Power Rangers - 02x43 - The Wedding Part 3.txt

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{1}{90}movie info: XVID  512x384 29.97fps 175.5 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2820}{2921}He he he!|Everything is going perfectly.
{2921}{2973}The Rangers are trapped|without their powers in
{2973}{3074}the theatre and I've shutdown|blabbermouth Zordon.
{3083}{3112}The alarm!
{3111}{3215}Zedd must have sent Putties|down to guard the Rangers.
{3215}{3315}I better have a look and see how|those power potatos are doing.
{3315}{3370}What do you want with us anyway?
{3384}{3456}Why, you're Rita's|wedding gift to Lord Zedd.
{3471}{3524}With the Rangers|prisoners of Lord Zedd
{3524}{3653}and no Zordon the Command|Centre will be mine! All mine!
{3660}{3722}I think I like this bad guy stuff.
{3722}{3799}You're sure about this wedding, sire?
{3799}{3880}Of course, you snake,|I'm sure about everything.
{3899}{4005}What's the the holdup. I want|to get this over with right away.
{4014}{4116}Queen Rita, I'm so excited|to be the puke of honour.
{4116}{4156}Zip it, hog breath.
{4156}{4230}Mean, it's perfectly natural for|the bride-to-be to be nervous.
{4230}{4335}Put a lid on it. Come on, let's go.
{4344}{4442}Finster, you will perform the|ceremony is everything ready?
{4442}{4527}Yes, your Evilness, all|preparations have been made.
{4527}{4613}The guests are assembled|and your bride awaits.
{4624}{4723}Goldar, signal the|musicians to begin playing.
{4735}{4815}I couldn't get musicians|on such short notice.
{4815}{4854}Aah! Fool!
{4854}{4959}That's what I get for sending a|monkey to do a monsters job.
{4966}{5074}I want music, and I want it now.
{5236}{5329}Whoa, did you just|see what I just saw?
{5391}{5450}I need to get my eyes checked.
{5480}{5564}I trust we can play the|wedding march on that thing.
{5564}{5656}No, but if you hum a|few bars, I can fake it.
{5696}{5730}Here we go.
{5733}{5853}Ah, that's more like it.|Let the wedding begin.
{6013}{6100}Oh, yes, yes, it's beautiful.
{6146}{6290}Here comes the queen,|aint that a scream,
{6296}{6454}no one can ever be quite as mean.
{6531}{6588}She look lovely.
{6704}{6790}Dearly beloathed, we are|gathered here to join
{6790}{6885}these two gargoyles in|matrimony. Is there any creature
{6885}{6968}present who knows why|these two should not be wed?
{6968}{7036}Yes, now that you mention it,|I think.
{7036}{7073}Oh, can it.
{7138}{7180}Get on with it, Finster.
{7202}{7274}Do you, Lord Zedd, master of all evil,
{7274}{7355}take Rita Repulsa, to be your bride.
{7375}{7427}- Well.|- I do.
{7427}{7485}- Oh, no.|- And do Rita...
{7485}{7550}Yeah, I mean I do.
{7555}{7629}Ah, who has the ring?
{7629}{7679}The ring?
{7697}{7797}You're holiday it, meathead.|Give me that.
{7815}{7939}Here you go, Zeddykins,|put this on. Okay, go ahead.
{7956}{8036}By the powers vested|in me by Lord Zedd,
{8036}{8156}I now pronounce you|husband and wife.
{8146}{8190}Go ahead and kiss.
{8194}{8260}Come here, my little prickly pear.
{8260}{8287}Do I have to?
{8351}{8400}Don't they make on ugly couple?
{8400}{8477}It's more like a nightmare come true.
{8620}{8744}Oh, it has been quiet around here|without that jabber jaws Zordon.
{8755}{8849}Whoa, something big must|be happening on the moon.
{8850}{9001}I bet Zedd and Rita are cooking|up something really nasty. Ha ha!
{9118}{9200}Come everyone, time to dance!
{9458}{9526}I can't believe this!
{9710}{9852}- You dance great, Zeddy!|- Thank you, my dear.
{11157}{11243}How is it, I never noticed|your beauty before?
{11406}{11481}This is the greatest day of my life.
{11601}{11687}Here's looking at you, kid.
{11838}{11960}He he! I guess it's time|I checked on my ex best friends.
{12044}{12128}Ooh! Zedd sent them|some Putties to play with.
{12356}{12428}Hey, that's me, claybrain.
{12534}{12601}This batch of Putties|was in the oven too long.
{12601}{12671}I'll have to do it myself.
{12998}{13070}Let go of me!
{13297}{13350}Hey, your beaks untied.
{13374}{13419}I can't believe he fell for that.
{13552}{13624}What's the matter, pal?|Got the shakes.
{13624}{13666}For my next trick.
{13862}{13943}- Unhappy, my dear?|- Completely.
{13946}{14004}Isn't that nice?
{14012}{14080}What wedding gift|did you get for me?
{14080}{14171}My gift to you is the|Power Rangers trapped.
{14180}{14241}Your gift to me. I'd like to
{14241}{14350}be there when the Power|Rangers are destroyed.
{14381}{14416}You shall have it.
{14416}{14506}We shall together on our|honeymoon aboard Serpentera
{14506}{14609}and together we'll put an|end to the Power Rangers.
{14888}{14973}We're on our way to rule the world.
{14973}{15109}So long. We'll be back when the|Power Rangers are no more.
{15140}{15206}Let's go, my little dove.
