
(60 KB) Pobierz
{1287}{1335}Another championship gone.
{1345}{1422}You know, that club pulls in|over 120 million a year.
{1424}{1485}For what? Nothing! Pathetic!
{1531}{1594}Even the Vatican can't make money|like that disappear.
{1631}{1707}Runners-up again.|Second a couple seasons ago.
{1742}{1789}Couldn't even beat|the Sicilians in that one.
{1791}{1855}Course, that final match was fixed|to let them stay up.
{1880}{1974}I'll tell you, Roma could teach|the government a thing or two
{1976}{2019}about blowing money.
{2046}{2103}They might at least spend it|on bribes, you know?
{2106}{2177}- Hey! Wake up! Stay focused.|- What?
{2201}{2226}That's him, isn't it?
{2235}{2261}All right. Come on.
{3754}{3790}Oh, goddamn.
{3872}{3905}Bridge. Now.
{4144}{4181}What the hell's going on?|- Never mind.
{4183}{4222}Just get the hell out of here. Go!
{4712}{4762}But Romizi's on call.
{4923}{4948}Yeah, okay.
{5042}{5086}Mamma, what are you doing up already?
{5088}{5143}I heard your phone.|Is everything all right?
{5154}{5206}Yeah. Someone's dead.
{5215}{5256}On the bright side, it isn't you or me.
{5478}{5518}- What?|- You have changed.
{5545}{5608}You seem to have opened|your eyes recently.
{5610}{5642}Yeah, about 10 minutes ago.
{5651}{5762}You can joke, Aurelio,|but I know everything.
{5794}{5830}Yeah, I know.
{5850}{5911}Now go to bed. And stop snooping.
{5921}{5979}That's how I heard about your father.
{6004}{6061}A phone call in the night.
{6258}{6349}Hey, Zen. What are you doing here?|We were expecting Romizi.
{6351}{6405}Yeah, well, I just found out|he's bloody useless.
{6407}{6465}Took you long enough.
{6467}{6531}Here. Identity card from the body.
{6533}{6622}Thanks. Wow! Umberto Baglioni Ruspanti?
{6624}{6664}What, you know him?
{6671}{6740}You don't get out much, do you?|He's famous.
{6757}{6840}Yeah? Well, he's dead now. Suicide.
{6842}{6897}A couple saw him fall|about 3:00 this morning.
{6938}{6996}- Suicide?|- Sure. It's a popular spot, the Tiber.
{7024}{7064}For suicides. We get them all the time.
{7091}{7133}- He's not in the Tiber.|- What?
{7149}{7189}- He's on the pavement.|- So?
{7204}{7256}So, you're suggesting that he missed?
{7296}{7354}Maybe a gust of wind took him|as he plunged towards the water.
{7394}{7463}{y:i}I'm in the car behind you.
{7719}{7786}My dear Aurelio. How are you?
{7812}{7871}It's funny,|I was wondering what I was doing here.
{7876}{7983}The Minister and I both felt very|strongly that this tragic suicide
{7985}{8065}was a case which required|your delicate touch.
{8120}{8157}Of course. What else could it be?
{8194}{8279}May I ask your interest in the deceased?
{8303}{8399}Well, a suicide in such a famous|and aristocratic family,
{8415}{8531}even a black sheep like poor Umberto,|is bound to attract a lot of attention.
{8553}{8640}And who knows what may be dredged up|to damage the government?
{8642}{8700}Last time I suffered|one of your interventions,
{8702}{8747}you were a model of clarity.
{8749}{8844}That was an unusually acute case|and a very trying set of circumstances.
{8846}{8897}Yes. Particularly for me.
{8950}{9034}I am certain you will find Ruspanti|died by his own hand.
{9036}{9098}That being so, I am sure|everyone would wish this case
{9100}{9195}to be wrapped up|as quickly and quietly as possible,
{9197}{9264}to save the family|any unnecessary suffering.
{9266}{9326}Oh, of course.
{9328}{9374}My dear Zen,|do I detect a certain cynicism?
{9376}{9420}No, not a bit of it.
{9433}{9498}You are aware, of course,|that the recent budget cuts,
{9500}{9542}so distressing elsewhere,
{9544}{9580}did not strike your department?
{9582}{9624}I'm very grateful.
{9665}{9697}How did you find out about this?
{9730}{9756}I beg your pardon?
{9760}{9794}Well, you arrived right about|the same time as me.
{9796}{9824}I was wondering how that was possible.
{9916}{10013}You may rest assured|the Minister does not forget his debts.
{10104}{10146}I'll be off, then.
{11182}{11240}- Morning.|- Good morning.
{11473}{11500}Good morning, Detective.
{11502}{11540}Ms Moretti. How are you?
{11552}{11578}Fine, thanks. You?
{11582}{11657}Good, thanks.|I'm, uh, sitting over here if you...
{11671}{11717}Sure. Why not? Thanks.
{11729}{11795}Could I have a coffee, please?|Thank you.
{12226}{12300}I really want to have sex with you.
{12302}{12338}Thanks very much, very kind of you.
{12362}{12423}And I'm sick of meeting like this.
{12489}{12540}I know. I'm just...
{12542}{12618}I'm just not very happy with anyone|at work knowing.
{12620}{12678}You never know|what's going to be used against you.
{12680}{12726}I know. You're right.
