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Bead Embellished Buttons
by Michelle Mach
Beadwork Challenge June/July 2008
Create a pair of earrings with two bead embellished buttons, use a single button as
a snazzy purse closure, or string a bunch together for a bracelet.
FinishED sizE:
90 size 5 seed beads (A)
30 size seed beads (B)
3/4” metal button cover
Size D nylon thread
Circular peyote stitch, bead
Use your fabric as color
inspiration for the seed
Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Beadwark magazine…join the online beading community at
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Bead Embellished Buttons
step 1: Using ’ of thread
string 60A, leaving a
short tail. Pass through
all the beads a second
time to create a circle.
Tie a knot.
The brass components were part of the June/July 008
Beadwork challenge kit supplied by Ornamentea, ornamentea.
com. Seed beads and thread: Bead Cache, 3307 S. College
Ave., Unit 05, Fort Collins, CO 8055, (970) 4-43; All
other materials: Jo-Ann Fabric and Crafts,
step 2: Begin circular peyote using
the A beads. String
A, skip bead, and pass
through the bead in the
previous round. Repeat for
a total of 30 beads.
step 3: For the second row,
use 30B to fill in the
gaps between beads.
Attach several embellished buttons to brass
rings to create a vintage-looking bracelet.
MiChEllE MaCh is the editor of Beading Daily .
step 4: Sew the circle
of beads to
the fabric. If
you like, sew
a d d i t i o n a l
beads to the
center of
the circle,
covering as
much of the
fabric as you
C i r C u l a r P E y o t E s t i t C h
String 3 beads and form the
irst round by passing through
the first bead. For the second
round, string 2 beads and pass
through the next bead of the
previous round; repeat twice.
To step up for the next round,
pass through the irst bead of the
current round. For the third round, string 1 bead and pass
through the next bead of the previous round; repeat all
around, then step up at the end of the round. Continue in
this manner, alternating the two rounds. You may need to
adjust the bead count depending on the relative size of the
beads in order to keep the circle lat.
step 5: Trim the fabric so that it extends about /4” past
the button cover. Tuck the fabric into the button
cover, folding a little bit at a time. Press the
button back on firmly. (Some button cover kits
may include a tool to help you secure the back
on the button. ) R
Copyright Interweave Press LLC. Not to be reprinted. All rights reserved.
publishers of Beadwork magazine…join the online beading community at
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