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Originals by Gidge
Many, many Thanks to Janice Patterson for proofing
this pattern.
Crochet Cotton size 10
Red - 350 yds.
White - 200 yds.
7 small snaps - 6mm
Size 7 steel crochet hook or hook needed to obtain gauge.
10" X 15" Red or White Lace Material
24" - 1/8" white lace ribbon
Small Amount Glitter Glue
Stiffening agent - your choice
Fits an 11 1/2" Fashion Doll.
8 sc = 1"; 9 sc rows = 1"
Shell - (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in space indicated
Beg Shell - (ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in beg shell of previous row.
P3 - Picot 3 - ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch from hook.
P5 - Picot 5 - ch 5, sl st in 5th ch from hook.
NOTE: To slightly stiffen use 3 parts water to 2 parts stiffening agent.
All effort was made to ensure that the instructions are accurate and complete. We
cannot, however, take responsibility for human error, typographical error or variations
on individual work.
All rights reserved. May not be reproduced without written permission from the
Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
ch1, turn. (49 st)
Row 1: With Red thread, ch 28, sc in
2nd ch from hook and in each ch across,
ch 1, turn. (27 sc)
Row 15: Sc in next 14 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in
next 9dc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 9 sc, sk 1
sc, sc in next 14 sc, ch1, turn. (46 st)
Rows 2-4: Sc in each ch across, ch 1,
Row 16: Sc in each st across, ch 1, turn.
Row 17: Sc in next 8 sc, ch 12, sk 6 sc,
sc in next 8 sc, sk next 2 sc, sc in next 8
sc, ch 12, sk 6 sc, sc in next 8 sc, ch 1,
Row 5: Sc in next 7 sc, [2sc in next, sc
in next 3] 3 times, 2 sc in next, sc in
next 7, ch 1, turn. (31 sc)
Row 6: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next, sc
in next 13 sc, 2 sc in next, sc in next 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (33 sc)
Row 18: Sc in each st across, ch 1, turn.
Row 19: Sc in each sc across, ch 1,
Row 7: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 20: Sc in each sc across fasten off.
Sew 3 snaps at back to close.
Row 8: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next, sc
in next 15 sc, 2 sc in next, sc in next 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (35 sc)
Row 9: Sc in each sc across, ch 1, turn.
Row 10: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next, sc
in next 17 sc, 2 sc in next, sc in next 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (37 sc)
Row 1: With right side of work facing
you, with White thread, join with a sc in
the 6th skipped sc in arm opening, [ch 5,
sc in next ch lp] 12 times, ch 5, sc in
1st skipped sc in arm opening, ch 5,
Row 11: Sc in each sc across, ch 1,
Row 12: Sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next, sc
in next 19 sc, 2 sc in next, sc in next 8
sc, ch 1, turn. (39 sc)
Row 2-3: [Sc in next lp, ch 5] in each lp
across, ch 5, turn. (12 lps)
Row 4: [Sc in next lp, ch 5] in each lp
across, sc in last lp of Row 3, sc in
turning ch of Row 2, dc in rem skipped
sts of arm opening, sc in last lp of Row
2, join with a sl st to turning ch of Row
3, ch 1. DO NOT TURN.
Row 13: Sc in 1st sc, 2 sc in next, sc in
next 13, sk 1 sc, 5 dc in next 2 sc, sk 1
sc, sc in next, sk 1 sc, 5 dc in next 2 sc,
sk 1 sc, sc in next 13 sc, 2 sc in next, sc
in last sc, ch 1, turn. (53 st)
Row 14: Sc in next 15 sc, sk 1 sc, dc in
next 9 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in next, sk 1 sc, dc
in next 9 dc, sk 1 sc, sc in next 15 sc,
Round 5: Sc in same sp as ch 1, [ch 5,
sc in next lp,] 10 times, sc next 2 sc tog,
sc next 2 dc tog, sc next 2 dc tog, join by
GGH7013 Angel Amanda Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
pulling up lp in next sc, yo, pull up lp in
first sc on round, yo, pull lp through
all lps on hook, ch 1.
Round 9: Ch 4, tr in next 3 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 4 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (162
Round 6: Sc in each lp across, sc in
each sc, join with sl st, ch 1.
Round 10: Ch 4, tr in each tr around,
join with sl st.
Rounds 7-8: Sc in each sc around, join
with sl st, ch 1.
