Power Rangers - 02x12 - Green No More Part 1.txt

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{1}{90}movie info: XVID  512x384 29.969fps 174.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2869}{3027}Hey, Jason told me I'd find you|here. How are you?
{3027}{3156}Alright, the results of the bioscan|that Alpha ran should be in tomorrow.
{3180}{3310}Well, maybe Zordon can find a way|to increase your powers.
{3344}{3402}I don't want to get my hopes up, Kim.
{3394}{3480}Lord Zedd's been after me ever since|he took over Rita's place.
{3494}{3567}And he's not stopping till|I'm stripped of all my powers.
{3825}{3854}Tommy, look!
{4012}{4041}It's me!
{4070}{4406}I'm you... from the future. The final|battle... Remember... Communicator.
{4430}{4675}That's all I can... tell you. Don't give up!|We'll meet... right after...
{4721}{4764}What was that all about?!
{4808}{4923}It was some kind of warning...|from the future!
{5103}{5203}The moment has finally come!|The end of the Green Ranger is at hand,
{5212}{5342}and this time, there is nothing that can|save him from destruction!
{5342}{5429}We revel in your evil|brilliance, Lord Zedd!
{5429}{5558}And when the Green Ranger is no more,|then comes the final phase:
{5572}{5673}total annihilation of all the Power Rangers!|Hahaha!
{5805}{5891}When did you say your cousin|was coming?
{6250}{6294}Man, don't tell me!
{6509}{6567}Yo, Zackman! What's happening?
{6567}{6639}Boy, your cousin knows how|to make a grand entrance!
{6973}{6988}Hey, Cuz!
{7012}{7056}Man, you are really good!
{7058}{7116}Runs in the family, right Zackman?
{7139}{7240}Richie, Billy, this is my cousin Curtis.|He just moved here from Montana.
{7254}{7336}Pleasure to meet you, Curtis.|Richie here is new to town, also.
{7353}{7440}I bet you know all the Angel Grove|hot spots!
{7413}{7485}Well, somewhat. Hey, c'mon,|I'll fill you in over lunch!
{7490}{7578}Now this is what I call the beginning|of a beautiful friendship.
{7583}{7698}First place you've got check out is the|Youth Center, I've got a job there with Ernie...
{7713}{7799}Hey Tommy, Kimberly told us|what happened to you outside.
{7810}{7940}Man, it was really weird! There was|some guy who looked just like me!
{7953}{8055}You know, it's quite possible that he appeared|through a rip in the space-time continuum.
{8093}{8107}Look out!
{8553}{8625}You guys could have hurt someone!
{8654}{8740}Well-ll-l, s-sss-ssorry!
{8740}{8818}What's wrong with you guys?|You look scared!
{8820}{8892}That's because they are scared!
{8935}{8993}They're scared of us!
{9049}{9108}Enjoy the ride, boys?
{9184}{9328}Y-yy-yeah well.... sure! Aha.|We gotta get out of here!
{9324}{9429}Yeah, we got... Power Rangers to find!
{9572}{9630}You guys, uhh, new around here?
{9942}{10014}Yeah, we just transferred in.
{10158}{10244}Then I guess you don't know all|the rules around here, do ya?
{10259}{10316}But I'm sure you'll learn.
{10345}{10446}Actually, I'm used to making|the rules where I go.
{10461}{10547}We're sure that's something|you'll learn.
{10569}{10632}Come on, let's go.
{10895}{10967}Hey Stuart, they're gone.
{11029}{11086}- Here man.|- Thanks.
{11320}{11445}They're absolutely perfect!|Those five surly teenagers shall become
{11447}{11550}my evil superheroes - the Dark Rangers!
{11542}{11657}A Stroke of genius most foul, Lord!
{11729}{11830}When the Green Ranger is no more,|the crystal will be fully charged.
{11830}{11941}And I will use it to destroy Zordon|and his Command Center!
{11938}{12153}I can feel it siphoning off the|Green Ranger's power! Hahaha!
{12240}{12297}So what's the verdict, Zordon?
{12295}{12398}I'm afraid the news is not good, Tommy.
{12465}{12609}The scan came up negative. Our last|effort to restore your powers has failed.
{12609}{12709}Tommy, you may have enough|power for one last fight.
{12705}{12767}But what about that vision|I had from the future, Zordon?
{12767}{12810}What did it mean?
{12805}{12877}Alpha is still trying to pinpoint its origin.
{12887}{12973}But there is one thing significant|about your vision.
{12973}{13146}Although you were in the middle of a battle,|you were not wearing your Green Ranger costume.
{13160}{13290}But if I'm going to fight. without my powers.|How can I possibly win?
{13541}{13613}Hey, I talked to Trini today.|She's staying with her grandmother.
{13611}{13756}- What did she say?|- She's worried about Tommy too.
{13742}{13843}Don't worry, we should know how|his powers stand shortly.
{13856}{13942}A funky looking shell,
{13994}{14066}Aww, searching for seashells,
{14140}{14198}How sweet!
{14264}{14307}Oh great, you're back.
{14321}{14379}Hey, what's the problem?
{14379}{14623}Angel Grove belongs to us now! We want to|make sure you understand that, loud and clear!
{14753}{14954}Ahh, you see Goldar? Arrogant, nasty,|disrespectful... Those are my five warriors!
{14954}{15055}The final element to|complete my plan!
{15271}{15357}When we're doing with you guys, you're|going to start seeing things our way!
