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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
Transformation of
Descending Commands
into Muscle Activity by
Spinal Interneurons in
Behaving Primates
Steve I. Perlmutter and Yifat Prut
Ever since Sherrington’s pioneering experiments led him to conclude that reflexes
were “the unit reaction in nervous integration,” 1 physiologists have conceived of
descending systems recruiting spinal circuitry to produce voluntary movements. This
insight has evolved to the present view that transmission through spinal pathways,
which execute the stereotyped, stimulus-driven motor behaviors referred to as
reflexes, is mutable, dynamically modulated, and under differential control by
supraspinal structures. 2 By using spinal pathways to specify motoneuron activity,
the job of the motor cortices is presumably simplified, and sensory information can
be employed rapidly and “on-the-fly” to guide movements and correct errors.
Sherrington believed spinal reflexes were anatomical and functional elements
that could be isolated and that operate in a highly interactive and combinative manner.
He inferred that cortical systems also take advantage of this organization, and his
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discussion of behavioral control by the cerebral hemispheres (“nervous organs of
control”) is very much in accord with the modern view:
The way in which we ourselves acquire a new skilled movement, the means by which
we get more precision and speed in the use of a tool, the handling of an instrument,
or marksmanship with a weapon, is by a process of learning in which nervous organs
of control modify the activities of reflex centres, themselves already perfected for
other though kindred actions. 1
The development of these ideas originated in the early appreciation of the
flexibility of spinal reflexes, as discussed by Goldstein. 3 He described “reflex rever-
sals” and the dependence of the stretch reflex “on the position of the limb, on the
behavior of the rest of the organism, and on whether or not attention is paid to it.”
The neural substrates for this state-dependence were elucidated in the second half
of the 20th century by elegant, meticulous experiments that revealed the extensive
convergence of information from multiple afferent and descending sources onto indi-
vidual spinal interneurons. 4–7 More recent work has demonstrated that the activation of
particular cutaneous or proprioceptive receptors can produce different motor outputs
during different phases of real or fictive movements, and that the excitability of moto-
neurons and interneurons can be modulated by monoamines and neuropeptides.
Our conceptual framework of spinal function during movement has progressed
significantly as these studies have ascertained the functional organization of spinal
interneurons. 8,9 However, it has been difficult to verify and elaborate these concepts
in action, during natural movements, because of the inaccessibility of spinal circuits
to direct study in awake, behaving animals. Preparations exhibiting fictive behaviors
have enabled the direct investigation of the neural mechanisms of locomotion and
scratching, 10–12 but other types of movement have been studied only in anesthetized
or decerebrate animals, or with indirect measurements of neural activity in moving
animals or human subjects. We believe that information on the properties of spinal
interneurons during normal behaviors is needed to fully explicate the recruitment
and modulation of spinal pathways by descending systems. Accordingly, we have
been recording the activity of spinal neurons during voluntary wrist movements in
monkeys, using techniques developed in the laboratory of Dr. Eberhard Fetz. 13–15
In our initial studies, we have examined the activity of spinal interneurons during,
and in preparation for, normal hand movements, and have compared these results
to data from motor cortex, red nucleus, and peripheral afferents during a similar
task. 15–17 Our efforts to classify interneurons have focused on identifying their output
linkages to motoneurons with spike-triggered averaging of electromyographic activ-
ity (EMG), and we have characterized the distribution of connections from premotor
interneurons to synergistic and antagonistic muscles of the forearm. 18
We believe our experimental technique provides a new approach to studying
spinal control of movements. It enables the direct measurement of the interactions
between descending commands and proprioceptive signals that generate voluntary
muscle activity. This approach complements the extensive data from previous studies
on the wiring and flexibility of spinal pathways. In addition, information on the
properties of spinal interneurons during normal behavior will help interpret data on
© 2001 by CRC Press LLC
descending signals, and advance hypotheses about information processing in supraspi-
nal motor structures. For example, current perspectives on the computational organiza-
tion of the motor system envision cortical commands in terms of abstract features, such
as movement direction referenced to a head- or shoulder-centered coordinate frame. 19,20
The task of completing the transformation into joint- or muscle-centered representations,
patterns of muscle activities that execute the desired movement, is often ascribed to
spinal circuits. We will address this hypothesis in this chapter by summarizing our
results on the features of interneuronal activity that do, and do not, relate to movement
parameters, and on the temporal properties of firing of spinal neurons.
To study the properties of individual spinal cord neurons during voluntary movements,
we have applied classical, chronic recording techniques developed in studies on the
brain during the last 30 to 40 years. These techniques allow us to measure the activity
of single spinal neurons in awake, trained macaque monkeys performing natural behav-
iors. 18 A laminectomy exposes the dura mater overlying three segments in the lower
cervical cord and bone screws are inserted into the lateral masses of the vertebrae
overlying these, and adjacent, segments. A stainless steel chamber with a removable
cap is cemented to the screws with dental acrylic, providing long-term access to the
cord for daily recording sessions. Monkeys exhibit a stiffened posture of the upper back
with this implant, which fuses several vertebrae together, but are otherwise undisturbed
and behave normally. While the monkeys work at trained hand and arm tasks, the head
and spinal column are immobilized by fixing the skull and vertebral implants to the
apparatus. Glass-coated tungsten electrodes are introduced through the dura with a
hydraulic microdrive mounted to the chamber. To date, we have recorded spinal neurons
during single-joint wrist movements, a power grip, and small amplitude, free-form
reaching movements. We are able to maintain stable recordings of single, well-isolated
neurons for more than 30 min if the monkey refrains from making large postural shifts.
