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A Creature Emerges from a Forest... Speed Painting
Welcome to our new Speed Painting section of
the Mag. We wil be asking 2 artists to produce a
speed painting based on a simple one-line brief.
Here we will feature the inal paintings and the
overview of the creation processes. This month
Carlos Cabrera and Mike Corriero tackle:
“A Scary Animal Emerges
from a Forest...”
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Speed Painting A Creature Emerges from a Forest...
Created In:
Adobe Photoshop 7
Sketch and Base colour
I opened a new document of 2000x3000 (yup,
that big) with zoom at 50%, and irst of all tried
to ind in this particular sketch some harmony
between the animal, background and the
spaceship above it. You can see how the clouds
and the mountains go together side by side
In the sketch. (ig 01). For the animal design I
combined a chameleon (you can see that on it’s
eyes) and a dinosaur. I also add some elements
in the scene such as the trees and birds to give
the animal (or creature, as you wish) a more
ixed sense of it’s real size. I did the sketch with
black on a white background with the brush tool
(ig.02) which I’m using a lot lately. To save time
at the sketch or painting stage I usually use
keyboard shortcuts to modify the opacity of the
brush (ib.02b). The next step was to create
a new layer set to multiply on the sketch with
a base color for the whole illustration which in
this case was a dark green in order to create a
different atmosphere as if we were looking at
an alien planet (ig.03). I added some projected
shadows to display the animal’s volume in more
detail and darkened the forest a little to focus
the attention onto the animal and ship.
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A Creature Emerges from a Forest... Speed Painting
To create the background I ran a search on my image folders and found
a cloudy sky. Your best bet here would be to take your own photographs
and create a new folder on your hard disk saving your textures, or simply
use google to ind them (always pay for copyrighted material but there
are some good sites that would let you download photos and textures
for free) ;). I created a new layer, pasted in the cloudy sky pictures and
then I changed the layer properties to Overlay 85% so the cloud sky
blended with the other layers. Then I just highlighted the green to create
new shades. (ig 04). Before painting the mountains I decided to give the
animal some highlights and volume. I added a dark red to the tongue
and a yellow-green for the body volume. At this stage you only have to
paint some areas leaving most of the background intact which is enough
to produce the volume effect on the illustration as you can see on the
animals jaw. (ig 05). Now we can paint the mountains. I used the same
method of adding volume as I mentioned above for the mountains. One of
the mountain faces recieves some light and the other one is in shadow but
we only need to paint the light areas here. (ig 06). I also painted some of
the forest areas with a more light green and started to add some texture
with the result looking more like a forest than just plain ground. (ig 07).
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Speed Painting A Creature Emerges from a Forest...
At this stage (ig.08) I added a layer above everything and added a light
green over the clouds to add a more atmospheric perspective to the
illustration. The animal had way too many dark colours on its neck and
that created an undesirable effect on its scale - we want it to be really
big and not just a simple worm ;). Now with the top layer plus the opacity
changes, I am able to transform the black to a more grey-green kind of
colour and therefore giving it more depth and scale.
Time to clean the clouds
I duplicated the cloud layers and placed them on top of everything erasing
the areas where the animal and the mountains reside. Then with this new
layer I changed the cloud colour (CTRL+B) to a more yellow- green to
give the sky more variation. (ig.09). Having inished the background I then
drew the spaceship (ig.10). I decided that the spaceship needed to be
metallic so it became the only bright thing in the illustration and that way it
would become a focal point along with the animal. Obviously the darkest
color on the spaceship does not have to be the same as the mountain
shadows. Next thing was to develop some of the elements of the sketch
to help emphasize the animals scale. To help do this I painted some
birds in front of the animal, and also added some trees lying around as if
the worm had come from inside the forest. (ig.11). The last step was to
correct some of the color and details. I re-sized the spaceship and most
of the birds so the creature now looked more imposing over the rest of the
elements. I added a new layer set to overlay 20% and I painted it in yellow
over the animal’s neck, eye and over the mouth to highlight the parts a
little more and bring the animal forward from the background.
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I then added a new layer with extra details and
increased the volume of the neck and eye. I
also played with another light; this time a blue-
green light that improved the creatures form and
volume even more (wow, you can almost touch
it!). (Fig12)
Carlos Cabrera
For more from this artist visit
or contact
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A Creature Emerges from a Forest... Speed Painting
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