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Motor Neurobiology of the Spinal Cord
Canine Motor Neuron
Disease: A View from
the Motor Unit
Martin J. Pinter, Timothy C. Cope, Linda C. Cork,
Sherril L. Green, and Mark M. Rich
The motor neuron diseases are a collection of progressive, neurodegenerative dis-
orders. No effective treatments exist for these disorders primarily because underlying
pathological mechanisms are poorly understood. The need for a greater understand-
ing of possible mechanisms has led to the use of several animal models of motor
neuron disease. This chapter considers recent work on one of these models called
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Hereditary Canine Spinal Muscular Atrophy (HCSMA), first identified by Cork and
colleagues. 1,2 General problems and issues associated with human motor neuron
disease are considered first, followed by a review of recent work in HCSMA that
focuses on the functional properties of motor units and how their function is lost
during disease progression.
The most common form of motor neuron disease in humans is amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s disease, named after the famous baseball player.
Most cases of ALS (85 to 90%) appear without a history of family involvement and
are termed sporadic while the remainder are inherited and are called familial ALS
(FALS). Although ALS is viewed by many as the prototypical motor neuron disease,
upper motor neuron involvement (corticospinal) is considered to be a cardinal feature
of the disease. In general, exclusive involvement of motor neuron degeneration
among the motor neuron diseases appears to be rare. 3 Thus, most cases of ALS do
not feature exclusive motor neuron degeneration and so are not disorders of a specific
neuronal cell type. It is clear, however, that motor neurons are particularly vulnerable,
and understanding this vulnerability remains a central focus of research effort.
An intriguing feature of ALS is how the onset of the disorder varies. Approxi-
mately 30% of the cases exhibit the first signs of weakness focally among muscles
innervated by cranial motor neurons (bulbar onset), 20 to 30% of cases show an
onset in distal leg muscles, while about 30% show the first signs in distal hand
muscles. 3 Considerable variance is noted in the balance between upper and lower
motor neuron signs as well. 3 The basis for this variability is not known, but one
possibility is that it is caused by different mechanisms. Other observations, however,
indicate that the differing onset versions all tend to regress to a state that features
common clinical signs if sufficient time for full disease progression occurs. 3 These
observations are more compatible with common underlying mechanisms, while the
variability in the onset and character or rate of progression could indicate the
existence of modifying factors. Several modifying genes have been identified in one
animal version of motor neuron disease. 4 The identification of modifying factors,
whether genetic or environmental, could be of particular importance because they
could, in principle, be used to control at least the progression of the disorder.
One of the most insidious aspects of ALS is that the actual onset of the disease
process occurs well before the victim becomes aware of its existence. Available
estimates indicate that as much as 50% of the original innervation in a muscle is
lost before weakness is first noted. 5,6 The mechanism underlying this phenomenon
is the well-known ability of surviving motor terminals to sprout and reinnervate
nearby denervated muscle fibers. 7 Although this mechanism preserves muscle force,
it also creates uncertainty in distinguishing clinically between loss of innervation
by sprouted motor terminals vs. loss of original innervation. It is thus not surprising
that the mechanisms that cause the initial denervation of muscle and loss of motor
unit function in ALS are not well understood. An understanding of these mechanisms
seems particularly necessary because their operation leads to loss of motor unit
function, the single most necessary problem in motor neuron disease.
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Classically, the role of motor neuron cell death in the loss of motor unit function
has received the most emphasis. In large part, this is due to the relative ease with
which motor neuron cell death can be demonstrated with routine histological exam-
ination of autopsy material. Human autopsy results, however, are dominated by
disease endstage phenomena, and while there is no doubt that cell death explains
the permanent loss of motor units and paralysis of ALS, it remains uncertain whether
cell death actually accounts for the initial loss of motor unit function. The clinical
electrophysiological tests used to diagnose ALS depend on the motor neuron’s ability
to activate muscle fibers 8,9 and can only detect that denervation has occurred. These
methods cannot distinguish between functional denervation that occurs because motor
neurons are dysfunctional and denervation that occurs because motor neurons have died.
These considerations underscore the potential importance of understanding events
that occur before motor neuron cell death. In the clinical literature, there are reports
suggesting that a preliminary phase of motor unit dysfunction occurs in ALS patients.
Several investigators have reported abnormal decrement of motor unit potentials
during repetitive activation, 8,10–12 and in vitro studies indicate that quantal content is
decreased at ALS motor terminals. 13 Some of these findings may reflect the func-
tional properties of immature nerve endings belonging to terminal sprouts, but they
also raise the possibility that motor unit functional failure precedes motor neuron cell
death. Understanding the mechanisms that underlie motor unit failure is particularly
important because this failure is the foundation of weakness in motor neuron disease.
Technical issues and other problems limit the ability to obtain from human
studies a detailed understanding of how motor units fail in motor neuron disease.
