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F08-B60 Tweed Jacket
3½ (4, 4½)”
2 (2 , 2¾)”
7 (7 , 7¾)”
ing 5 buttonholes as foll: On right edge, work first
buttonhole when piece measures 3 (3½, 4)”/8 (9,
10)cm—24 (28, 32) rows; then work 4 more but-
tonholes spaced 3½”/9cm apart. To make but-
tonholes Bind off 3 rd st from edge; on next row,,
work yo over bind-off st from previous row and
knit yo on following row.
With size 9 needles and light blue-grey, cast on 44
(48, 52) sts and work in weave pat. When piece
measures 1½”/4cm, inc 1 st at beg and end of next
row; then every 12 th row 10 times—66 (70, 74) sts.
Work even until piece measures 17¼”/44cm.
Shape cap Bind off 2 (3, 4) sts at beg of next 2
rows; then 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows; then dec 1
st at beg and end of every other row twice; every
4 th row 4 times; every other row 8 times; then
bind off 2 sts at beg of next 6 rows—18 (20, 22)
sts. Bind off rem sts.
With size 9 needles and light blue-grey, cast on 26
sts and work in weave pat for 4”/10cm. Bind off.
Block pieces to measurements. Sew shoulder seams.
Sleeve edging With RS facing, size 4 (3.5mm)
needles and dark blue-grey, pick up and k42 (45,
48) sts. Work ¾”/2cm in garter st. Bind off. Attach
sleeves. Sew sleeve and underarm seams. Front
and neck edging With RS facing, size 4 (3.5mm)
circular needles and dark blue-grey, and starting at
the lower edge of right front, pick up and k88 (90,
92) sts along right front, 40 sts from beg of right
neck shaping to right shoulder seam, 40 sts across
back neck, 40 sts from left shoulder seam to end of
left neck shaping and 88 (90, 92) sts along left
front—296 (300, 304) sts. Work ¾”/2cm in garter
st. Bind off. Lower Edging With RS facing, size 4
(3.5mm) circular needles and dark blue-grey, and
starting at lower edge of left front edging, pick up
and k3 sts from edging, 42 (46, 50) sts from front
bottom of left front, 84 (92, 100) sts from back, 42
(46, 50) sts from bottom of right front and 3 sts
from edging—174 (190, 206) sts. Work ¾”/2cm in
garter st. Bind off. Pocket edging With RS facing,
size 4 (3.5mm) needles and dark blue-grey, pick up
and k26 sts at top of pocket. Work ¾”/2cm in gar-
ter st. Bind off. Sew pockets onto fronts (see sche-
matic for placement). Sew on buttons.
9 (9 , 10¾)”
4½ (4¾, 5 )”
Bust 36 (39½, 43)"/91 (100, 109)cm
Gedifra “Riana” (medium-weight yarn); 50%
wool, 45% acrylic, 5% viscose; 131yd/120m;
• Color #03416 light blue-grey: 12¼ (12¼, 14)
oz/350 (350, 400)g; 917 (917, 1048)yd/840
(840, 960)m
• Color #3193 dark blue-grey: 1¾ (1¾, 1¾)
oz/50(50, 50)g; 131 (131, 131)yd/120 (120,
• US size 4 and 9 (3.5 and 5.5mm) knitting nee-
• US size 4 (3.5mm), 29” or longer circular knit-
ting needles
• 5 buttons
Weave pat—RS Sl 1 pwise wyif, k1. WS Sl 1
pwise wyib, p1.
Garter St K every row.
19 sts and 32 rows = 4”/10cm in weave pat with
size 9 (5.5mm) needles.
Work decs and incs into weave pat throughout.
With size 9 needles and light blue-grey, cast on 86
(94, 102) sts and work in weave pat.
Waist shaping Dec 1 st at each end every 12 th row
4 times; then every 10 th row twice—74 (82, 90) sts.
When piece measures 8¾”/22cm, work 2”/5cm
even. Pm at beg and end of row. Inc 1 st at beg and
end of next RS row, then inc 1 st at each end every
8 th row twice; then every 6 th row 3 times—86 (94,
102) sts. Work even until piece measures
4¾”/12cm from markers. Shape armhole Bind off
3 (4, 4) sts at beg of next 2 rows; then 3 sts at beg
of next 2 rows; 2 sts at beg of next 2 rows; 1 st at
beg of next 2 (4, 8) rows —68 (72, 76) sts. Work
even until armhole measures 7½ (8, 8½)”/19 (20,
21)cm. Shape shoulder and neck Bind off 5 (3,
5) sts at beg of next 2 rows; 3 (4, 4) sts at beg of
next 8 rows, AT SAME TIME, work to center 14 sts,
join a second ball of yarn, bind off center 14 sts,
work to end. Working both sides at once, bind off at
each neck edge 4 sts once; then 3 sts once; 2 sts
once; 1 st once. No sts rem.
With size 9 needles and light blue-grey, cast on 44
(48, 52) sts and work in weave pat. Work side
shaping, armhole shaping and shoulder shaping
on right edge same as for back, AT SAME TIME,
when piece measures 18¼ (18¾, 19¼)”/46 (47,
48)cm, dec 1 st at neck edge on next row; then
every other row 12 times; every 4 th row 5 times.
No sts rem.
Work same as for left front, rev all shaping, work-
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