Cable Sweater.pdf

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F09-B57 Cable Sweater
6 (6½, 7¼)” 1½”
4 (4¼, 4½)”
7¼ (7½, 7½)”
10½ (11¼, 12)”
5¾ (6, 6)”
Chest 48¾ (51½, 54½)”/124 (131, 138)cm
Length 26½ (26¾, 27)”/67.5 (68, 69)cm
Upper arm 18 (18½, 18¾)”/46 (47, 48)cm
Lana Grossa “Bingo” (medium-weight yarn); 100%
extra-fine merino wool; 88yd/80m; 1¾oz/50g
• Color #77 camel: 29¾ (33¼, 35)oz/850 (950,
1000)g; 1496 (1672, 1760)yd/1360 (1520, 1600)m
• Size 8 (5mm) needles
• Size 8 (5mm) circular needles, 16”/40cm and
40”/100cm long
• One set size 8 (5mm) double-pointed needles
Stitch symbol key and general instructions for
reading charts Visit the Pattern Shop page at w- to download Abbrevia-
tions & Symbols.
Rib pat K2, p2.
Main pat Work according to charts A and B. Place
pat as given in instructions. Numbers at bottom of
chart A indicate number of sts to be worked for each
size. Rep rows/rnds 1-32 for both charts.
Special Symbol Key
= rev garter st When working in rows, p every
row; w hen working in rnds, p 1 rnd, k 1 rnd
= 5-st left cable Sl 3 sts to cn and hold
i n f ro nt of work, p2, p3 from cn
= 5-st right cable Sl 2 sts to cn and
hold in back of work, k3, p2 from cn
16 sts and 24 rows = 4”/10cm in rev St st; 22 sts
and 24 rows = 4”/10cm in main pattern.
Worked in one piece to armholes. With longer circular
needle, cast on 192 (208, 224) sts. Join and pm at
beg of rnd to denote left side seam, pm after 96
(104, 112) sts to denote right side seam. Beg with a
k st, work in rib pat for 3”/8cm. Next (inc) rnd K
and inc 44 sts evenly spaced—118 (126, 134) sts
each for front and back. Beg at first marker, place pat
for back as foll: Work * 3 (4, 5) sts St st, 72 (75, 78)
sts to arrow b of chart A, 16 (18, 20) sts bet arrows c
and d, 12 sts of chart B, 12 (13, 14) sts bet arrows c
and f of chart A, 3 (4, 5) sts St st. Rep from * for
front. Work as established for 12½”/32cm. Gusset
inc row Sl first marker, p1, M1r, work to within 1 st
of 2 nd marker, M1r, p1, sl marker, p1, M1r, work to
within 1 st of first marker, M1r, p1—4 gusset sts at
each marker and 116 (124, 132) sts each for front
and back. On next rnd, k gusset sts; on foll rnds,
work gusset sts in rev garter st. Rep gusset inc row
every other rnd 7 times more—18 gusset sts at each
marker. Work as established until gusset measures
2½”/6.5cm. Divide for armholes Sl 18 gusset sts,
116 (124, 132) front sts and 18 gusset sts to holder.
Work on rem 116 (124, 132) back sts back and forth
in rows and in established pat, working first and last
st as selvage st. When armhole measures 6¾ (7,
7½ )”/17.5 (18, 19)cm, shape neck as foll: Work to
center 34 (36, 38) sts, join another ball of yarn, bind
off center 34 (36, 38) sts, work to end. Working both
sides at same time, bind off 3 sts at each neck edge
once, 2 sts once, 1 st once. When back neck mea-
sures 1¼”/3.5cm, bind off rem 35 (38, 41) sts for
each shoulder. Keeping gusset sts on holders, sl 116
(124, 132) front sts from holder to needle and work
back and forth in rows and in established pat, work-
ing first and last st as selvage st. When armhole mea-
sures 5¾ (6, 6¼ )”/14.5 (15, 16)cm, shape neck as
foll: Work to center 30 (32, 34) sts, join another ball
of yarn, bind off center 30 (32, 34) sts, work to end.
Working both sides at same time, bind off 3 sts at
each neck edge once, 2 sts once, 1 st 3 times. When
front measures same length as back to shoulders,
bind off rem 35 (38, 41) sts for each shoulder.
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F09-B57 Cable Sweater page 2
Z \ ] Y
With dpns, cast on 60 sts. Join and pm at beg of rnd.
Beg with a k st, work in rib pat for 3”/8cm. Next
(inc) rnd K and inc 4 (6, 8) sts evenly spaced
around—64 (66, 68) sts. Beg at marker, position pat
as foll: Work 16 (17, 18) sts bet arrows e and g of
chart A, 32 sts bet arrows d and b, 4 (5, 6) sts bet ar-
rows c and g, 12 sts of chart B. Work as established
for 3¼”/8.5cm. Shape sleeve Inc 2 sts on next rnd
as foll: Sl marker, p1f&b, work to within 1 st of mark-
er, p1f&b. Rep inc rnd every foll 8 th rnd 6 times
more—78 (80, 82) sts. Work first 2 inc’d sts in St st,
work following inc’d sts in rev St st. Change to short-
er circular needle as st count increases. When piece
measures 12½”/32cm from rib pat, work gusset inc
row as foll: Sl marker, work 1 st as established, M1r,
work in established pat to within 1 st of marker, M1r,
work 1 st as established. On next rnd, k gusset sts;
on foll rnds, work gusset sts in rev garter st. Rep gus-
set inc row every other rnd 7 times more— 18 gus-
set sts. Work as established until gusset measures
2½”/6.5cm. Sl gusset st to holder. Bind off rem 76
(80, 82) sleeve sts.
Sew shoulder seams. Neck edging With shorter cir-
cular needle and beg at right shoulder seam, pick up
and k52 (54, 56) sts along back neck edge, 64 (66,
68) sts along front neck edge—116 (120, 124) sts.
Work rib pat in rnds for 1¼”/3cm. Bind off all sts as
they appear. Sew in sleeves, easing in as necessary.
Graft gusset sts with Kitchener st.
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