Fortunately, a number of animal models of motor neuron disease are available for
study. A common concern, however, is that none of these models exactly replicate
the human disorder. This concern is partly justified because all these models are in
non-primate species which lack the direct (monosynaptic) corticospinal projections
to motor neurons that degenerate in human disease. Nevertheless, these animal
models provide unique opportunities to test ideas about mechanisms that can cause
motor neuron degeneration and dysfunction but cannot be explored at all in human
disease. Animal models have been especially instructive regarding certain forms of
hereditary motor neuron disease and for expanding our understanding of possible
molecular mechanisms. The lack of exact replication of the human disease is perhaps
best viewed as an important constraint that must be considered when generalizing
results obtained from these models to the human disease.
In order to examine mechanism issues in motor neuron disease, we have in recent
years studied an animal model called Hereditary Canine Spinal Muscular Atrophy
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FIGURE 10.1 Muscle locations and grades of spontaneous electromygraphic (EMG) activity
in an HCSMA homozygote. Spontaneous EMG activity recorded in resting muscle reflects
the presence of denervated muscle fibers. This figure illustrates the extent of spontaneous
EMG activity observed in various muscles of an HCSMA homozygote aged about 160 days.
EMG activity was recorded with a standard, bipolar, concentric needle electrode with the
animal maintained under general anesthesia. Spontaneous activity was graded using a standard
clinical rating scale of 0 (no spontaneous activity) to 4 (maximum activity). 57 Denervation
appears first in tail muscles at about 10 weeks of age and spreads in rostral and distal directions
so that distal hindlimb and forelimb muscles do not exhibit signs of denervation until late in
the course of the disease. In the case of ankle extensors, experiments have shown that
significant motor unit dysfunction exists by 160 days despite the absence of spontaneous
EMG activity.
(HCSMA). HCSMA is an inherited disorder of motor neurons that shares features
with human motor neuron disease. 1,14 Genetic studies have shown that HCSMA is
an autosomal dominant disorder. 15 Although the defective gene has not yet been
identified, a recent study 16 has demonstrated that HCSMA is not caused by the
mutations in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene that are responsible for the
human spinal muscular atrophies. 17
Consistent with its autosomal dominant inheritance, disease in HCSMA mani-
fests as two phenotypes. An accelerated phenotype (presumed homozygous) begins
showing weakness about 6 to 8 weeks postnatal with rapid and progressive deteri-
oration that culminates in full tetraparesis by about 6 to 7 months of age. HCSMA
homozygotes do not survive to reach sexual maturity. Homozygotes exhibit a ste-
reotyped spatiotemporal pattern of muscle denervation which is first observed in
caudal tail muscles. Subsequently, denervation spreads in a rostral and distal direc-
tion so that distal hindlimb/forelimb muscles are the last to become involved. An
illustration of the spatial distribution and extent of spontaneous electromygraphic
(EMG) activity caused by muscle denervation is shown in Fig. 10.1 for an HCSMA
homozygote aged 160 days. A more chronic phenotype (presumed heterozygote) begins
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FIGURE 10.2 Motor neuron cell death in an HCSMA heterozygote. Photomicrograph shows
a cross-section of lumbar spinal cord from an HCSMA heterozygote aged 5 years. The solid
line indicates the border between gray and white matter. Note the absence of large motor
neuron cell bodies in the ventral aspect of the spinal gray.
showing weakness at about 8 to 12 months and can survive as long as 7 years. The
development of muscle denervation in heterozygotes occurs over a much more pro-
tracted time course but exhibits essentially the same spatial pattern as homozygotes.
Histological studies of the brain and spinal cord indicate that pathological
involvement in HCSMA is limited to motor neurons. 18 Whether motor neurons are
exclusively involved is not known, however, because of uncertainty about whether
full disease expression is achieved during the time interval over which these animals
can be humanely maintained. More extensive involvement is found, for example, in
ALS patients who are maintained for extended periods by artificial ventilation. 19
This illustrates an important point: Limited observations of progressive disorders,
perhaps even over the natural disease course, may lead to erroneous conclusions
concerning the selectivity of involved neuronal populations.
The pathological features found among motor neurons in HCSMA are similar
to those found in other versions of motor neuron disease. These features include
abnormal neurofilament accumulations in proximal motor axons, motor neuron
chromatolysis, and neuronophagia, all considered evidence of diseased motor neu-
rons. 18 One common feature of motor neuron disease that is not observed in HCSMA
homozygotes during the time they can be studied (up to about 6 months) is extensive
motor neuron cell death. 18 Since weakness progresses to the point of tetraparesis
during this interval, it is apparent that mechanisms other than motor neuron cell
death must mediate the progressive weakness in HCSMA homozygotes. As illus-
trated in Fig. 10.2 , however, loss of motor neurons is observed in heterozygotes thus
demonstrating that motor neuron cell death is a feature of HCSMA. The relative
absence of motor neuron cell death in homozygotes may be related to the accelerated
progression rate of weakness in these animals (particularly among neck and proximal
limb extensor muscle groups, Fig. 10.1 ) which renders them moribund before cell
death has an opportunity to appear. The much longer time period over which het-
erozygotes develop symptoms and weakness (years vs. about 2 to 3 months for
homozygotes) presumably enables a more complete expression of the disorder.
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