Telenet-The Secret Exposed.txt

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Telenet The Secret Exposed...
For years, people and myself, have offtend tried to"work telenet unto a coma"..
With no success, for the past few years, i have gathered data, and finally
know the system, its faults, capabilities, and errors.
This really should be in a text file, but. i wish this information to
be reserved for the few users on this system.
before i start, here are a few basic commands to get famialir with:
Execution          syntax of command             function
Connect            c (sp)                        Connects to a host (opt)
Status             stat                          Displays network port add
Full-Duplex        full                          network echo
Half-Duplex        half                          Termnial echo
Telemail           mail    telemail              telemail
set Parmaters      set (sp) 2:0,3:2              Select Pad Parameters
Read Paramaters    par?        par?(sp)2:0,3:2   display pad
Set and read
Paramaters         set?(sp)2:0,3:2
escape                                         escape from data modew
File Trasnfer      dtape                         Prepares network for bulk
continue           cont
disconnect         bye   or    d      
hang up            hangup
terminial          term(sp)d1                    Set TERM

this is the end of the commands,   view next msg for useage:
Trap and pipe x.25 prot. (telenet)...
Please note this is a very difficult transaction... The following
flow chart, will only work on a machine with atleast 10 Mhz..
However, an account on a unix, with cu capabilities will also work..
Package networking, is exactly what it means..
before, i go into detail, let me give you and over view...
              telenet, remote
       $      divertor, and
                   !      !    !       !
                   !      !    !       !
                   u      u    u       u
                   s      s    s       s
                   e      e    e       e
                   r      r    r       r
                   s      s    s       s
If you notice carefully, there is online to the host and 4 users. That
is how its packaged, for instance the first 100 mills. will be from user
on then two etc.. The way telenet can tell which is user is which, is
simply by the time. Time is of the essense. data is constantly been
packed, anywhere from 100 mils. to 760 mils. The trick to trap tapping
and piping, a lead off of telenet, is to have as system running four
proccewss and the same time, and have a master prgm. that switch's at
the appropriate delays... As you can see this is where a 10 Mhz +
system, is needed.
On the host end.
The host end consists of three things..
1)  9600 baud modem
2)  a dedicated telcue line
3)  a network pad..
I doubt know one needs a lesson on the first two, but lets take a look
at telenets, "weakest" link..
Network Pad
There are three types of network pads   a 4 pad 12 pad and 32 pad
They really do not make a diffrence, it only changes the amount
of users, capable of using on line..
example. if you have a 4 network pad.  you system will be able to handle
four users from telenet   etc...
The network pad is Such a piece of"shit you have know idea..
All parameters are set remotly by a telenet eng..
This is important...
If the pad is every shutoff all parameters are lost.. and an eng. must
reload the pad..  (again, this is done remotly)
to give you a small ifea, of$the amount of programing in thms pad (which
i might add has over 2 megs of internal RAM) for an eng. to upload it ct
9600 bps..  it took approx 38 mins.
The Pad is not a computer,  if ytou think about it though, if your
traveling at 1200 on telenet, your actually travling at 9600 and back to
1200.. when x.25 is unpacked..
How is the pad set remotly..
lets take an example...
c 2122
now c 2122  /(?this is an example)
ha four nodes its a siml divester to the next node. however you can
specify, the node you want
c 212.02
nodes can also"be stated as  2122a  is the same as "2122.01
and 2122.03 is the same as 2122c
Now that we know how to access the indiv. nodes. let me show you a small
Theres a programing node.. so an eng. can upload, to your network pad..
every address has it...
it always ends in  99
so, if i wanted to trap and tap c 2122
i would enter   c 2122.99
you would get a connected.. but is you notice nothin happens..
at this point do not touch any keys.. a wrong key stroke, will
most likely alert someone to your tampering..
(dont forget, all network pads have a direct alarm signle.. so follow my 
directions to the       t...
enter in :
with out a return..  you should  get    telenet
if you dont give it a min. then hit return. your actually there. but the
prompt, just didnt print.. ok..
Now type

