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How to Make Knotted Cord/Twine Rosaries
A Rosary Consists of:
5 sets of 10 Hal Mary knots (10 knots or beads make a decade)
An Our Father knot n between each decade
Once the fve decades are made (whch wl consst of 50 total Hal Mary
knots and 4 Our Father knots), the decades are brought together to form a
crce at a Center Pece knot.
After makng the Center Pece knot there s another Our Father Knot, Three
Hal Mary Knots, and then a fnal Our Father Knot wth a Crucfx attached to
t (nstructons for ths knot are dfferent from the other Our Father knot).
Supplies Needed:
19.5 to 20 Feet (for a FULL Rosary) or 4.5 to 5 Feet (for a Snge Decade
Rosary/Chapet) of #36 Nyon Twne (Ths knd of twne can be ordered
from or found n many hardware stores)
A ghter (preferred) or cande
Tape (preferaby maskng tape)
A Crucfx approximatey 1ď Ñ-3Ñ n ength wth a crce eyeet bg enough
for the twne to ft through
Instructons Copyrght ¨ 2004 by Gregory L. Wts
Other content Copyrght ¨ 2004 by Rosary Army Corp.
Getting Ready (Tips and Tricks):
Use the above pcture as a reference for the spacng of knots on your own Rosary. Your fngertp shoud ft between each Hal Mary.
Cut several engths of twne al at once f you pan makng several Rosares (W arnng: Rosary makng s addctve!). Measure out
approximatey 20 feet of twne, and tghty wrap a pece of maskng tape at the 20Ó mark. Ths tape wl keep the twne from frayng, and
t aso heps n makng the knots of the Rosary. Cut the twne wth scssors at the center of the pece of maskng tape.
If you pan on makng many Rosares, do not use ths ength of twne for a Rosary but nstead use t to measure addtonal engths of
twne. Its much easer to measure twne wth a 20Ó ength of twne than t s wth a measurng tape or a ruer.
As wth anythng, practce makes perfect, and makng Rosares takes some practce. Keep at t and you wl experence many wonderful
bessngs. The best part about makng Rosares s gvng them away. Persevere and youl soon know what we mean!
Making A Hail Mary Knot And A Decade
Step 1
W hen startng a
Rosary, fnd the
mdde pont of
your ength of
twne. Ths wl
end up beng your
Rosarys thrd
decade. Fod the
twne over ndex
Loosey oop
the twne
around your
ndex fnger,
makng an X
Lghty oop the
twne around your
fnger two more
times (three oops
tota). Each new
oop shoud be
made toward your
palm (NOT
toward the tp of
the fnger)
Step 4
Dont et the oops tange.
Genty move the oops to the
end of your fnger
Pul the
ength of
twne al the
way through
the three
oops, but
dont take the
oops off your
fnger yet!
Hodng the taped end of the
twne used to make the oops
around your fnger, nsert the
end of the twne nto the back
of the oops and pul through,
away from your eft hand.
Step 6 (Tricky Part!)
Now CAREFULLY take the three oops off your ndex
fnger. Usng your eft hand fngers as gudes, make sure
the oops stay agned and dont crsscross.
W th the mdde fnger and pnke of your rght hand, pul
the twne to shrnk the knot. W hen the knot s made, hod
the knot tghty wth your eft fngers, and pul HARD wth
your rght hand to make a nce, tght knot.
Repeat steps 2-6 nne more times for ten Hal Mary knots.
For a snge decade Rosary, make 5 knots n one drecton,
then 5 n the other, then make a Center Pece knot. For a
ful Rosary, make al ten knots n the same drecton.
Doube-check your knot count and watch your spacng!
Step 2
Step 3
Step 5
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Making an Our Father Knot
Start an Our Father knot
about an nch from the
ast Hal Mary knot. Ths
knot s made ust ke a
Hal Mary knot, but
nstead of wrappng the
twne around your fnger
three times, wrap t
around FIVE times.
Foow the same method
as the Hal Mary knot,
sdng the twne off your
fnger, and sowy
tghtenng the knot, ust
ke n Step 6 of ÐMakng
a Hal Mary KnotÑ
Step 3
The Our Father knot
shoud reman đ-1Ñ from
the ast Hal Mary Knot.
Make the knot good and
tght, and then eave about
another nch of space
before startng the frst Hal
Mary of the next decade.
Step 4
Notce the spacng between
the frst decade and the Our
Father knot. Keep your knots
tght or the spacng wl
change over time wth use.
Now make two more
decades n one drecton,
then two decades n the other
from where you frst started.
Making A Centerpiece Knot
Lne up the frst
Hal Mary knot
from the frst
decade and the
ast Hal Mary
knot of the ast
decade (or frst
and ast knot f
makng snge
decade Rosary)
Hod the
knots n the
palm of your
eft hand and
fod BOTH
peces of
twne over
your ndex
Loosey oop
BOTH strands
of twne around
your ndex
fnger, makng
an X shape,
ust ke the
other knots.
Step 4
Make TW O
oops around
your ndex
fnger wth
both strands.
It wl ook ke
there are four
strands ned
up next to
each other.
Step 5
Pul the
ength of
twne al the
way through
the oops,
and then
tghten the
knot shoud
be about
đÑ from the
frst and
ast Hal
Now eave a tte space, make an Our Father knot, a tte space, three Hal Mary knots, a tte space, and then youre ready for the ast knot:
Making an Our Father Knot with a Crucifix
Start a normal
Our Father
knot, but after
runnng the
twne through
the oops
DONT tghten t
Hod the
oops wth
your eft
hand, and
add the
Crucfx on
the pece of
tghten the
knot yet!
Run the end of
the twne BACK
fve oops of the
Our Father
knot. Pul the
twne al the
way through.
The Crucfx s
now on a bg
Step 4
One sde of
the oop wl
tghten the
knot; the
other makes
the oop
smaer. The
knot may
move here,
so be carefu.
Step 5
tghten and
shorten the
oop. Make
sure the knot
doesnt move
too much.
Keep t cose
to the Hal
Mary knot.
W hen the
knot s
pul the
twne to
shorten the
oop and
brng the
Crucfx to
the knot.
And thats t! Once youve made and tghtened the Our Father wth Crucfx Knot, take scssors and cut the oose strngs from the ends of
the Rosary (at the Center Pece knot and at the Our Father wth a Crucfx knot). Use a ghter to snge the ends that you ust cut to keep
them from frayng, beng careful to burn ony the ends and not any of the knots. If you need addtonal hep, VIDEO nstructons are avaabe
on our webste. Lasty, have your Rosary bessed by a prest, and pray the Rosary day. If you feel the Hoy Sprt movng you to do so,
gve your Rosary away and then make another. Make Them. Pray Them. Gve Them Away. If youd ke to hep us gve Rosares to
whomever wants one, we offer monthy ncentves for Rosary Makers ke you! Vst for detas. God bess you!
Step 1
Step 2
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 6
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 6
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