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Vol 1 - Issue 1 May 2003
Handcannon: e-zine
The First Unofi cial Warmachine E-Fanzine
brought to you by gamers, for gamers!
This Issue:
Ten Questions:
Matt Wilson
Jason Soles
Big Ass BatRep.:
Khador vs. Cryx
The Harvest
A Walk Upon the Trail
Plus -
Pressganger of the Month
All Warmachines artwork in this pub is copyrighted and owned by Privateer Press and used with permission.
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Welcome to Handcannon
Hey all, welcome to the inaugural issue of Handcannon, the i rst and so far only
IKWARMACHINE E-Fanzine. We hope to be able to i ll at least a few pages of
somewhat useful content every other month, which shouldn’t be too hard to do
with a little help from the awesome wargaming/roleplaying community associ-
ated with IKWARMACHINE and the IronKingdoms D20 campaign setting.
This months contributors:
forsakenZen - YoungWolf7 - Black_Widow
Greedo - BladesoDoom - Osuman13 - Banejack and Fenris
We would like to thank all at Privateer Press for putting out these great games
and this rich fantasy setting and also for allowing us the use of their awesome art-
work, it helps alot and allows us to focus on content, believe you me I can draw
a mean stick i gure but Matt and the boys at PP are gods in comparison, Thanks
- Corbin “forsakenZen“ Cook
P.S. - We need a logo!
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Matt Wilson
Jason Soles
01 - Please state
your name, rank and training
camp designation.
01 - Please state your
name, rank and training camp
Matt Wilson
400 lb. Gorilla
The School of Life
Jason Soles, lead devel-
theory, I am charged with
rules developement, running
playtests, and concepting new
models. In practice I share all
the developement responsibilities with Matt Wilson.
I am also a Rivet Head terrain maker and miniature
painter... And whatever else comes along...
02 - Now that that is over
with, How does it feel to
i nally have PRIME on the shelves and in the hands
of fans?
It’s over? Actually, it feels great. It’s the most dif-
i cult project I’ve ever been involved with, and truly,
I thought it might never end. But so far, the response
appears to be fantastic, and that’s really the most we
could hope for.
02 - Now that that is over with, How does it feel to
i nally have PRIME on the shelves and in the hands of
I feel great. In fact I can barely contain my excite-
ment. We all have a fair bit of our lives tied up in that
book and I am incredibly proud of it. All I could say
was, “Damn!”
03 - Is there anything you would change about the
process of getting the game out now that you can look
back upon it?
Under the circumstances that we were working under,
no. A great deal of strategy went in to how to bring
this product to market. What appear to the outside as
delays were often strategic moves. We avoided bring-
ing the game out at times when it would be obscured
by larger releases, and we made sure that we built
our line out far enough that it could be continually
supported without gaps in the schedule. I suppose the
only thing that we would have done differently, if I
could have looked into the future, is produced more.
For the last 18 months, we received a lot of resistance
to the idea of a new miniatures game, and as a start
up company, we had to take this under consideration
and estimate our production runs conservatively. As
it happened, we exceed the expectations of everyone,
including our own, and that has made our production
schedule a little bumpy.
03 - Is there anything you would change about the
process of getting the game out now that you can look
back upon it?
What a loaded question... Sure. Hindsight is 20-20
and all that. We learned plenty that will help us as we
continue to shape the game. The biggest problem we
had was the failure to accurately gauge demand... All
and all not too bad as problems go. Hope you didn’t
expect too much more of a reply.
04 - Do you feel that Privateer Press has grown as a
company and or family since its’ inception?
While I haven’t been around since the inception, I
have been arond since August and I have nothing but
respect and admiration for everyone that makes up
Privateer Press. We’ve been ‘in the trenches’, so to
speak, for awhile now and have come to rely upon
each others strengths and capabilities.
04 - Do you feel that Privateer Press has grown as a
company and or family since its’ inception?
Absolutely! We started with three guys‹ a writer and
two artists. Now...well, take a look at the credits list in
PRIME! Not everyone there is a full time contributor,
but they were all involved in some fashion. And there
are more guys working on other Privateer products,
like the RPGs, that don’t even show up there. The
core of the company is now about a dozen people,
05 - What’s the single best part of your job at Priva-
The best part is getting to work with some of the
most creative people I have ever met. I am continu-
ally amazed by the talent we have pooled. ...Oh...
