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		) SUBRIP 1.50  the DVD Subtitles speed ripper (  

               !  PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT Credits.txt OR SubRip  !
               ! About Window  TO CONTACT _CURRENT_ DEVELOPERS !


	This is only a short doc about how to use SubRip...

	INSTALL: Just follow the instructions of installer.
	         (...and you were successful when you read this.)


	  I    - The SubTitles ripping
	  II   - OCR Process
	  III  - Text correction and conversion
	  IV   - Split output text file
	  V    - Time correction
	  VI   - Post OCR correction
	  VII  - Font Styles
	  VIII - Global Options
	  IX   - Ripping SubTitles from video files
	6 - FAQ


		    ~~~~~~~ WHAT IS SUBRIP? ~~~~~~~

	- SubRip is a program that allows you to rip DVD subtitles with
	  their timing as a text file.
	- The goal is to allow you to translate the subtitles in
	  other languages, or just use them as they are.
	- You can also rip subtitles as BMP in the goal of putting them
	  on a SVCD (for viewing on a stand-alone DVD player) or on a
	  homemade DVD.
	- SubRip use an OCR algorithm and I (Brain) spend a lot of time and
	  nights (and Dub's a bit too) coding it for you :) but I learned 
	  a lot of things with this experience.


		   ~~~~~~~ LICENSE AGREEMENT ~~~~~~~

	SubRip is FREEWARE (with sources released under GNU GPL). That means 
	it can be free distributed, copied, burned to CD etc., but only as 
	is in this installation package. It cannot be distributed as part 
	of any other software (without permission), none part of SubRip can 
	be included to any other software.

	Also there is no responsibility for any damage of computer, it may 
	cause. You are running it on your own risk. There is no official 
	support, but we try to respond to all questions (except the stupid 
	ones) you send us - see DEVELOPERS CONTACT section in Credits.txt.


