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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
5-HT Receptors and
the Neuromodulatory
Control of Spinal
Cord Function
Shawn Hochman, Sandra M. Garraway,
David W. Machacek, and Barbara L. Shay
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
Depression Background
of Spinal Reflexes Background
Reflex Facilitation
of Synaptic Strength in Spinal Neurons
Locomotor Rhythmogenesis Background
and Locomotion
and the Locomotor CPG
have Common Cellular Neuromodulatory Actions Background
ABSTRACT The purpose of this chapter is to present some recent experimental
data obtained in our laboratory that provide new insights and suggest new hypotheses
on the organization of serotonergic systems within the mammalian spinal cord. Our
proposed conceptual framework for understanding 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT;
serotonin) function incorporates the existence of multiple descending serotonergic
systems and multiple spinal serotonin receptor subtypes.
Investigations on the spinal actions of 5-HT can be partitioned into three areas:
sensory mechanisms, motor control, and autonomic function. While there is clearly
a strong descending serotonergic control of spinal autonomic function, 1,2 this will
not be explored here. Studies on 5-HT and sensory mechanisms have focused on
the modulation of nociception, demonstrating the actions of 5-HT and 5-HT receptor-
selective ligands on dorsal horn neurons and on nocisponsive reflexes. 3–7 Studies of
5-HT in motor control have focused on the modifiability of motoneuron function,
particularly with respect to the activation of persistent inward currents, 8–10 as well
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as those concerned with the initiation and modulation of motor behaviors such as
locomotion. 11–17 Motoneurons are relatively easy to target experimentally, and con-
sequently have provided important information on the actions of 5-HT at the cellular
level within the spinal cord. 18–21 However, spinal motoneurons comprise a very small
fraction of the neurons within the spinal cord, and the spinal networks that receive
descending commands and coordinate sensorimotor activities are pre-motoneuronal.
For example, in rats, 5-HT can activate the spinal locomotor circuitry, yet the
mechanism by which 5-HT is capable of recruiting the locomotor central pattern
generator (CPG) is almost completely unknown. Clearly, further insight on 5-HT
function requires study of the actions of 5-HT on spinal neurons engaged in the
control of both segmental and ascending sensorimotor information processing. In
this regard, we can particularly thank the efforts of Jankowska’s 22,23 and Willis’
groups 24–26 for undertaking such studies on identified neuronal populations in vivo .
Physiologically, the spinal actions of 5-HT have been segregated into a modu-
latory depression of sensory input and a facilitation of motor output. These effects
and the activity patterns of serotonergic neurons during various sensory and motor
behaviors have resulted in a heuristic hypothesis on 5-HT and motor control for-
warded by Jacobs and Fornal. 27 They hypothesized that
the primary function of 5-HT neurons is to facilitate motor output … In an ancillary
manner, the system acts to inhibit sensory information processing … When the 5-HT
system is inactivated, these relationships are reversed: motor output is disfacilitated
and sensory information processing is disinhibited.
The appeal of this hypothesis is in its attempt to address the breadth of CNS
behaviors whose activities are related to 5-HT. Accordingly, serotonergic systems
have been shown to exert profound modulatory actions in spinal cord by inhibiting
sensory systems and facilitating motor systems. 28,29 In support of this, descending
serotonergic activity can powerfully inhibit nociceptive information in neurons by
activation of serotonergic 5-HT 1 and 5-HT 3 receptors. 30–32 Conversely, with respect
to motor control, 5-HT is released in spinal cord during locomotion, 14,17 and activa-
tion of spinal cord serotonergic receptors have been reported to initiate and modulate
locomotor patterns 11–13,15,16 and increase motoneuron excitability. 18,19,33
However, it is now clear that 5-HT can have actions that oppose the general
hypothesis forwarded by Jacobs and Fornal, 27 as stimulation of the nucleus reticularis
gigantocellularis has pronociceptive actions that involve serotonergic activity. 34,35
These studies demonstrate that while particular serotonergic systems originating in
the brainstem are responsible for the pro-motor, anti-sensory modulatory responses,
other serotonergic systems perform outside the aforementioned general hypothesis
on 5-HT function.
Given the multiple serotonergic bulbospinal projections described below (3.2.2)
and the many 5-HT receptor subtypes found in the spinal cord (3.2.3 below), it is
likely that no simple hypothesis on the actions of 5-HT in the spinal cord can account
for all the behaviors modulated by 5-HT. Rather, the actions of 5-HT must be
addressed in the context of: (i) the several brainstem regions that project descending
serotonergic fibers to the spinal cord, (ii) the several 5-HT metabotropic receptor
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
subtypes with differing actions on signal transduction, and (iii) the different topo-
graphic distributions of both distinct serotonergic systems and receptor subtypes.
In order to account for the plethora of bulbospinal serotonergic systems and
receptor subtypes, we suggest an alternate perspective on the spinal actions of 5-HT.
