(Ebook Tutorial - Pdf) Photo-Realistic Textures For Poser Using Photoshop 5.5 - # 2 Body.pdf

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Body Tutorial.PDF
Master Class in
Volume 2 - The Body
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
The Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
The Photo Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Starting the Texture - UVMapper . . . . . . . . . .5
Building the Texture - The Front of the Body .7
Building the Texture - A Word About Noise .18
Building the Texture - Seams . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Building the Texture - The Back of the Body .20
Building the Texture - Head Parts . . . . . . . . .25
Building the Texture - The Hands . . . . . . . . .27
Building the Texture - Finger- and Toenails . .37
Building the Texture - The Feet . . . . . . . . . .39
Building the Texture - The Pubic Area . . . . .41
Thanks! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
copyright 2000, Byron Taylor
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If you’ve used Curious Labs TM ’ Poser ® very much, you realize that a photo-
realistic texture is absolutely necessary to achieve a quality image. There are
several excellent textures of this sort available, but the good ones become over-
used and un-unique. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a high quality
texture of your own. My
Shelly character will be
used as the live model
throughout the tutorial. We
will be building a female
texture for DAZ’s Victoria,
although the building of
textures for DAZ’s Michael
will be touched upon later.
I’m assuming that you’re
familiar with Poser and
Photoshop. If not, there
are several good tutorials
out there for those
So what are we waiting
for? Let’s get started!
Poser ® is a registered trademark of
Curious Labs, Inc. and egi.sys AG. All
other trademarks are property of
their respective owners.
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The Model
Of course, the first decision to make in developing your texture is, what model
are you going to use? Remember that, when developing a Poser texture, the
important feature of the model is the skin. Your model does not have to be
especially attractive, she just has to have good skin for your purposes. I chose
the model for Shelly based on her freckles:) A well-built model is not necessary,
either. As a matter of fact, flat-chested models make developing the body
texture somewhat easier. I will stress this throughout the tutorial: you are not
developing shape, just texture.
So, knowing that, to develop a quality texture, you’ll need to photograph ALL of
your model’s body, how do you approach your potential model? First, examine
your motives - if you’re just doing it to see an attractive woman naked, you’re
bound for failure. I have had great success by showing Poser to my potential
models, and explaining the needs for the texture. When they see Poser, and
realize that it IS Art that you’re doing, it relaxed things. Also, the realization that
their naked photos aren’t going to be plastered all over the internet is a relief.
(This is why Shelly is our live model:)
I’m not going to get into a lot of explanation on Model Releases, compensation,
etc. - that’s all up to you. My models have posed for free, because they see that
it’s quality work that I do.
SO - you’ve got your model and are ready to shoot.
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The Photo Shoot
Full Front
The quality of camera that you use makes all
Full Back
the difference in the world. I prefer a digital
camera, as that negates the need for me to
take the film into a photo lab and have to
(make sure the
hair is pulled out
of the way)
explain to the operator why what they’re
going to see on the pics is NOT pornography.
Of course, the better digital camera you have,
Profile - left and
right (make sure
the hair is pulled
out of the way)
the better your texture will be.
Make sure that everything is ready before
you get together with the model. You’ll need a
space where you can back off from the model
for a full-body shot, and space for your lights.
I use photo-floods, and am not going to get
into a lengthy explanation of how to set them
Under chin and
up, except to say that you need as even
lighting as you can get - shadows are NOT
our friend:) A blank background is nice, too,
but you can live without that. If you can shoot
Legs Front
outdoors on a partially overcast day, maybe
with a couple of diffuse reflectors, this is
really ideal lighting.
Legs Back
The model will need to be shot from ALL
angles, as well as several detail shots. Here
are the shots I use:
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