Round 11: Ch 4, tr in next 4 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 5 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (189
Round 9: Sc in each sc around, join
with sl st, fasten off.
Round 12: Ch 4, tr in next 5 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 6 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (216
Row 1: With right side of work facing
you, with Red thread, join with a sl st, in
1st st, ch 4, (counts as 1st tr) tr in each
st across, ch 4, turn. (27 tr)
Round 13-14: Ch 4, tr in each tr
around, join with sl st.
Row 2: Tr in same st as ch 4, * 2 tr in
next tr, rep from * across, ch 4, turn. (54
Round 15: Ch 4, tr in next 6 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 7 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (243
Row 3: 2 tr in next tr, * tr in next tr, 2
tr in next tr, rep from * across, ch 4,
turn. (81 tr)
Round 16: Ch 4, tr in next 7 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 8 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (270
Round 4: Tr in next tr, 2 tr in next tr, *
tr in next 2 tr, 2 tr in next tr, rep from *
across, join with sl st to top of ch 4, DO
NOT TURN. You will now be working in
rounds. (108 tr)
Round 17: Ch 4, tr in next 8 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 9 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (297
Rounds 5 - 6: Ch 4, tr in each tr
around, join with a sl st. (108 tr)
Round 18: Ch 4, tr in next 9 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 10 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. ( 324
Round 7: Ch 4, tr in next 2 tr, 2 tr in
next tr, * tr in next 3 tr, 2 tr in next tr,
rep from * around, join with sl st. (135
Round 19: Ch 4, tr in each tr around,
join with sl st.
Round 8: Ch 4, tr in each tr around,
join with sl st.
Round 20: Ch 4, tr in same sp as ch 4,
2 tr in each tr around, join with sl st.
GGH7013 Angel Amanda Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
Round 21: Ch 4, 2 tr in next tr, * tr in
next tr, 2 tr in next tr, rep from *
around, join with sl st. (972 tr)
waist, placing the bow slightly to the
right side front.
Rounds 22-23: Ch 4, tr in each tr
around, join with sl st. (972 tr)
Round 24: Ch 4, tr in each tr around,
join with sl st, fasten off. (972 tr)
Row 1: With White thread, ch 8, join
with sl st to form a ring, ch 3, dc in ring,
(ch 2, 2 dc) 5 times, ch 1, turn.
Round 25: Attach White thread with sl
st, in any st, ch 1, sc in same place as ch
1, sk 1 tr, (7 dc in next tr, sk 1 tr, sc in
next tr, sk 1 tr) rep between ( ) around,
join with sl st to first sc. (243 scallops)
Row 2: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, shell in each ch-2 sp across, ch 1,
Row 3: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, * ch 3, shell in next ch-2 sp; rep
from * across, ch 1, turn.
Round 26: Ch 4, 6 tr in sc, * ch 2, sk 7-
dc shell, 7 tr in next sc; rep from *
around, join with sl st to beg ch 4, fasten
off. (243 scallops)
Row 4: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, * ch 3, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, shell in
next shell; rep from * across, ch 1, turn.
Fold a 1/8" hem along the 10" edge of
lace material.
Sew a seam starting 1" below the hem
just made along the 15" edges.
Run elastic thread through the hem
and gather tightly enough to fit
around the waistline, tack elastic in
Sew on snap to close.
Row 5: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, * ch 5, shell in next ch-2 sp; rep
from * around, ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, ch 5, dc in center ch of ch-5, ch 5,
shell in next shell, ch 5, dc in center ch
of ch-5, ch 5, shell in next shell, ch 3, sc
in center ch of ch-5, ch 3, 9 dc in ch-2
sp of next shell, ch 3, sc in center ch of
ch-5, ch 3, shell in last shell, ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Sl st to ch-2 sp, beg shell in ch-
2 sp, ch 3, (tr in next dc, ch 1) 8 times,
tr in next dc, ch 3, shell in shell, ch 5, dc
in last ch of next ch-5, dc in dc, dc in
first ch of next ch-5, ch 5, (2 dc, ch 2, 2
dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next shell, ch 5, dc in
last ch of next ch-5, dc in dc, dc in first
ch of next ch-5, ch 5, shell in last shell,
ch 1, turn.
Place under skirt on doll.
Place dress on doll.
Tie 1/8" lace ribbon around dolls
GGH7013 Angel Amanda Copyright ã 2000 Originals by Gidge
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