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{133}{190}"Make a wish, Priya.|- What?"
{223}{265}Just like that
{349}{406}"May you always be happy|in life, Priya"
{467}{565}"May you never have to say,|If only in life..."
{590}{639}like the hero of my story said
{751}{838}May you have everything|your heart desires
{943}{1037}"Remember, Priya. There will be|a man in the world somewhere..."
{1045}{1093}who will be very happy...
{1189}{1237}because you are happy
{1303}{1361}"That's it, that's all"
{1597}{1645}Don't ask me to come in
{1694}{1741}I won't be able to refuse you
{1791}{1838}Nor will I be able|to go in
{1933}{2024}"C'mon, Priya didi... c'mon!"
{3727}{3775}Very fine. Congratulations|on your daughter's engagement
{3781}{3824}"Thank you.|- Where's she, by the way?"
{3829}{3885}Where is she?|- She'll be here any moment
{4029}{4077}She's not ready yet?|- She's a girl
{4093}{4141}It takes time for them|to get ready
{4280}{4328}"I know I don't|stand a chance, Priya"
{4333}{4381}"But I don't want to say|If only all my life"
{4391}{4481}"I tried to make you see reason, Raj...|- I see reason, Priya. I see it"
{4497}{4549}But my heart won't
{4617}{4665}"A stranger in an alien land|understands my feelings..."
{4695}{4760}"but the one who must understand,|won't understand"
{4769}{4822}"Priya, I have decided.|- What?"
{4832}{4880}"After our marriage,|I'll cook one meal for us"
{4888}{4957}I'll look after the kids too
{5384}{5474}"Remember, there will be someone|happy somewhere in the world..."
{5499}{5542}because you are happy
{6277}{6356}"Papa, I have something|to tell you"
{7309}{7357}"What is happening, grandma?"
{7399}{7457}Why have you to think so much?
{7471}{7525}"You're not going to|do as she says, will you?"
{7566}{7659}Priya's marrying Sameer|and Sameer alone
{7687}{7750}"Auntie, Priya won't be|happy with the marriage"
{7758}{7834}And I understand that pretty well.|- But Sameer...
{7842}{7985}"No, I don't want our marriage|to be based on a compromise"
{8095}{8153}"Sameer, I came here|for the engagement"
{8173}{8269}But how was I to know that|all this would happen on the way?
{8408}{8479}"I understand, Priya.|- You understand nothing, Sameer"
{8502}{8584}And why are you quiet?|You are the bride's father
{8599}{8633}Say something
{8815}{8941}"My child, are you sure he's a nice|boy and that he'll keep you happy?"
{8986}{9037}Yes.|- Why don't you meet him?
{9050}{9128}What's gotten into all of you?|You even want to meet him now?
{9154}{9221}What's wrong in meeting him?|- He must be in the plane by now.
{9229}{9277}He left four hours ago
{9299}{9363}"No, aunt. He mustn't have gone away"
{9392}{9511}"Papa, if I know him well,|he must still be waiting for me"
{9638}{9738}May I and stop Raj? Please?
{12762}{12813}"Yours must be the first step|in our house, Priya"
{12895}{12938}What happened?|- One second
{12947}{12986}I'll go in for a while
{13013}{13058}Something important to do...|I'll be back soon
{13066}{13137}"Don't worry. I'll take you in.|I've married you, after all"
{13145}{13176}One minute
{13519}{13597}"I'm coming in, Raj.|- Wait..."
{13712}{13770}Let no one say that we didn't|complete the rituals
{13788}{13861}"It's actually meant to be done|by my mother, but right now..."
{14215}{14245}Red ink
{14262}{14306}Let me do it
{14552}{14600}This is also meant to be done|by someone elderly...
{14605}{14661}"but since I'm doing everything,|this one too..."
{14728}{14870}Now for this ritual.|I don't know who performs it...
{14887}{14943}but it's performed all right.|I know that
{15061}{15105}May I come over?|- Please
{15113}{15173}But mind your step.|Don't slip on the talcum powder
{15874}{15951}"Priya, this is our house"
{16352}{16381}It's nice
{16547}{16586}"You're already up, Raj?"
{16615}{16659}I didn't go to sleep all night
{16667}{16733}And I never got better sleep|than this
{16783}{16885}"What are you wearing, Raj?|- This is Allah Mian"
{16903}{16942}Allah Mian?|- God
{16951}{17009}You know Salim?|His mother gave it to me
{17023}{17175}"Know what? Whatever I ask Him for,|He gives it to me"
{17199}{17247}Like you. I have you
{17287}{17389}"You always carry Him with you?|- Yes, He's always with me"
{17455}{17528}I feel incomplete without Him
{17575}{17618}Won't you even give Him to me?
{17701}{17733}One moment
{17845}{17949}"God, if something|ever happens to me..."
{17984}{18025}if I'm no more...
{18061}{18109}do look after my Priya
{18131}{18189}Because even she doesn't know|how much I love her
{18229}{18349}I love Priya very very much
{18518}{18596}We'll always remain together Raj
{18992}{19074}I didn't find a love story|like this even in fairytales
{19166}{19237}"Sorry guys, I'm late.|I'm sick of this traffic"
{19261}{19333}"I told you, you're never on time.|And they..."