The viewpoint taken is that the spinal cord functions in several distinct behavioral
modulatory states. Motor states would include those associated with locomotion,
reflex activity, and posture. Sensory states would include normal, suppressed, and
amplified sensory input states. We propose that each state is regulated by a distinct
bulbospinal modulatory system, and that each serotonergic system exerts a broad
influence on spinal cord function by targeting specific metabotropic receptor sub-
types that alter cellular signal transduction pathways throughout a broad spinal projec-
tion territory. Hence, just as there are several brainstem regions with descending sero-
tonergic projections (see 3.2.2 b elow), so are there several different modulatory states
that 5-HT can regulate in the spinal cord. We forward the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis #1. Behaviourally relevant sensory and motor acts are modulated by
brainstem centers that recruit bulbospinal aminergic systems. Distinct serotonergic
systems in the brainstem reconfigure spinal neural networks into various functional
states. Part of their ability to control separate functional systems is based on the
postsynaptic properties of 5-HT receptor subtypes.
Evidence supporting the existence of 5-HT receptor subtype-selective control
of separate spinal cord sensory and motor states is provided below in 3.3.
Receptor- and voltage-gated channels are dynamically modulated through the
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactions initiated via signal transduction
pathways. 36 5-HT interacts with these systems via numerous metabotropic receptor
subtypes and presumably modifies many membrane channels so that the entire
physiological performance of a cell, as well as its network interactions, can be
reconfigured. 36–38 As distinct metabotropic receptor subtypes alter activity in signal
transduction pathways differently, activation of distinct 5-HT receptors should have
different physiological consequences on spinal cord function.
Hypothesis #2. Metabotropic receptor subtypes that increase phosphorylation reactions
(5-HT 2 , 5-HT 4,6,7 ) are net excitatory and would be found on specific cellular and
synaptic locations that favor facilitated activity while receptor subtypes which inhibit
phosphorylation reactions (5-HT 1 ) are net inhibitory and would be located at synaptic
and cellular regions targeted for depression (see Table 3.1 ). Distinct metabotropic
receptor subtypes are involved in the control of different spinal cord states.
This hypothesis is broadly consistent with the numerous actions of 5-HT in the
CNS 39 and represents a logical extension of the trend observed by Aghajanian et al. 40
regarding the actions of 5-HT 1 and 5-HT 2 receptor subtypes. The notion that different
5-HT receptor subtypes control different behavioral states is not new and has a rich
history in relation to a variety of brain disorders. For example, the 5-HT 1 family of
receptors have been implicated in depression (5-HT 1A ) and migraine (5-HT 1B and
5-HT 1D ), the 5-HT 2 receptors in psychosis (5-HT 2A ), anxiety, feeding, and seizures
(5-HT 2C ), and the 5-HT 3 receptors in emesis. We assert that a similar dissection of
5-HT receptor subtype with distinct functions occurs in the spinal cord.
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
Monoamine Receptor Subtypes and Their Effects
on Signal Transduction Pathways
Effector Coupling
5-HT 4,6,7
5-HT 2A–C
5-HT 1A,B,D,E,F
5-HT 3
β 1–3
α 1A,B,D
α 2A–D
D 1,5
D 2–4
Note : The 5-HT 2C receptor was previously referred to as the 5-HT 1C receptor.
The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide new experimental data obtained
in our laboratory that support the aforementioned hypotheses ( 3.3 ) . However, in
order to permit a broad appreciation of the serotonergic systems in the spinal cord,
we first provide a general review of the bulbospinal serotonergic descending systems
(3.2.1) and the 5-HT receptor subtypes found in the spinal cord ( 3.2.2 ) .
It has been known since the landmark studies of Dahlström and Fuxe 42,43 that the
brainstem contains serotonergic nuclei that project to the spinal cord. These projec-
tions are diffuse and originate from several brainstem monoaminergic nuclei. 42,44
Steinbusch 45 demonstrated that serotonergic fibers extensively innervate the spinal
cord of the rat, with the highest density of innervation found in the ventral horn and
high to medium density found at all levels of the dorsal horn. Similarly, Marlier
et al. 46 reported high to intermediate concentrations of serotonergic fibers innervating
the spinal cord dorsal horn of the rat. Simply stated, serotonergic fibers project
throughout the spinal cord gray matter.
The absence of distinct boundaries between 5-HT-containing neurons within
raphe nuclei and those found in the surrounding reticular formation has led to an
alphanumeric classification of brainstem 5-HT-containing neurons into 9 groups
(B1–B9). 47 B1–B4 cell groups differentiate embryologically from a single caudal
group, while B5–B9 neurons develop from a rostral cell cluster. 48 In rat, 5-HT-
containing neurons of the B1–B4 cell groups possess descending projections to the
spinal cord and contain the following cytoarchitectural regions: raphe pallidus (B1),
caudal ventrolateral medulla (B1), raphe obscurus (B2), raphe magnus (B3), rostral
ventrolateral medulla (B3), lateral paragigantocellularis reticularis (B3), and the
central gray of the medulla oblongata (B4). 47 In addition, it appears that 5-HT-
containing neurons from the B5–B9 cell group have descending projections to the
cervical spinal cord. 49 Thus, the brainstem contains numerous distinct topographic
populations of serotonergic neurons with projections to spinal cord.
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
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