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C a r c a s s o n n e – Lo t R : T h e T w o T o w e r s
Lord of the Rings 2: The Two Towers
A Carcassonne Central expansion by meepleater
Many have wondered where the legendary ‘Middle-Earth’ lies. Few indeed now
remember that it is, in fact, in France…
8 quest tiles
4 gift tiles (1 tower, 3 map)
20 map pieces in 4 types (city, road, farm, cloister)
1 honey trade token
If not using the forests fan-made expansion, set aside the Fangorn tile. If not using the fan-made mountains expansion, set
aside the Black Gate tile. If using the River and/ or River II expansions, use the Henneth Annun tile instead of an ordinary
spring, but if using the fan-made fishermen expansion, shuffle the Henneth Annun tile into all the other tiles. Shuffle the
remaining tiles in with the rest. Cut each map into their quarters and then sort out the map pieces into their four groups
(cities, farms, roads and cloisters). This expansion may be combined with the LotR1 expansion.
1. Place a tile
8 of the tiles are quest tiles. They contain the arrow shown to the left. The first quest tile drawn may be placed
anywhere in accordance with the normal rules of Carcassonne . From then on, each quest tile must be placed in the
direction the arrow on the previous quest tile is pointing to, i.e. if the last quest tile to be placed was pointing to the
left, the next quest tile must be placed somewhere directly to the left of that tile 1 . If a quest tile may not be placed
there, it must be placed orthogonally 2 to the previous quest tile. If it still cannot be placed, then the tile is set aside and a new
one drawn.
This tile is the last quest tile played.
The next quest tile drawn must be
placed in the same row or column to
where the arrow is pointing.
1 It does not matter which direction the arrow on the current tile is pointing when it is placed.
2 Orthogonally meaning horizontally or vertically.
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C a r c a s s o n n e – Lo t R : T h e T w o T o w e r s
2. Place a Follower/ Score
Each tile has an effect on scoring/ follower placement:
The Dead Marshes
At the end of the game, or upon placement of a barn, the dead marshes
cancel out all pigs or pig herds in a farm. If a farm contains neither,
there is no penalty.
The Black Gate
The oupost in this expansion is used as a normal outpost. If the fan-made
outposts expansion is not being used, the outpost may be ignored.
The fan-made well and lavender fields used in this tile function as normal, if these
fan-made expansions aren’t being used they can be ignored.
Henneth Annun
The tower acts as a dragon hunter. If the dragon hunters fan-made expansion
is not being used, it can be ignored.
These act as two perfectly normal forests with forest guild icons, and are scored as
normal (including the bonus for the forest guild icon).
The chivalry icon is used in accordance with the fan-made ‘orders of chivalry’
expansion. If this is not used, the icon may be ignored.
Helm’s Deep
The city is under siege, and the reservoir can be claimed in accordance with the
fan-made ‘reservoirs and granaries’ expansion. If Siege/Cathars is not being used,
the siege may be ignored. If ‘reservoirs and granaries’ is not being used, then
the reservoir may be ignored.
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C a r c a s s o n n e – Lo t R : T h e T w o T o w e r s
This tile may be placed anywhere (doesn’t have to be surrounded on all sides),
as long as it obeys the quest tile rule and it touches at least one tile on its side.
Tower pieces may be placed on this foundation as usual. If the fan-made
‘black tower’ expansion is being used, only black tower pieces may be placed here.
Gift Tile- tower
When this tile is surrounded on all 8 sides and corners, the person to surround
it gains a bonus 2 tower pieces, either normal, or, if the fan-made ‘black tower’
expansion is being used, black tower pieces (but not white) can also be chosen,
or one of each. If there are not enough tower pieces, they may be removed from an
uncapped tower.
Gift Tile- map
These tiles have four sides; city, road, field, and field with cloister. No piece (except the dragon) may ever be placed/ moved
onto this tile) 3 . One side is finished as soon as there is a line of at least 5 uninterrupted tiles orthogonal to that side (the
specific feature does not need to carry over those 5 specific tiles). When this occurs, the completing player randomly draws
one of the five map pieces corresponding to that side (city, road etc.) 4 . From now on, the directions written on the player’s
map piece is in effect for the rest of the game, but only for that player. A player may have up to four map pieces (one of each,
a player may never have two of the same piece, e.g. two cloister quarters). If a player is unhappy with a certain map piece,
they are not able to try and swap it. If a player has a complete map, then total up the four numbers in the centre of the map (subtracting any negative
ones). The player instantly gains/ loses this number of points. The instructions on the map are still in effect for that player.
In the example on the right, player A has completed their map. They would:
Gain an additional 5 points for each road they score (because they got that part of
the map)
Win all cloister/shrine challenges without completing their cloister/ shrine
(because they got that part of the map)
Have no city bonus (there was nothing on that part of their map)
Any pig/ pig herd would have no effect on their farms (for getting that part of the
Receive 0 points for completing the map (because the numbers equal 0)
Also note, when a map piece states that a feature will have ‘+ 0.5 follower
strength’ this applies once per feature, not per follower.
Note: You do not need to complete the map to have the road, city etc. bonuses/ penalties, you
only need to own the respective piece. You only need to complete the map to gain the bonus
points. As there are more maps than map gift tiles, there should be two complete maps left unused each game.
3 This means that a player who placed a gift tile may move the fairy/ place a tower block, but may not place a follower, pig, builder or barn. Similarly no
piece may be moved onto one of these tiles via a magic gate or the City of Carcassonne.
4 Although if a piece has already been taken by another player, it cannot be chosen by that player, so the number of map pieces may be less than 5.
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C a r c a s s o n n e – Lo t R : T h e T w o T o w e r s
Version History
Final Version
Still more edits (thanks to Gwommy)
Yet more edits (thanks to Novelty)
Even more edits (thanks to Novelty and Gwommy)
More edits (thanks to Novelty)
Made a few clarifications (thanks to elmendalerenda)
Made a few changes (thanks to Gwommy)
First draft
Posters on Carcassonne central who contributed towards this expansion.
Ckorfmann for the original idea for the expansion.
Novelty for drawing the mountains tile, and the fishermen series, and Novelty and Scott for the forests series, and also
wellidesigns for the original images of the honey trade token and lavender field.
Gantry Rogue (Gantry) for creating the Carcassonne Central web site where this fan-made expansion was
developed and hosted, and for his comments, which contributed to the development of this expansion.
Matthew Harper (mjharper) for the Completely Annotated Rules (CAR) for Carcassonne.
Scott (Scott) for inspiring this terrific template, and Jonathan Warren (Joff) for making the original template upon
which this one was based.
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