Power Rangers - 02x02 - The Mutiny Part 2.txt

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{1}{90}movie info: XVID  512x384 29.97fps 175.2 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2733}{2777}We're not through yet, Rangers.
{2847}{2921}- Let's do it!|- Tyrannosaurus Thunderzord power now!
{3309}{3338}Ah, perfect!
{3347}{3419}But Tyrannosaurus is|still on the loose.
{3432}{3475}That is all part of my plan.
{3484}{3584}Their own weapon will be their|undoing when my monster turns
{3574}{3647}the Tyrannosaurus against the Rangers.
{3760}{3803}Watch this.
{4235}{4307}Hey. What's going on?
{4407}{4450}He's turned on us.
{4589}{4647}Our only hope now is Tommy|and his Dragonzord.
{4763}{4850}Once again, Tommy. I can|temporarily strength your powers,
{4853}{4939}but I don't know how long it will lost.
{4947}{5019}I cannot risk giving you much more.
{5082}{5168}Quick, Tommy.|The Rangers need you.
{5190}{5233}Right! I'm out of here.
{5273}{5345}And may the Power protect them all.
{5402}{5460}Tommy, I'm so glad you are here.
{5454}{5483}Me too.
{5486}{5515}Now what's going on?
{5515}{5601}Fish face froze my Zord and|turned Tyrannosaurus against us.
{5608}{5709}I'll call out the Dragonzord|to protect us.
{7362}{7464}I might as well take control|of the Dragonzord while I'm at it.
{7470}{7542}Yes, yes, my brilliant master.
{7566}{7610}Got to love him.
{7610}{7681}Power Rangers, you are finished!
{7758}{7845}Yeah, yeah!
{7859}{7974}Hey, you two, it's not nice|to fight with each other.
{8268}{8326}Oh, no!|They got the Dragonzord too.
{8333}{8390}What are we gonna do?
{8620}{8664}This can't be happening.
{8664}{8765}Oh, what fun, your own Zords|will finish you off.
{8778}{8893}Oh, man! I can't believe he's|actually turned them against us.
{8934}{9022}It is fortunate that we anticipated|Lord Zedd's return.
{9021}{9080}Alpha, prepare for phase two.
{9080}{9152}Enough with this foolishness.|It's time to squash
{9152}{9209}them once and for all.
{9507}{9555}Look, he's armed the missiles.
{9553}{9583}- Yeah!|- Yeah!
{9569}{9610}And they're pointed right at us.
{10199}{10257}Watch out for the Dragonzord tail.
{10277}{10306}Where'd it go?
{10333}{10376}Over there!
{10620}{10663}We've got to stop them.
{10654}{10742}Maybe I can distract them|long enough to regain control.
{10884}{10927}Let's move!
{11146}{11204}Maybe we can get|to the Zord's controls.
{11570}{11656}Tommy, it's not going to work.|Regroup.
{11656}{11699}Right! I'm on my way.
{11757}{11814}Whoa, here comes his tail again.
{11909}{11952}Everybody get down.
{12168}{12225}We better get back to the|Command Center.
{12225}{12283}Maybe Zordon will have an answer.
{12542}{12585}Zordon, we lost our Zords.
{12599}{12700}That's it, we're history.
{12758}{12815}I can't believe this is how it ends.
{12862}{12934}Isn't there anything we can do?
{12928}{13043}I'm afraid nothing we could ever|do will give the Zords enough power.
{13035}{13112}You now need stronger new|Zords equiped with
{13114}{13186}the Power of Thunder to|defeat Lord Zedd.
{13182}{13229}New Zords?
{13222}{13308}Power of Thunder?|What do you mean, Zordon?
{13328}{13386}Follow me, Rangers.
{14076}{14162}Jason, you will control the|Red Dragon Thunderzord.
{14162}{14220}It's power is fierce and true.
{14231}{14360}Trini, yours shall be the Griffin|Thunderzord, swift and accurate.
{14386}{14515}Zack, the Lion Thunderzord will|have courage strength.
{14509}{14638}Billy, Unicorn Thunderzord has|mythalogical powers and wisdom.
{14651}{14795}Kimberly, the Firebird Thunderzord|shall be yours, powerful and agile.
{14795}{14924}When joined together, all will|form the Thundermegazord.
{14914}{14958}These Zords are amazing.
{15029}{15116}Whoa! Morphinominal.
{15216}{15274}Lord Zedd is in for it now.
{15447}{15490}What about Tommy?
{15519}{15619}It's not yet known if Tommy's|powers will remain.
{15630}{15720}It's alright, guys.|We knew this might happen.
{15734}{15849}I just wish there was something|I could do about it.
{15888}{15960}When do we take control|of the new Zords?
{15961}{16076}It's imperative that we regain|control of the old Zords first.
{16081}{16167}Looks like we've got our work|cut out for us, guys.
{16248}{16392}Typical Zordon. Nothing you can|ever do will defeat me.
{16580}{16681}I keep trying, but I can't think|of anything to do.
{16681}{16753}We've got to come up with something.
{16821}{16882}Jason, what can we do?
{16906}{17035}I don't know. But we can't let Lord|Zedd remain in control of our Zords.
{17050}{17122}Alpha has the computer|come up with a solution?
{17122}{17208}Only some abstract statistics that|I must analyse more throughly.
{17220}{17251}Let me help you.
{17380}{17409}There's got to be a way.
{17438}{17481}I think I've got something here.
{17493}{17525}What is it, Billy?
