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{1}{100}www.napiprojekt.pl - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{33}{109}The true spirit of an individual|whose talent influences history
{111}{151}often remains unexplained.
{153}{218}The exceptionality of their legacy|goes hand in hand with
{220}{280}the ways they differ|from ordinary mortals.
{282}{371}Often in direct contact we don't|understand them despite the fact
{373}{425}they have entertained|millions of people.
{427}{461}This film is my personal view
{463}{548}into the spirit of a revolutionary|photographer and remarkable person.
{550}{626}Although it's perhaps only|one view out of a thousand
{628}{671}it made sense to try.
{1437}{1515}A SOMEWHAT TRUTHFUL Fl LM|by Adolf Zika
{2805}{2920}When the war ended we returned|through a ruined land
{2922}{3067}from an odd children's camp in Poland|where we were without our parents.
{3074}{3211}On our way we saw terrible things|and it seemed endlessly long.
{3225}{3331}l thought they would shoot|both my brother and me.
{3335}{3414}l wondered if it would hurt.
{3416}{3543}l remember how our soldiers burned|some German soldier to death.
{3547}{3653}They hung him by his legs on a post|and poured gasoline over him .
{3663}{3731}He shouted: "Mutti, Mutti!"
{3900}{3971}But soon after that|the sun came out
{3973}{4088}and l saw something that perhaps|l wasn't supposed to see so soon.
{4674}{4726}"Genius or czar?"
{4728}{4790}"Saudek still shocks"
{4792}{4830}"Saudek's last show"
{4832}{4870}"Farewell Jan"
{4900}{4957}"Saudek provocateur..."
{5421}{5535}Some jerk grabbed the Minister|of Culture at the Old Town Square
{5537}{5634}to lure him to the National Gallery.|He said: "No, l want to see Saudek."
{5636}{5714}And he replied:|"But that's pornography!"
{5720}{5857}That's simplistic. Why does it sell|for thousands of dollars
{5859}{5951}if you can buy a porno magazine|or a movie for ten dollars?
{5956}{6091}Once l asked a factory workgirl|whom l was more than working with
{6093}{6207}what art was and she said:|"Art is nonsense."
{6212}{6321}That's a beautiful definition.|Let's stick to it.
{6323}{6378}l support the triumph|of common sense.
{7768}{7846}That's urine|from my ill female camel.
{7877}{7950}l raise my cup of Georgian|wine to your health, Stalin.
{7952}{8006}{y:i}Jan Saudek's studio|{y:i}under the Zizkov TV tower
{8092}{8140}That's the real cocktail.
{8177}{8279}-Jan, my entire body. . .|-Yes, l love all of you.
{8321}{8467}l love and when l love l let|the melons fall off the vine.
{8481}{8556}l've always been like that.|lt's about time.
{8558}{8656}Young ladies, l have this plan|and want to make this photograph...
{8664}{8794}You will stand over me and pour|on me this sacramental wine
{8796}{8860}which l stole from a church,|from the sacristy.
{8862}{8968}l'd love to be in bliss|for a moment. Oh, that's it.
{10153}{10270}Jan, what was your childhood like?|Applauded by everyone?
{10272}{10419}There wasn't any applause at all.|lt was the worst time of my life.
{10431}{10522}My youth wasn't much better|but l'd rather forget my childhood
{10524}{10711}because people delude themselves|that this period of impotence,
{10733}{10863}dependence and humiliation was|something beautiful. lt wasn't.
{10884}{10963}But the saddest thing is|that already as a child,
{10965}{11033}l remember it exactly,|already as an eight year old
{11035}{11201}l desperately longed for|a woman's crotch and l still do.
{11206}{11302}But back then it was not possible|to fulfill this desire
{11316}{11486}which was stronger than the war's|chaos or so-called pals' bad deeds.
{11510}{11618}l looked very infantile|and no woman or girl would,
{11642}{11718}also for my innate shyness,|want to accommodate me.
{11730}{11953}l remember as the war was ending|we saw the Russian army advance.
{11994}{12101}They lie about it today.|Nobody wore a helmet on their head.
{12103}{12204}Everyone was drunk, even the|German kids defending the Reich.
{12282}{12415}The only difference was Russians|drank vodka and Germans schnapps.
{12427}{12579}But otherwise it was professionals|against kids, at least in the end
{12581}{12702}and there were many fallen ones.|l haven't seen so many dead since.
{12906}{12952}Where did you spend the war?
{12954}{13094}l n Prague but the last of it|l spent in a small children's camp...
{13103}{13269}in Poland. There were kids from the|Bohemian and Moravian Protectorate
{13271}{13414}selected for medical experiments|by that perverted Dr. Mengele.
{13416}{13562}The peculiar thing and what would|be perfect for making it into a movie
{13564}{13622}was that all those kids were twins.
{13624}{13718}Now l realize that there weren't|any triplets or singles.
{13720}{13796}That's bizarre and it|would make a very nice detail.
{13811}{13853}Where were your parents?