And getting paid to write games about steam powered
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Matt cont...
Jason cont...
with several other regular contributors, and quite a bit
of part time help.
automatons tearing each other to bits...
06 - Which of the initial four factions is your favorite?
05 - What’s the single best part of your job at Priva-
That’s a tough call and really depends on my mood.
Most likely my favorite is Khador. It is a deceptively
difi cult faction to play and has a considerable num-
ber of dirty tricks up its sleave... With the capacity to
inl ict damge totals stretching easily into the 30s...
Answering email interviews, of course. But the second
best part is...well...I got make my dream-game. If you
could design a game, create the designs for the minia-
tures, and then employ a world class group of sculp-
tors (including the legendary Mike McVey) to sculpt
everything you imagine, how would you feel? Really,
I can’t think of anything cooler.
07 - Where there any units/models you would have
liked to see make the initial release that didn’t?
06 - Which of the initial four factions is your favorite?
Digging huh? There is a lot of stuff for Menoth I re-
ally wish we had room for... Some dark and terrible
things... There are also some great warcasters on the
way for Khador that we had to postpone for space rea-
sons. It’s too early to say much more at the moment.
This is such a tough question for me because I de-
signed all of them, so at some point while I was work-
ing on them, each one has been my favorite. However,
for play, I’d say I am usually a Cygnar player. I’m
not sure if I’ve defaulted to that or if I really am more
attracted to them. I think because they are the bar
against which all things are measured, they seem to
appeal to me.
08 - Describe the reception Privateer has received from
convention goers and staff.
I am always blown away by our reception. We have
a great time at shows. It is always good to hear what
people have to say about our work and they aren’t shy
at conventions. Meeting new people is one of the best
parts of the job.
07 - Where there any units/models you would have
liked to see make the initial release that didn’t?
There are some really kick
ass models that we held
over for our next cycle. Se-
riously, we had enough ma-
terial to double the size of
PRIME, but it would have
taken a great deal longer to
i nish a book that size. We
have concepts for new war-
casters that will blow your
collective minds. There
are troops coming that will
add new dimensions to the
game, and of course, there
is a host of new warjacks.
I’m not disappointed that
these didn’t make it into
PRIME, but I am really
looking forward to the next
installment of WARMA-
09 - Besides Warma-
chine, What is your
second favorite game to
chine, What is your
second favorite game to
chine, What is your
I’m a big fan of Pagan
Publishing’s ‘Hills
I ’m a big fan of Pa gan
Publishing’s ‘Hills
Rise Wild’ board game.
Rise Wild’ board game .
The best shoot-em-up-
The best shoot-em-up-
hillbilly-mutant game
ever. The last roleplay-
hillbilly-mutant game
e ver. The last roleplay-
ing game I played was
i ng game I played was
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
Nightfall G ames’ ‘SLA
10 - Where do you see
Privateer in the industry
10 - Where do you see
Privateer in the industry
in the next year?
in the next year?
We will continue to
to the masses along
We will continue to
to the masses along
08 - Describe the recep-
tion Privateer has received
from convention goers and
to the masses along
to the masses along
with greater numbers of
with greater numbers of
Iron Kingdoms role-
Iron Kingdoms role-
playing books. We have
playing books. We have
In general, it’s great.
People are very generous
with their praise of the
products, and we never tire
of hearing it. We always
try and keep a level head
so that we don’t overlook
mistakes‹they happen‹ but
there isn’t much that is better than seeing a group of
people standing around a table enjoying the product of
your labors.
a lot of plans for the
a lot of plans for the
future that I cannot wait
future that I cannot wait
to see come to light.
There is plenty more on
to see come to light.
There is plenty more on
the way!
the way!
That’s 10 questi ons, so
I’m signing off.
That’s 10 questions, so
I’m signing off.
That’s 10 questions, so
Cont. on page 8...
Jason Soles
Lead Developer
WARMACHINE - Privateer Press
09 - Besides Warma-
chine, What is your
second favorite game to
chine, What is your
second favorite game to
chine, What is your
second favorite game to
second favorite game to
second favorite game to
second favorite game to
I’m a big fan of Pagan
Publishing’s ‘Hills
I’m a big fan of Pagan
I’m a big fan of Pagan
Publishing’s ‘Hills
I’m a big fan of Pagan
Publishing’s ‘Hills
Rise Wild’ board game.