{12801}{12836}Listen, I...
{12887}{12944}I told Luca I want a separation.
{12972}{13027}He went crazy. Just won't accept it.
{13029}{13060}Aurelio, I need to get out.
{13062}{13118}I can't stand another day|with him and his mother.
{13120}{13187}You have no idea what she's like to me.
{13192}{13270}It's like it's my fault|he has so many problems.
{13294}{13399}I... I've been looking for a small|apartment, something central.
{13407}{13442}And then I can take a day off
{13444}{13493}when they're both out|and pack up and go.
{13495}{13538}I've got the movers all lined up.
{13540}{13591}I just need an address to give them.
{13631}{13690}Somewhere we can just be together.
{13796}{13857}You can always come and stay with me.
{13859}{13912}And your mother? No thanks.
{13920}{13962}She's not that bad.
{13964}{14008}Aurelio, she's your mother.
{14010}{14071}No one's good enough for you|and especially not some tramp
{14073}{14098}who's leaving her husband.
{14123}{14177}Well, actually, she always got on better|with my wife than I did.
{14187}{14233}Oh. Even worse.
{14235}{14282}Some tramp who's not a patch|on the last one.
{14387}{14450}A nice apartment in central Rome.
{14452}{14515}And cheap, too. You know what I make.
{14538}{14632}I know, it's impossible, but I just|really want to be in town, you know?
{14639}{14734}All these years, I've been living on|a roundabout near the airport,
{14736}{14814}and I never felt I actually|lived in Rome.
{14842}{14883}I'll make some calls.
{14885}{14929}- Really?|- Yeah.
{15048}{15100}Mr Zen. Please, come in.
{15102}{15153}Thank you. I'll call if I need you.
{15278}{15314}- Aurelio?|- Giorgio.
{15329}{15423}"Let nobody mourn.|Where I am going, they cannot hurt me."
{15471}{15498}He have a file?
{15500}{15570}Nope. No criminal record at all.|Must be mafia.
{15601}{15653}Did all right for himself,|this Ruspanti, didn't he?
{15655}{15688}No, he didn't own it.
{15690}{15767}Belongs to the Ministry|of the Interior. Janitor told me. Zen.
{15769}{15825}Do you know anyone|who can sort a building permit?
{15827}{15873}My brother's having a problem|with his garage.
{15875}{15968}Not off-hand. You know anyone who's got|a nice apartment for rent, central Rome,
{15970}{16000}for absolutely no money?
{16002}{16076}Sure, I'll get right on that.|Are you moving?
{16078}{16163}No. It's for a friend.|I sort of promised her.
{16181}{16252}{y:i}- Well, you're an idiot.|- I know.
{16260}{16312}{y:i}You never learn, do you?
{16314}{16369}{y:i}I told you, if you'd come to work|for me, you could buy an apartment
{16371}{16407}{y:i}in central Rome instead of renting it.
{16409}{16463}Listen, you trust Giorgio, don't you?
{16465}{16514}Um, yeah, I trust Giorgio.
{16516}{16576}Unless he's changed|since I left the department.
{16634}{16678}He'd betray you if he had to
{16680}{16723}but not on principle|like Fabri or Romizi.
{16735}{16775}{y:i}And he'd tell you first.
{16777}{16830}Yeah, that's what I think.
{16832}{16867}{y:i}You in trouble again?
{16869}{16919}Um, yeah, I think so.
{16930}{16968}Well, like I always say,
{16970}{17014}when you're in trouble,|call someone else.
{17082}{17157}So, he searches his own apartment|and then he kills himself.
{17186}{17255}Or he kills himself|and then he searches the apartment.
{17362}{17418}I don't think this is suicide.
{17420}{17474}What are you not telling me?
{17512}{17560}You don't need to know. Look,
{17584}{17676}if we log this, I guarantee|this investigation is going to be
{17678}{17734}- closed down by lunch.|- Tempting thought.
{17736}{17825}How would you feel if I forgot that I'd|found this just for a couple of days?
{17855}{17891}Don't know.
{17936}{18018}Listen. My brother-in-law|works in the labs.
{18020}{18112}If we start the forensics,|fingerprinting, handwriting comparison,
{18114}{18169}without it appearing on the case file,
{18171}{18225}then we have it if we need it.
{18227}{18310}On the other hand,|if we need it to disappear, poof!
{18822}{18880}Hey, Zen.
{18888}{18997}Listen, thanks for catching my suicide.|I had a nice lie-in.
{18999}{19038}Oh, good.
{19040}{19085}Guess who Fabri's taking to lunch?
{19123}{19157}Tania Moretti.
{19162}{19189}Told you I'll sleep with her.
{19223}{19273}Indeed you did, Vincenzo.
{19275}{19326}Still time to place a bet.
{19331}{19374}Although my odds|have shortened somewhat.
{19388}{19415}What are my odds now?
{19426}{19468}You've been scratched.
{19470}{19505}- Hey, Zen.|- Yup?
{19507}{19571}- You wrap up that suicide yet?|- Uh...
{19609}{19661}- Couple of loose ends.|- Loose ends?
{19678}{19716}Loose ends?
{19718}{19796}Have you any idea|what my caseload looks like?
{19798}{19855}Don't talk to me about loose ends!
{19901}{19962}Slaughter! Carnage!
{19964}{20040}That's our business!|It's a sewer out there,
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