The Ultimate Chess Strategy Book volume 1 - Alfonso Romero & Amador Gonzalez de la Nava.pdf

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The Ultimate Chess
Strategy Book
Volume 1
Alfonso Romero and
Amador Gonzalez de la Nava
First published in the UK by Gambit Publications Ltd 2008
Copyright © Alfonso Romero and Amador Gonzalez de la Nava 2008
The right of Alfonso Romero and Amador Gonzalez de la Nava to be identiied as the authors of
this work has been ass erted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. This book issoldsubject tothe condition that itshall not, by way of trade or
otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form ofbinding or cover other
than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being
imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
ISBN-13: 97 8-1-904600-84-8
ISBN- lO: 1-904600-84-0
Worldwide (except USA): Central Books Ltd, 99 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN, England.
Tel +44 (0)20 8986 4854 Fax +44 (0)20 8533 5821. E-mail: orders@Centralbooks .com
Gambit Publications Ltd, 99 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN, England.
E-mail: info@ gambitbooks .com
Webs ite (regularly updated):
Edited by Graham Burgess
Typeset by John Nunn
Cover image by Wolf Morrow
Printed in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press , Trowbridge, Wilts.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gambit Publications Ltd
Managing Director: Muray Chandler GM
Chess Director: Dr John Nunn GM
Editorial Director: Graham Burgess FM
German Editor: Petra Nunn WF M
We bmaster: Dr Helen Milligan WFM
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Foreword by Veselin Topalov
Tests 1-90
Index of Players
Index of Openings
6 8
2 07
+ check
++ double check
# checkmate
" brilliant move
good move
1) interesting move
)1 dubious move
? bad move
'),) blunder
+- White is winning
± White is much better
; White is slightly better
the position is equal
= Black is slightly better
= Black is much better
-+ Black is winning
Ch championship
Cht team championship
Wch world championship
Wcht world team championship
Ech European championship
Echt European team championship
Ct Candidates event
IZ interzonal
Z zonal
ECC European Clubs Cup
OL olympiad
jr junior event
tt team event
1-0 the game ends in a win for White
12_12 the game ends in a draw
0-1 thc game ends in a win for Black
(n) nth match game
(D) see next diagram
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