3½ oz/100g (This yarn is a substi-
tution. It does not have the tweed look of the photo.)
• Color #814 emerald: 35 (38½)oz/1000 (1100)g;
1100 (1210)yd/ 1000 (1100)m
• Size 10½ (6.5mm) needles
• Size 11 (8mm) needles
• Size 10 ½ (6.5mm) circular needle, 47”/120cm long
• Separating zipper, 27 ½”/70cm long
Stitch symbol key and general instructions for
reading charts Visit the Pattern Shop page at www.Vere-
naKnitting.com to download Abbreviations & Symbols.
Rib pat P2, k3.
Cable pat Work according to charts A and B. Work
work in rib pat for 2¼“/6cm. Change to larger needles
and position pat as foll: Selvage st, 5 st St st, 7 st rev St
st, 12 sts St st, 7 sts rev St st, 5 sts St st, selvage st.
Work as established for 6 (4) rows. Shape sleeve Inc
1 st each end of needle on next RS row, then every oth-
er 6 th and 8 th row 8 times (every foll 6 th row 10 times)—56
(60) sts. When piece measures 15¾“/40cm from rib pat,
shape sleeve cap as foll: Bind off 3 (4) sts at beg of next 2
rows, 2 sts at beg of foll 2 rows, 1 st at beg of foll 24 rows, 2
sts at beg of foll 2 rows, 3 sts at beg of foll 2 rows. When
sleeve cap measures 7“/18cm, bind off rem 12 (14) sts.
Sew shoulder seams. Collar With circular needle, pick
up and k64 (66) sts around neck edge. Beg with a WS
row and working first and last 5 (6) sts after and before
selvage sts as purl sts, work in rib pat for 10¼ (9½
)”/26 (24)cm. Bind off sts as they appear. With circular
needle, beg at right lower edge, pick up and k76 (78)
sts along right front edge to beg of collar, 20 (18) sts
along first half of collar edge, 20 (18) sts along second
half of collar edge. Beg with a WS row, work in St st for
3 rows. On first WS row, p20 (18) collar sts, then inc 1
st for every picked up st by working M1 in horizontal
strand bet each picked up st—192 sts. Bind off all sts.
Work same for left front edge. Fold collar in half to in-
side and sew to neck edge. Sew in zipper. Sew side and
sleeve seams. Sew in sleeves.
1¾ (2)”
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