At the end of the recording session, the electrode is removed, the chamber is re-sealed,
and the monkey is returned to his home cage as in brain-recording studies.
Our electrodes encounter many spinal neurons with spontaneous and task-related
activity in the awake monkey. We have taken two approaches to classifying these
neurons. First, input and output connectivity can be characterized in the awake
animal using well-developed criteria from earlier studies. Motoneurons and premotor
interneurons produce characteristic post-spike effects in spike-triggered averages of
EMG 21 from arm muscles ( Fig. 8.1 ). Consequently, we simultaneously record the
EMG of multiple forearm muscles and neuron activity. Most interneurons with post-
spike effects in muscles are probably last-order cells, but some may influence
motoneurons through oligosynaptic pathways. 18 Inputs from peripheral afferents can
be identified by responses to electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves or muscles
and by responses to passive displacements of the wrist and mechanical stimulation
of the skin. These techniques provide tests for inputs from large-diameter muscle
and cutaneous afferents. However, in the awake animal inputs from groups I and II,
muscle afferents can be difficult to distinguish, and tests for inputs from high-
threshold group III and IV fibers are not feasible. We have not focused on identifying
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FIGURE 8.1 Spike-triggered averages of EMG for a motoneuron (A) and a spinal premotor
interneuron (B). EMG of multiple forearm muscles was averaged for 15 ms before and 35 ms
after the occurrence of action potentials of well-isolated neurons. Top traces show average
waveform of the action potential (A) or the autocorrelation of firing (B) for the recorded
neurons. Bottom traces show average unrectified (A, except APL rectified) or rectified
(B) EMG aligned on the time of spike occurrence for independently recorded forearm muscles
that were co-active with the neuron. Spike-triggered averages of the motoneuron show a motor
unit action potential in APL (A). Premotor interneuron produced a post-spike facilitation in
FCR, and possibly in PL (B). The short, dashed horizontal line on the spike-triggered average
of FCR shows the mean EMG level during the baseline, pre-spike period (identified by the
short, dashed vertical lines). Post-spike effects that were sustained increases or decreases in
average EMG above or below the baseline mean ± 2 standard deviations (long, dashed
horizontal lines) were considered significant. Note that post-spike effects of cells classified
as motoneurons and premotor interneurons were noticeably different. Cells were classified
as motoneurons only if they also were recorded at an appropriate depth in the cord, had a
low peak firing rate and unidirectional activity (see 8.3 , Interneuronal activity related to the
parameters of movement). Muscles are APL, abductor pollicis longus; EDC, extensor digi-
torum communis; ECR, extensor carpi radialis; ED-2,3, extensor digitorum 2,3; ED-4,5,
extensor digitorum 4,5; FCR, flexor carpi radialis; PT, pronator teres; PL, palmaris longus;
FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris.
descending inputs to interneurons, but this is possible with electrical stimulation of
supraspinal structures, such as the pyramidal tract, motor or sensory cortex, red
nucleus, or reticulospinal centers.
Second, we foresee our studies developing a new classification scheme based
on the response properties of interneurons during normal behavior. Our hope is that
this new classification scheme will augment rather than parallel the well-established
organizational framework developed by previous studies, and that the comparison
of the two will provide new insights into interneuronal function.
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32 trials
33 trials
Time (s)
Time (s)
FIGURE 8.2 C6 premotor interneuron with phasic-tonic activity for extension torques. The
monkey performed isometric, ramp-and-hold flexion (left) and extension (right) torques start-
ing from rest. Torque profiles for all trials are superimposed (bottom). Rasters (middle)
indicate timing of action potentials (small vertical lines) and torque onset (diamonds) in
individual trials (rows). Histograms (top) show the average activity of the neuron. All traces
are aligned on torque onset (time = 0). Average firing rate was 11 sp/s when the monkey
exerted no torque at the wrist (baseline). During extension, the average rate peaked at 71 sp/s
during dynamic torques and then decreased to a steady level of 43 sp/s during the static hold
period; this response was termed phasic-tonic activity. Firing rate decreased during flexion
relative to baseline. The neuron produced a post-spike facilitation in the spike-triggered
average of rectified EMG of one forearm muscle, EDC.
This chapter will discuss primarily data on spinal interneurons recorded in the
C6-T1 segments as monkeys generated isometric or auxotonic (against an elastic
load)flexion and extension torques about the wrist. Torque controlled the position
of a cursor on a CRT screen in front of the animal. The monkey was required to
move the cursor into target boxes displayed on the screen. The position of each box
specified a fixed level of wrist torque in flexion or extension. The monkey received
an applesauce reward when he produced a ramp-and-hold torque that met velocity
and amplitude criteria.
The activity of many C6-T1 interneurons was related to components of the torque
generated during extension and flexion of the wrist. 22 The responses of interneurons
with and without effects on muscle activity, identified by spike-triggered averages
of EMG, were similar. Figure 8.2 shows the activity of a premotor interneuron
recorded in the C6 segment as the monkey generated isometric torques. The neuron
produced a post-spike facilitation of activity in the extensor digitorum communis
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