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The Silver Box.indd
“Iron Kingdoms” © Privateer Press
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By: Jason Sonia
A special thanks goes out to...
Privateer Press for creating and sharing a world we all love to wage war for.
The crew of Buccaneer Bass (Ralph, Koen, Steven, and Tom) for putting together a great site, giving me some
seriously critical feedback, and being a cool team to work with. Oh, and for giving us a talking fish.
Rising Pheonix Games of New Orleans (for introducing me to the Iron Kingdoms)
Playtesters and readers: Marty, Keith, Scott, Adam, Jim, Melissa, Mike, Hunter, and Ralph.
..and a very special thanks to Melissa M. for being supportive and patient while I worked strange hours on this
little ‘project’.
Story and layout by: Jason Sonia (
Editing: Jason Sonia, Ralph Kelleners, and Melissa Manuel.
Exterior Art: Jason Sonia
Interior Art: Jason Sonia
Mapping: Jason Sonia
Playtesting: BuccaneerBass, Rising Phoenix
The Buccaneer Bass Disclaimer!!!
“Privateer Press”, “Iron Kingdoms”, “The Witchfire Trilogy”, “WARMACHINE, Warcaster, Warjack, Cygnar,
Khador, Cryx, Menoth, Protectorate Of Menoth, Protectorate, Five-Fingers, Emerald District, The Smok-
ing Gobber, House Mateu, Full-Metal Fantasy, Steam Powered Miniatures Combat”, and all other character
names, their distinctive likenesses, and faction symbols are property of Privateer Press, Inc. and C 2000-2006
Privateer Press. Art copyright Privateer Press, used by permission. “d20 System,” the d20 System logo, and
“Dungeons & Dragons” are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used with permission. This
product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely
coincidental. No animals were hurt during the making. All models over 18 years of age. No anchovies unless
otherwise specified. Rawk like an Egyptian!
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the
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Tom Tabruyn. All rights reserved.Monsternomicon,
Vol.1 v3.5 Copyright 2005, Privateer Press, Inc. All
rights reserved.Full-Metal Fantasy Volume I: Iron
Kingdoms Character Guide Copyright 2004, Privateer
Press, Inc. All rights reserved.Full-Metal Fantasy Vol-
ume II: Iron Kingdoms World Guide Copyright 2006,
Privateer Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
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About Five Fingers: Port of Deceit
This adventure was originally written in early
2005, long before “Five Fingers: Port of Deceit” was
released to the public. Accordingly, some of the loca-
tions (like “The Smoking Gobber”), names, and peo-
ple mentioned in this adventure may not corellate with
those now in print. Where ever possible, I’ve tried to
match the text, descriptions, and so on to that of the
most recent material to ensure a sense of continuity.
However, as many people know, I’m not perfect! So, if
you happen to find something that doesn’t fit with the
feel of your campaign or printed material you’re using
...please feel free to change it!
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy
of this License with every copy of the Open Game
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11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You
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then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
~Jaye, August 2006
13. Termination: This License will terminate automati-
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License
is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it en-
15. COPYRIGHT NOTICEOpen Game License v 1.0a
Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System
Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards
of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, Da-
vid Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D.
Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.Jack of
All Sides Copyright 2006, Buccaneer Bass; Authors
Koen Goorickx, Ralph Kelleners, Steven Kees and
This should cover the legal stuff.
Don’t sue me.
With Khadoran forces entrenched within the once proud nation of Llael and Cygnar pressed to defend
her own borders, the forces that once policed these proud nations have all but disappeared. Even in Ord, who
has yet to act in the war that is rapidly sweeping Immoren, the roads have become a dangerous place to be
caught unprotected. With war nearly on all fronts, the Mercarian League and the Mateu Merchant Houses’
rivalry has reached all new heights. This competition has prompted both parties to secure Letters of Marque
from Cygnar, thrusting them into a battle for many of the trade routes used throughout western Immoren. In
doing so, both parties have taken to raiding one another’s vessels and have recently discovered a dangerous
Cryxian item in the process...
“The Silver Box” is an adventure designed for 4-6 characters ranging from levels 4-5, with a total party level
equal to about twenty-five levels. While this adventure was written specifically with Privateer Press’s ™ Iron
Kingdoms © setting in mind, it may easily be adapted to any setting with little work.
Adventure Background:
Box. Having received his orders, Brock began to do
his own research and discovered that the item was to
be shipped to Tarna. He then hired the “Blackwood
Adventuring Company” to intercept it with instruc-
tions to bring it to him afterward.
Brock, ever the fan of intrigue, discovered
among the “Blackwood Adventuring Company” an
ambitious young wizard named Jeriko whom ex-
pressed interest in one day running the band of merce-
naries. Using this information, Brock convinced Jeriko
to secure the box and then betray his friends (and laid
out the plans that would later result in the ambush
at the cave). Having summoned a Mechanithrall to
kill all of the senior members of the gang, Brock and
Jeriko fled back to Five Fingers to await the arrival of
Captain Redcrowe and their due rewards...
In the spring of 605, a Mercarian League
trading vessel known as the ‘Moon’s Reprieve’ came
under fire off the coast of southern Cygnar from a pri-
vateer believed to be aligned with the Mateu Merchant
House. After a brief but one-sided battle, the crew of
the ‘Sea’s Dawn’ boarded the ‘Moon’s Reprieve’ and
made off with most of her cargo. Among the booty,
Captain Douglas Nightengard secured a chest full of
items the captain of the ‘Moon’s Reprieve’ claimed
she had discovered floating adrift north of the Scharde
Islands. These items proved to strike the captain’s
fancy, and he placed them under lock and key until
he reached port (Dockgrav) in Five Fingers. Once
the ‘Sea’s Dawn’ made port in Five Fingers, Captain
Douglas Nightengard selected several items from the
chest to be gifted to the Mateu Merchant House as a
tribute. Among these items, the very curious ‘Silver
Box’ passed into the hands of Lady Ashley Mateu,
where it has remained until liberated by a recent bandit
Unbeknownst to Lady Ashley Mateu, the Mer-
carian League was recently contacted by a ‘mysterious
noble’ from southern Cygnar who claimed to own the
cargo picked up by the ‘Moon’s Reprieve’. After this
gentleman Lord Nameth (who is secretly an Iron Lich
Lord) made a sizable donation to the League’s cof-
fers, it quickly informed him that the items had been
claimed by the privateer Captain Douglas Nightengard
and were likely being sold off in Five Fingers. Lord
Nameth quickly contacted an agent named Brock in
Five Fingers and ordered him to retrieve the Silver
Adventure Synopsis:
This adventure commences as the PCs, who
are traveling to or from the city of Five Fingers,
encounter a group of bandits who are holding up a
noble’s carriage. The PCs are drawn into the conflict
when it becomes evident that the bandits plan on ex-
ecuting the helpless nobles and any witnesses while a
portion of their party escapes with the goods. With her
coachmen dead, the noble woman and her lover im-
plore the PCs to recover the items. The PCs then track
the bandits back to a cave, only to find the group dead
in their own lair, the box and items missing. After sev-
eral encounters in the cave complex, the PCs discover
several clues that lead them by river or horse to Five
Fingers looking for the box (and those who made off
with it).
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