2company law.doc

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legal person-osoba prawna

legal person-osoba prawna

personal liability- odpowiedzialność osobista

fraud-popełnienie oszustwa

corporate veil-ochrona prawna firmy

legal entity-jednostka prawna

certificate of incorporation-certyfikat rejestracji spólki

statutory forms-formy statutowe

memorandum of association-umowa/statut firmy

authorized capital, nominal capital-nominalny kapitał zakładowy

articles of association-umowa spółki

annual general meeting-roczne walne spotkanie

extraordinary general meeting-nadzwyczajne zebranie

board of directors-zarząd

duty of care-obowiązek dbałości

fiduciary duty-staranność

conflict of interest-konflikt interesów

balance sheet-bilans

profit-and-loss account-rachunek zysków i strat


capitalization issue-emisja kapitalizacyjna



auditor-[rewident] person appointed by the company to examine the company’s accounts and to report to the shareholders annually on the accounts


company secretary-company’s chief administrative officer, whose responsibilities include accounting and finance duties, personnel administration and compliance with employment legislation, security of documentation, insurance and intellectual property rights


director-person elected by the shareholders to manage the company and decide its general policy


liquidator-person appointed by a court, the company or its creditors to wind up the company’s affairs


managing director-company director responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company


official receiver-[syndyk] officer of the court who commonly acts as a liquidator of a company being wound up by the court


promoter-[pomysłodawca] person engaged in developing or taking the initiative to form a company (arranging capital, obtaining personnel, making arrangements for filing corporate documentation)


proxy-[pełnomocnik] person appointed by a shareholder to attend and vote at meeting in his/her place when the shareholders is unable to attend


receiver-[windykator] person appointed by creditors to oversee the repayment of debts


shareholder-member of the company by virtue of an acquisition of shares in a company


proscribe-prohibit, ban

prescribe- stipulate- postanawiać, zastrzegać

corporate governance-ład korporacyjny


on the grounds that-on the basis of the fact that

at the discretion of-according to the decision of

the ensuing year-the next year

statutes give wide leeway-statutes allow considerable freedom

alleging- domniemać- stating without proof

to act in good faith-to do something with honest intention


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