			~~~~~~~	WARNING ~~~~~~~

	- You only have the right to rip subtitles from VOBs
	  or DVD that you have rights on, or for personal use
	  in country that allow private copy (like France).
	- Anyway in those country CSS scrambling is illegal
	  because it lock the possibility of private copy !!!
	- Etc. etc...


		   ~~~~~~~ OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ~~~~~~~

 I - The SubTitles ripping

	1) Rip the VOB and IFO files to your HDD using DVD Decrypter, DeCSS,
	   VobDec or any newest DVD ripper for recent DVDs that can't be
	   ripped with DeCSS. (Some old DVDs are not even scrambled at all
	   and can be used directly. E.g.: The Fifth Element & Stargate R2)

	2) Launch SubRip, click the "VOB" button or select "Open VOB(s)" in
	   the "File" menu. 

	3) Click on "Open IFO", then go to the directory you ripped the
	   files to and select the first IFO file.

	4) If nothing appears in the "Language stream" list, then try 
	   other IFO file.

	5) Select the language stream you want.

	6) Select the action you want.

	7) Reset the "Last time code" if it is not zero.
	   It's only used if you rip in more than session (if your
	   HDD is too small then start the following VOB with this time).

	8) Select the main film VOBs (Generally from the first 1GB VOB
	   to the last one)

	9) Click "Start"

 II - OCR Process

	1) OLD: A "Color selection" window will appear, verify that the
	   text is white on a black background, otherwise change the color.
	   In most cases you'll just have to click "OK" (Auto detection).
	   If it is NOT a text picture that appears ( menu or other ) then
	   click on "Skip pic" until the first subtitle of the DVD appears. 

	2) The OCR will ask you which character(s) it is displaying.

	   You can try to click the "Search for an existing Matrix that match
	   for this Character" button, then to case:

	   - A Matrix containing the same font is found:
		This will avoid you to re-enter all the characters.
		Accept to open, complete it if some character are missed then
		resave the matrix file.

	   - Not any Matrix is found:
		Try on the next Character after typing current one, if still
		not found then do the following:

	   Enter the character(s) you see in the red box. This process will
	   not take-up too much time on most DVDs. Try to be as accurate as
	   possible, for this will result in a better text file. 
	   If you make an error typing the character, click the "Pause"
	   button, then go to "Characters Matrix" menu and click "Edit ..." 
	   Here you are able to correct your error, but you must restart the
	   OCR process at the first VOB to get all of the text recognized right. 

	   If SubRip already has a character that it thinks is close to the
	   current one, it will display it on top of the window, as the "best
	   guess". To use it (including the font style), just press the "Use"
	   button. A new character will be inserted in the character matrix,
	   just as if you typed it manually. You can also have the best guess
	   filled for you by pressing Ctrl-Enter.

	3) Wait until the OCR process has finished. In case some rare characters
	   appear in the middle of the DVD the PC will beep to warn you. 

	4) After the OCR process has finished save the Characters Matrix File,
	   it can be used for other DVD that have same subtitles font -> Select 
	   "Save Character Matrix As" from the "Character Matrix" menu and put
	   it in the proposed directory ('ChMatrix' subdir) to enable Matrix
	   auto detection feature.

	5) If you think you recognize the font that the subtitles use, you can
	   try to generate all the characters automatically, instead of typing
	   them one by one. Press the "Fill Matrix From Text" button. In the
	   window that appears, first type one of the lines of text in the
	   image, then use the buttons to adjust the text position, size and
	   angle so that it overlaps exactly with the text in the image. Try
	   changing the font size and style to improve the match (if you select
	   italics or bold, the styles will also show up in the character 
	   matrix). When done, press "Done" to continue. If the match is not 
	   perfect, or the OCR tolerance is too high, SubRip may not recognize
	   the newly-inserted characters, and just show you a best guess. If it
	   matches, press the "Use" button, and the current character will be
	   introduced in the character matrix.

 III - Text correction and conversion

	1) Go to the Subtitles text window, click the spelling correction button
	   or select "Post OCR Spelling Correction" in the "Corrections" menu.
	   If "l" is confused with "I" (They both look the same for the OCR),
	   check the corresponding box and click "Correct This". This action
	   will correct most of the errors. 

	2) Click the save as button or select "Save as" from the "File" menu to
	   save the text in SubRip's own format (this will allow you to re-open
	   and edit it later). 

	3) Click the output format button or select  "Set Output Format" in the
	   "Output Format" menu and choose the format you want. 

 IV - Split output text file

	1) If you want to divide the original subtitle file into smaller parts
	   to put the movie on multiple CDs, you can use this function: 
		1- Click the split text file button or choose "Split output
		   file" from the "Output Format" menu.
		2- Check the "Split output File" box.
		3- Enter the Start and Stop time for the current file.
		4- Click "OK".
		5- Save file As "Name_xx.???" Where xx is the number of the CD
		   and ??? is the extension depending on the chosen format. 
		6- Repeat step 1 to 5 for each file. (Use the arrow-button to
		   set the last Stop time as Start time).

	   Important Remarks: 
		- The unselected part of the file will be kept until you open
		  another file or quit SubRip. It's recommended to first save
		  the full file in SRT format in case you need to modify it later.
		- The time codes will be corrected depending on the start time
		  (Start time will be deducted from all time codes in the file).

 V - Time Correction

	1) After a subtitle playback, you may want to change the start time
	   (time of the first subtitle) or the speed (global time).
	   !!! Never believe the time at DVD player displays !!! In most
	   cases their timing is wrong (e.g.: 8s/2h slower) especially on R1 DVDs.
	   Use a chronometer to verify it yourself!

	2) If there is really a time issue, launch SubRip and re-open the SRT
	   file. Go to time correction and do the necessary...

 VI - Post OCR correction

	* Try to correct punctuation (?. -> ? ; !. -> ! etc.) and
	  Try to correct "Capital Letters"
	  - do not use it for right-to-left languages
	  - MJQ info: " 'Correct Capital Letters' should be used together 
	              with 'Correct Punctuation' "
	  - some examples to see how it works:

	0:00:18:... test			...test
	0:00:20:Test ...			Test...
	0:00:22:Test...test			Test... test
	0:01:22:Test...test ...			Test... test...
	0:07:32:- ...test|-... test|-...test	...test...
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