Publishing’s ‘Hills
Publishing’s ‘Hills
Rise Wild’ board game.
Publishing’s ‘Hills
Rise Wild’ board game.
The best shoot-em-up-
Rise Wild’ board game.
Rise Wild’ board game.
The best shoot-em-up-
Rise Wild’ board game.
The best shoot-em-up-
The best shoot-em-up-
The best shoot-em-up-
The best shoot-em-up-
hillbilly-mutant game
ever. The last roleplay-
hillbilly-mutant game
hillbilly-mutant game
ever. The last roleplay-
hillbilly-mutant game
ever. The last roleplay-
ing game I played was
ever. The last roleplay-
ever. The last roleplay-
ing game I played was
ever. The last roleplay-
ing game I played was
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
ing game I played was
ing game I played was
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
ing game I played was
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
Nightfall Games’ ‘SLA
10 - Where do you see
Privateer in the industry
10 - Where do you see
Privateer in the industry
in the next year?
Privateer in the industry
Privateer in the industry
in the next year?
Privateer in the industry
to the masses along
with greater numbers of
to the masses along
to the masses along
with greater numbers of
to the masses along
with greater numbers of
Iron Kingdoms role-
with greater numbers of
with greater numbers of
Iron Kingdoms role-
with greater numbers of
Iron Kingdoms role-
playing books. We have
Iron Kingdoms role-
Iron Kingdoms role-
playing books. We have
Iron Kingdoms role-
playing books. We have
a lot of plans for the
playing books. We have
playing books. We have
a lot of plans for the
playing books. We have
a lot of plans for the
future that I cannot wait
a lot of plans for the
a lot of plans for the
future that I cannot wait
a lot of plans for the
to see come to light.
There is plenty more on
to see come to light.
to see come to light.
There is plenty more on
to see come to light.
There is plenty more on
the way!
There is plenty more on
There is plenty more on
the way!
There is plenty more on
That’s 10 questions, so
I’m signing off.
That’s 10 questions, so
I’m signing off.
That’s 10 questions, so
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Y our Cryxian force is trying to gain a small beachhead on the mainland for an upcoming large-
scale attack. You have brought only a couple of warjacks and one necro-tech to keep a smaller
proi le but you will need more forces to maintain your control of this area. There is a small village
a short distance away. Your necro-tech has reminded you that villager bodies will make i ne scrap
thralls. Your course of action is clear.
The board is a standard board with a small village in the
center. The village may consist of as many buildings as
the players like. The defending player will deploy his
warband and 13 villagers somewhere inside the coni nes
of the village. After the defender has deployed his forces
the attacker may deploy, with his i gures touching a table
edge, and go i rst.
Special rules:
The defender’s goal is to get the villagers to safety off a board edge. It doesn’t matter which board
edge they go off, any one will do.
The villagers have stats as follows:
4 - - - 10 10 6 -
The villagers aren’t able to attack the raiding warband (although now I have visions of The Seven
Samurai l oating around my head) but will be under the control of the defender to move as he sees
i t.
Finally, although the villagers will be used for scrap thralls in the future, your necro-tech will
require a bit more time than usual to prepare the bodies for use. You may not use villager bodies to
make scrap thralls in this scenario.
Win conditions:
There are two goals for either side of this scenario. One side is saving or killing the villagers. If
the defender is able to get over half of the villagers off the board it counts as a minor victory. If the
attacker kills over half the villagers it counts as a minor victory. The second goal is the demise of
the opposing warcaster. However, a dead warcaster does not necessarily mean the end of the game.
If your warcaster dies you may i ght on but you will have to resort to the basic cortex functioning
without any use of focus. If either player is able to accomplish their primary goal and kill the
opposing warcaster as well it counts as a major victory. If they accomplish their primary goal but
lose their warcaster in the process it is a tie.
Final notes:
This scenario can be played using non-Cryxian factions as well. It wouldn’t be hard to imagine the
Protectorate of Menoth deciding that a local village must be destroyed for its lack of reverence to
the Church of Menoth. Perhaps the attacking group (regardless of faction) believes that the village
is in fact a Cryx base of operations for the future assault. Whether of not this is true is up to the
Scenario: The Harvest
or “Won’t someone please think of the children!”
by Greedo
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