{13855}{14012}Our father was with his last brother|who after the war died of typhus,
{14014}{14086}in Theresienstadt,|in the Small Fortress prison,
{14088}{14211}and our mother struggled somewhere|in the country at her relatives.
{14838}{14950}My relationship with my brother?|No doubt the biggest love of my life.
{14952}{15091}lt can't be compared to love|for women and children,
{15093}{15211}some of my children. lt can't be|compared. lt was an absolute love,
{15213}{15283}crystal clear,|exceptionally strong.
{15285}{15419}My brother was more famous, more|talented with an athlete's willpower.
{15421}{15500}-He was better in every way.|-Did you inspire each other?
{15502}{15659}Very much so. Since we were kids|we communicated in our own gibberish,
{15661}{15723}incomprehensible to others.
{15733}{15912}lt went on for a long time, ending|when we both got married of course.
{15948}{16068}Women are behind everything,|the women split us up.
{16088}{16202}lt's a constant question|whether at a crossroads
{16204}{16322}we should choose to follow one way|and not try two or more ways.
{16335}{16405}Running in all directions|leads to staggering.
{16407}{16497}He should have made a choice|because he was a talented artist.
{16499}{16581}He should have chosen his|work and sacrificed the family
{16583}{16659}just like l did|and l don't regret it.
{16668}{16776}Yes, it costs some sacrifice|but l haven't made any
{16782}{16846}and l don't like to say it,|it's nothing nice,
{16848}{16930}l have disposed of some burdens|along the way,
{16952}{17113}which helped me to achieve|that little something in life.
{17117}{17171}For me he is living proof
{17173}{17299}that love is not everlasting and|that the energy goes elsewhere,
{17301}{17384}it gets out of hand|and then we have nothing left.
{17406}{17483}Only the burnt place remains.
{17519}{17582}-What is it?|-That's my brother.
{17587}{17664}l had him secretly preserved.|You are not allowed to do that.
{17666}{17768}l left the rest of the bones in|so it looks like he was beheaded,
{17770}{17838}well, he has lost his|head quite often.
{17861}{17933}He lost it for good.
{17985}{18105}This is Yorick, Hamlet's tutor.
{18187}{18261}Oh, brother,|l can't be with you now.
{18263}{18408}l want to remember you forever|as a beautiful boy with black hair.
{18410}{18462}You're so much better than l am.
{18488}{18563}Now that you are leaving
{18565}{18637}you have changed so dreadfully
{18653}{18766}l can't come to you. We will see|each other again some day.
{19104}{19174}{y:i}Jan Saudek's apartment in|{y:i}a concrete building in Zizkov
{19176}{19217}-Hello.|-Where is everybody?
{19219}{19303}They will be here soon.|Only the guys are here. l came early.
{19305}{19385}-Here...|-A concrete building
{19387}{19476}from the 80s, but at least|you have a new elevator.
{19478}{19571}-Brand new. -lt's nice.|-New and incredibly slow.
{19582}{19710}l can assure you that l can run|much faster than the elevator.
{19712}{19811}-Up the stairs.|-l do it often and get no praise.
{19814}{19924}-You have a botanical garden here.|-l'm a botanist. -lt's beautiful.
{19926}{20042}Let me lock the door behind us|because somebody could...
{20044}{20127}-lt's a bit like a wild forest here.|-. . .break in here.
{20131}{20267}-And the parrots, where are they?|-The parrots are only a recording.
{20275}{20349}There is one over there.|l see one.
{20351}{20406}This is where you paint,|in the hallway?
{20408}{20535}Yes, l paint outside|and live here.
{20573}{20678}This is my mare. She was drowning|in a bathtub, this lady.
{20693}{20796}She slipped, passed out|and went under the surface.
{20969}{21098}-When did you start colorizing?|-ln 1 948.
{21107}{21191}-ln 1 948 you first colorized a photo?|-Yes.
{21193}{21366}But l didn't know the pictures|must be a sepia tone, brown.
{21381}{21552}First you bleach out the picture|then stain it with sodium sulphide,
{21571}{21650}which has been done|for 1 50 years.
{21652}{21738}but then you must air out|the entire house for hours
{21740}{21821}because great doses of hydrogen|sulphide are released
{21823}{21874}which is supposedly unhealthy.
{21876}{21942}But if l should care about|what's unhealthy...
{21982}{22101}l would think it'd take much longer|to make the original picture.
{22135}{22204}Okay, my sweethearts, let's break.
{22222}{22279}G'bye, girls.
{22296}{22357}{y:i}Johana Saudkova -|{y:i}Kaja Saudek's wife
{22359}{22481}Jan's first wife went to school|with Kaja and was in love with him .
{22483}{22630}Kaja had this habit of passing|all the ladies he met over to Jan.
{22637}{22731}And Jan immediately moved in|with Marie and married her.
{22733}{22865}Jan wanted to have a home base,|a family, yet he also wanted fun.
{22867}{22977}On the other hand Kaja didn't want|to ...
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