set 15:0
when entered.. hold 15 secs.. for a time delay..
then type in     cont
to continue, with the host you brokg from.....
you will get a message:
TP3005 DEBUG PORT V5.37.03
your now, directly accessed the network pad..
Please note some of these have passwords:
if your prompted for a password, of if nothing happens:
telenet has two standard passwords:
represeting a male tech.
                                   $  wonderwomen
repre. a woman tech..
when in your prompt  is always a greater than sign:
type the following:
    youll get a responce:  $  E  01
then youll get a message:         R  00A626   8805
now enter ing:                    40588
YOUR RESPONCE WILL BE :           E   01
right now you should open at least a 640K buffer.....

now type in >           R0589
R 00A625   06805FF17068703  1287100230050540  0000000000000000  FF020101000000

�"&]%%+f! !  )19AIQYai 

�It seems that not many of you know that Telenet is connected to about 80 
computer-networks in the world. No, I don't mean 80 nodes, but 80 networks 
with thousands of unprotected computers. When you call your local Telenet- 
gateway, you can only call those computers which accept reverse-charging-calls. 
If you want to call computers in foreign countries or computers in USA which 
do not accept R-calls, you need a Telenet-ID. Did you ever notice that you can 
type ID XXXX when being connected to Telenet? You are then asked for the 
password. If you have such a NUI (Network-User-ID) you can call nearly every 
host connected to any computer-network in the world. Here are some examples: 
026245400090184   is a VAX in Germany  (Username: DATEXP and leave mail for
                  CHRIS  !!!) 
0311050500061     is the Los Alamos Integrated computing network (One of the 
                  hosts connected to it is the DNA (Defense Nuclear Agency)!!!) 
0530197000016     is a BBS in New Zealand 
024050256         is the S-E-Bank in Stockholm, Sweden   (Login as GAMES  !!!) 
02284681140541    CERN in Geneva in Switzerland (one of the biggest nuclear 
                  research centers in the world) Login as GUEST 
0234212301161     A Videotex-standard system. Type OPTEL to get in and 
                  use the ID 999_ with the password 9_ 
0242211000001     University of Oslo in Norway (Type  LOGIN 17,17  to play 
                  the Multi-User-Dungeon !) 
0425130000215     Something like ITT Dialcom, but this one is in Israel ! 
                  ID HELP  with password HELP  works fine with security level 3 
0310600584401     is the Washington Post News Service via Tymnet (Yes, Tymnet 
                  is connected to Telenet, too !)  ID and Password is: PETER 
                  You can read the news of the next day ! 
The prefixes are as follows: 
02624  is Datex-P in Germany 
02342  is PSS in England 
03110  is Telenet in USA 
03106  is Tymnet in USA 
02405  is Telepak in Sweden 
04251  is Isranet in Israel
02080  is Transpac in France 
02284  is Telepac in Switzerland 
02724  is Eirpac in Ireland 
02704  is Luxpac in Luxembourg 
05252  is Telepac in Singapore 
04408  is Venus-P in Japan 
...and so on... Some of the countries have more than one packet-switching- 
network (USA has 11, Canada has 3, etc). 
OK. That should be enough for the moment. As you see most of the passwords 
are very simple. This is because they must not have any fear of hackers. Only 
a few German hackers use these networks. Most of the computers are absolutely 
easy to hack !!! 
So, try to find out some Telenet-ID's and leave them here. If you need more 
numbers, leave e-mail. 
I'm calling from Germany via the German Datex-P network, which is similar to 
Telenet. We have a lot of those NUI's for the German network, but none for 
a special Tymnet-outdial-computer in USA, which connects me to any phone #. 
CUL8R,  Mad Max 
PS: Call 026245621040000 and type ID INF300 with password DATACOM to get more 
Informations on packet-switching-networks !

PS2: The new password for the Washington Post is KING !!!!

  Distributed in part by:

   Skeleton Crue  xxx-xxx-xxxx  located out of Moraga, California.
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