{17532}{17619}By my calculations, if we build|a device that will interfere
{17619}{17735}with Lord Zedd's signal, we|should be able to release the Zords.
{17730}{17773}Like reprograming them.
{17773}{17888}Exactly. I think I have all the|available equipment back at my lab.
{17914}{18018}Alpha, Billy, good work.|We have no time to lose.
{18018}{18104}Lord Zedd and his monster|must be stopped.
{18095}{18167}I'll teleport back to the lab|with you. Maybe I can help.
{18301}{18345}I hope this works.
{18402}{18430}Me too.
{18639}{18740}The battle is over.|Those Power Rangers
{18716}{18802}are now permanently out of my way.
{18802}{18931}Yes, Lord Zedd, they are helpless|without the power of their Zords.
{18962}{19106}I wish Rita could see this.|She'd turn purple with envy. Ah, green.
{19090}{19248}Yes. Carry on, my monster,|destroy Angel Grove.
{19277}{19464}Soon the whole world will|be under my command.
{19651}{19694}Do you have the wiretip stripped.
{19709}{19752}Yeah, here it is.
{19845}{19873}Good work, Trini.
{19894}{19980}You know what they say.|Two heads are better than one.
{20248}{20320}Ah, the Youth of Angel Grove.
{20340}{20383}Come on, Bulky.
{20438}{20513}This seems as good a place|as any to start.
{20757}{20844}Ay yi yi yi! Oh, no! Not again!
{20894}{20937}Now what?
{20934}{20966}Zordon, what's happening?
{20969}{21047}By taking control of your Zords.|Lord Zedd is confident
{21052}{21196}he has defeated you, so he has|ordered his monster to another attack.
{21195}{21297}Billy and Trini haven't has enough|time to finish the device.
{21297}{21354}We can't wait for them,|we've gotta morph.
{21347}{21433}I'm with you. There's no telling|what that fish is up to next.
{21444}{21539}Rangers, I understand your|concern and I commend you for it,
{21540}{21641}but without your Zords you will|not be able to defeat this monster,
{21622}{21689}and you might be seriously|hurt in the process.
{21692}{21779}Angel Grove and the world|cannot afford that.
{21778}{21836}Zordon, we can't just sit|around and wait.
{21831}{21879}There's nothing we can do?
{21881}{21996}Patient, Power Rangers. Billy and|Trini will not let you down.
{22004}{22097}Oh, no! This is terrible.|The monster is heading toward
{22098}{22155}the rally and with that flute of his,
{22150}{22251}he can take control|of any mechanical object.
{22258}{22302}Hope Billy and Trini finish soon?
{22312}{22359}They have to.
{22805}{22906}- This way!|- No, this way!
{22914}{22992}Skull, I happen to have the|instincts of a homing pigeon,
{22992}{23050}and I say we go this way.
{23050}{23136}You have the instincts of a Turkey.
{23128}{23210}That cope of trees looks familiar to me.
{23213}{23342}Yeah, it aught to, we passed it|an hour ago. That is the way back.
{23341}{23429}Fine!|You go your way and I'll go mine.
{23422}{23488}First one back is the winner|and the loser takes
{23488}{23574}the winner out for all|the pizza he can eat.
{23556}{23628}Fine! Hope you got your|allowance this week.
{23659}{23731}I hope you got yours.
{24288}{24345}Zordon, we've got to do something.
{24345}{24417}Alpha, contact Billy and Trini.
{24417}{24475}Right away, Zordon.
{24484}{24556}Billy, Trini, have you finished|the device yet?
{24585}{24638}Negative, we're still working on it.
{24639}{24700}Yeah, I hope we can|get it done soon.
{24714}{24757}Hurry, we need it.
{24768}{24826}We can't afford to wait|for Billy and Trini.
{24825}{24927}This monster could do a lot of|damage before they're done.
{24922}{24965}Zordon, we've got to morph.
{24994}{25080}Maybe we can at least|slow down the monster's progress.
{25080}{25166}Alright, Rangers.|The situation is urgent.
{25166}{25224}Please be careful.
{25224}{25281}Tell Billy and Trini to meet us there.
{25298}{25327}Back to the action.
{25418}{25462}Stay alert, everyone.
{25474}{25532}I don't see the monster anywhere.
{25528}{25557}Where are the Zords.
{25557}{25643}The monster is here somewhere,|I can almost smell it.
{25654}{25712}Let's look around. Be careful.
{25709}{25827}Now where are those pathetic, Rangers?
{25827}{26014}Ah, perfect! Out in the|open, just where I want them.
{26014}{26086}What do you have in mind, Lord Zedd?
{26128}{26257}Just a little game of cat and mouse.
{26240}{26369}As my monster continues|to lure them out,
{26366}{26484}I'll send down my Putties to|distract them.
{26472}{26540}Then when they least expect it,
{26547}{26659}I'll send in their own Zords|to finish them off.
{26672}{26774}This is the exact same location|we saw on the Viewing Globe.
{26774}{26846}It's gotta be around here somewhere.
{26866}{26938}Looking for something, Rangers?
{26927}{26985}Look, there he is!
{26979}{27051}In the flesh, or should I say scale.
{27051}{27108}- Let's go!|- Yeah, right!
{27137}{27195}Ha ha! Think again.
{27209}{27252}Where did he go?
{27246}{27289}Hold on, you guys.
{27360}{27403}Heads up, Putties.
{27415}{27475}Oh, man! It's a trap!
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