{19472}{19538}"Salim, this is my fiancee Sheetal"
{19568}{19640}"This is Salim and that|is his wife, Farah"
{19657}{19733}We got stuck in the traffic...|- I told him
{19741}{19829}"No, it isn't about that. Actually,|while waiting for you..."
{19837}{19901}I heard a wonderful love story.|- Which one?
{19909}{19957}Raj and Priya's love-story
{20077}{20141}I'd like to meet|Raj and Priya some day
{20149}{20185}Oh certainly
{20194}{20265}"You're very lucky, Sheetal.|- How come?"
{20274}{20384}Because today is the first wedding|anniversary of Raj and Priya!
{20527}{20581}It's their surprise party|we're going to today
{20638}{20710}Sonofagun! Couldn't you tell me|that over the phone?
{20719}{20782}"If I told you, the surprise|wouldn't be a surprise anymore"
{20791}{20850}"Let's go, we're getting late.|- But where is the party?"
{20858}{20929}On the terrace of their building.|C'mon
{20988}{21019}"Come, come..."
{21055}{21165}"Manubhai, why have you brought us here?|- Don't ask, just see what I've done"
{21174}{21237}Now look...|- What will I look at in the darkness?
{21270}{21309}What's here anyway?
{21541}{21589}"I'm Sheetal, Deepak's fiance!"
{21639}{21718}"When they told me about your|love story, I couldn't believe..."
{21726}{21789}that someone could have a romance|like yours in our times!
{21973}{22040}"Manubhai, this surprise party|is great fun!"
{22261}{22304}"Quiet, quiet!"
{22323}{22373}"For two hours, this is what|we were talking about..."
{22381}{22470}"and you want to fight even here!|- Not me, Raj. You want to fight"
{22477}{22558}Priya! You've changed so much|in the past one year
{22568}{22632}You are the one who has changed?|- Have I?
{22640}{22693}You're fighting with me|on our first wedding anniversary...
{22701}{22757}and you say I've changed?|- Do you think I like fighting...
{22765}{22865}with you on our first anniversary?|But you're not the man I got married to!
{22927}{22974}You married the wrong man!
{22981}{23029}Just leave me then!
{23262}{23310}At least sweeten|each other's tongue first
{23454}{23504}Your turn. Come on!
{24170}{24224}Looks like the lady isn't|in a nice mood this morning
{24236}{24298}You were even late in coming.|Is everything all right?
{24308}{24373}I didn't sleep well last night.|- No? That's nice
{24382}{24433}Were you thinking about me?|- No
{24458}{24516}I was thinking what a huge|nuisance marriage is
{24524}{24572}What does it mean?|- Problem if you marry...
{24577}{24635}problem if you don't.|- What makes you say that?
{24643}{24713}Look at Raj and Priya. It was|supposed to be a great love affair
{24721}{24772}"But what happened?|- Yes, what happened?"
{24788}{24855}Hold on... are you talking|about last night?
{24913}{24972}Every man and wife have|their share of problems
{24980}{25028}That doesn't mean they aren't|happy with each other
{25034}{25100}I know Raj.|He loves Priya very much
{25108}{25173}Loving your wife doesn't|make you a very nice husband
{25181}{25268}"Really? The way you talk, it seems as|if you've done a Phd on marriages"
{25276}{25308}What?|- You haven't said this...
{25313}{25356}"to anyone else, have you?|- No"
{25363}{25450}And please don't!|People will laugh at you
{25460}{25522}Raj and Priya love|each other very much
{25911}{26001}Raj is always late. He knows|Priya doesn't like it at all
{26247}{26321}Your son-in-law hasn't arrived yet?|- What can I do?
{26329}{26417}I asked him before holding a ritual|for their peaceful future
{26425}{26524}But the boys nowadays...!|- Praise the Lord!
{26611}{26655}His phone's not working
{26756}{26815}See your friend?|He's still missing
{26826}{26910}"He's late, but I'm sure|he'll come"
{27025}{27140}"My child, the ritual is over|and your husband hasn't arrived?"
{27148}{27228}He has already left the office.|He should be here any moment
{27236}{27308}It was necessary for both of you|to be present at this ritual
{27337}{27389}The auspicious hour has|passed already
{27404}{27463}We can't wait anymore
{27577}{27639}All right. You may do|as you think fit
{27667}{27810}We will now pray to God|to bless you both
{28078}{28185}This spinach looks delicious.|And the chickpeas smell great
{28194}{28259}Nobody makes chickpea|like you do... enough
{28294}{28337}Sit... down
{28393}{28493}"How will this do, Priya?|I've said sorry, sought forgiveness"
{28506}{28556}It's all over...|at least talk to me now
{28562}{28633}How will it do if you don't talk?
{28706}{28807}"All right. If you're not eating|with me, I'm not eating too"
{28921}{29027}"Priya, talk to me! I told you,|I made a mistake. I'm sorry!"
{29035}{29113}"You say sorry, but how about the|ritual aunt Anna held for us?"
{29121}{29169}Do you realise how|insulted I felt?
{29233}{29323}I was coming any way.|But Mr Malhotra showed up
{29331}{29393}And you know how important|Mr Malhotra is for our business
{29401}{29449}I know how important|your business is!
{29457}{29522}Where was your business when you|followed me all the way to Greece?
{29541}{29618}It had to do with love then.|- With love?
{29626}{29681}So where is your love now?|- But we're ...
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