{15467}{15554}Now to summon|the Dark Rangers to my playland.
{15568}{15669}To... the Otherworld! Hahaha!
{15990}{16156}They just disappeared!|Hopefully Zordon will have the answers.
{16268}{16340}Welcome to my otherworld.
{16346}{16471}You have been chosen to be my|Dark Rangers and together
{16475}{16547}we will conquer the earth.
{16518}{16629}But, master, the Green Ranger|still has strength left.
{16632}{16720}Not for long. The crystal is draining|Tommy's power.
{16729}{16829}Soon I will send down my newest|monster and, when the Rangers
{16820}{16907}battle him, Tommy is sure to join|the fight.
{16907}{17051}Yeah, and use the last of his|strength. Hahahaha!
{17112}{17228}The time has come.|Inspired by little Kimberly's seashells,
{17232}{17448}it's my latest, most devious creation!|Behold, Turban Shell!
{17520}{17635}Yes, I'm here, Lord Zedd!|Your wish is my command!
{17692}{17793}I'll take care of those|Power Rangers for you!
{17865}{17937}- Alpha, contact Trini.|- Yes, Zordon.
{17937}{17980}Hey, how did your test come out?
{17985}{18071}Negative.|I got maybe one more fight left.
{18211}{18300}Trouble in Angel Grove, Rangers.
{18370}{18443}One of Lord Zedd's monsters|is tearing up the city.
{18546}{18661}This guy's tough! We'll need|major Zord power to stop him!
{18695}{18739}You can count on me!
{18854}{19026}Ah, yes, Tommy! Help your puny|Power Ranger friends!
{19036}{19165}Because then, you shall lose your|Green Ranger powers, forever!
{19165}{19309}The moment I have been|waiting for is at hand! Hahaha!
{19395}{19496}As soon as Trini gets here,|we'll make our plan,
{19496}{19539}What's going on?
{19525}{19568}Zedd's at it again.
{19568}{19611}Tommy, we can't let you help us.
{19622}{19723}Kimberly's right, man.|We should handle it on our own!
{19729}{19873}Maybe not, Rangers. Scanners indicate|the creature's name is Turban Shell,
{19864}{19950}and his power level is dangerously high.
{19964}{20094}You hear that? I'm going with|you guys, and that's final.
{20105}{20238}Tommy, only you can|decide your own destiny.
{20235}{20281}Good luck, man.
{20458}{20487}It's Morphin Time.
{20502}{20559}- Dragonzord!|- Mastodon!
{20573}{20631}- Pterodactyl!|- Triceratops!
{20645}{20703}- Sabretooth Tiger!|- Tyrannosaurus!
{20895}{20929}Man, I don't believe it.
{20938}{21025}Ah, Power Rangers, I am|happy to see you.
{21049}{21135}This dude's going to be|tougher than I thought!
{21125}{21168}We need help!
{21514}{21587}We need Dinozord power, now!
{21632}{21704}Mastodon Lion|Thunderzord Power.
{21771}{21843}Pterodactyl Firebird|Thunderzord Power.
{21915}{21987}Triceratops Unicorn|Thunderzord Power.
{22075}{22132}Sabretooth Tiger|Griffin Thunderzord Power.
{22210}{22282}Tyrannosaurus Red Dragon|Thunderzord Power.
{23775}{23833}Thunder megazord Power up.
{24725}{24794}Prepare to eat your dust!
{24829}{24901}Thunder Megazord battle ready.
{24958}{25016}Where do you think you're going?!
{25165}{25223}You're going to pay for that|Power geeks.
{25685}{25757}Now to finish you off .
{25832}{25875}Starting with this.
{26710}{26782}Are you guys alright?
{26758}{26873}What's the matter, Power Rangers?|Zords run out of gas?
{26873}{27017}Just stay where you are, I'll be|back to finish you off! Mwaha!
{27089}{27132}Whoa, he's gone!
{27247}{27276}Pay attention, Goldar.
{27290}{27449}The siphoning is nearly complete. When the Green|Ranger is rendered completely powerless,
{27449}{27506}I want you to see to it...
{27511}{27597}What are you doing back here,|you worthless worm?!
{27591}{27663}I had to recharge my shell,|your hideousness.
{27663}{27735}You're supposed to be fighting|the Power Rangers.
{27735}{27807}I had to let go of the others.
{27807}{27937}What? You let them go, when you|could have finished them?
{27937}{27980}You Mollusc Brain.
{27980}{28138}Get back down there and fight until the|Green Ranger is through! Do you understand?!
{28152}{28254}As you command, oh patient one.|I shall not fail you!
{28325}{28383}Tommy, are you okay?
{28383}{28455}I'm okay. I'm just pretty weak.
{28469}{28613}C'mon guys! We can't give up!|We're the Power Rangers!
{28668}{28725}That's what you think!
{28860}{28961}Where'd everybody go?|And where am I?!
{28975}{29090}Somehow I'm... I'm all alone.
{29181}{29311}It's just you and me, kid!|Welcome to your nightmare!
{29757}{29936}You're through, Green Ranger! It's|the moment we've all been waiting for.
{29947}{30019}You've lost your powers! Haha!
{30095}{30224}Run if you like, it will do you no good!|You're mine now!
{30281}{30444}At last, the Green Ranger is no more!|His powers now belong to Lord Zedd!
{30458}{30558}Master, victory is finally yours!|Ahaha!
{30577}{30692}With this new power, we begin|the next phase of my plan.
{30686}{30830}The e...
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