{15421}{15515}Alright, time to fire this bad boy up.
{15515}{15600}Fasten your seatbelt, my little honey.
{15642}{15710}Come on, Zedd boy,|let's hit the road.
{15730}{15839}Yes, my pestilence. Here we go.
{16119}{16212}Soon we'll witness the|destruction of those
{16212}{16328}who have thwarted us|for so long. Ha ha!
{16328}{16455}In other words, bye bye,|Power Rangers.
{16606}{16700}Man, I thought we'd never|get away from those monsters.
{16704}{16807}Yeah, well just be careful, there|could be more hiding anywhere.
{16807}{16875}What is it about this place|that blocks our powers?
{16878}{16929}I don't know but I can still hear
{16930}{16975}those two monsters|guarding the door.
{16975}{17031}And without our power|we can't get past them.
{17031}{17090}We've got to use our|brainpower, guys.
{17160}{17214}I see you.
{17288}{17309}That does it.
{17309}{17338}We've got to escape.
{17338}{17423}Listen up. I think I've got an|idea how we can get out of here.
{17447}{17504}Hey, Bulk, watch it.
{17515}{17595}When in the outback,|do as the natives do.
{17605}{17652}Yeah, great idea.
{17662}{17707}Come on, koala ride.
{17827}{17875}I've got to get off.
{18092}{18191}Yoohoo! Monsters, where are you?
{18245}{18359}Peckster, I realise I'm no match|for you. I'm giving myself up.
{18359}{18403}Are you creeps in there?
{18436}{18539}So you finally decided to|admit defeat little Ranger.
{18593}{18654}Sooner or later, Peckster,|would've made maggots
{18654}{18726}out of you and your mates.
{18801}{18848}- Good shot!|- Nice shot!
{18854}{18893}Good work, you guys.
{18973}{19041}Alright, guys, now we|escape through the cave
{19045}{19096}just like we did before.
{19471}{19527}Ah, one more time.
{19613}{19697}Lord Zedd, do you read me?
{19699}{19764}I told you not to|disturb my honeymoon.
{19764}{19850}Yeah. Can it twinkle toes.
{19863}{19958}But this is an emergency.|The Rangers have escaped
{19958}{20034}and they're headed on|foot for the Command Centre.
{20034}{20159}Can't you and that|bubblehead crew do anything.
{20159}{20246}We'll handle it, Goldar.|Just get all the monsters
{20246}{20330}out of the palace|and after the Rangers.
{20330}{20402}Oh, good help is so hard to find.
{20414}{20518}Hear me.|This is a declaration of war.
{20583}{20707}Every last monster, creature|and good prepare to attack.
{20712}{20811}It's time to bring the|Power Rangers to their knees.
{20867}{20928}Their end is near.
{20949}{21010}This way, everybody. Come on.
{21395}{21444}Which way is the|Command Centre from here?
{21444}{21474}It's that way.
{21604}{21664}That's it. Run away.
{21733}{21804}There it is, guys.|We're almost home free.
{21834}{21876}Come on.
{22228}{22288}Huh? See how they run.
{22338}{22450}Yes, and soon we'll see how they fall.
{22536}{22608}Monsters, hear me now.
{22608}{22680}They must not reach|the Command Centre.
{22682}{22759}Stop the Power Rangers at all cost.
{22759}{22860}Let's see some action here.|I want to see them scurry.
{22869}{22927}Yeah. Ha ha!
{22932}{23027}Have you over seen a more|beautiful sight in all your life?
{23047}{23104}Zedd, they're getting away!
{23115}{23182}Those worthless monsters|are letting them got away.
{23182}{23210}Do something!
{23210}{23264}Calm down, calm down.
{23268}{23339}So what if they reach|the Command Centre.
{23339}{23398}They have to come out sooner or later.
{23401}{23512}We have an army of monsters|just waiting to attack.
{23516}{23559}Angel Grove. Ha ha!
{23624}{23682}Alpha, what happened?|Where's Zordon?
{23690}{23756}Zordon? I don't know|what you're talking about.
{23756}{23791}I don't know any Zordon.
{23791}{23838}Alpha, what's wrong with you?
{23838}{23890}You're supposed to be stuck in.
{23890}{23927}Here let me help you.
{23927}{23985}I don't need your help!|Stay away from me
{23985}{24055}or I'll ionise this whole|Command Centre! Stop!
{24102}{24131}Somebody reprogramed him.
{24131}{24222}Oh, my aching circuits.|What happened?
{24222}{24303}We've fixed, Alpha,|but what about Zordon?
{24323}{24395}Ai yi yi!|Billy, you've got to find him!
{24402}{24448}I've got something here.
{24488}{24574}Excellent work, Rangers.|Thank goodness you are here.
{24576}{24624}What was the problem, Zordon?
{24624}{24689}What's important is that|Billy has fixed it.
{24690}{24718}Way to go, Billy.
{24748}{24849}Rangers, Alpha's evil reprogramming|and your imporisonment
{24849}{24892}must have had some purpose.
{24895}{24922}What else has happened?
{24922}{25005}Well, Lord Zedd and Rita|got married, for one thing.
{25005}{25063}Very disturbing news indeed.
{25063}{25143}Together they will be difficult to defeat.
{25163}{25240}Ai yi yi! Monsters attacking!
{25240}{25330}You must go, Rangers. Sensors|indicate that Zedd has made
{25330}{25425}his army of monsters grow and|they have entered Angel Grove.
{25437}{25500}I'll download the|monsters co-ordinates...
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