The Phreakers Handbook-1.txt

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 [Phile 1.1]
                      [#                              #]
                      [#  THE PHREAKER'S HANDBOOK #1  #]   
                      [#                              #]
                  **** An Official Phortune 500 Product ****
                a useful source for the phreaker covering both
                     the basics and advances of phreaking
                                 GENERAL NOTE
         The purpose of this newsletter is purely educational. It has
         been released in order to teach and advance the knowledge of
         today's declining phreaks. However, the author does not take
         any responsibility over the  misuse of  the herein contained
         information, and the newsletter itself does not encourage or
         support the  above type of  activity. Also, any wrong or old
         information in this document is not to the responsibility of
         the  author, and the  reader accepts any consequences due to
               information that may be mistaken in this manner.
                                NOTE TO ABUSERS
          All information contained within this document was intended
          towards educational purposes. Any  misuse or illegal use of
          the information  contained in  this document is strictly at
          the  misuser's risk. The  author assumes  NO responsibility
          of the reader's actions following the release this document
            (in otherwords, you're on your own if you get nailed!)
        TPH Issue #1, Volume 1               Release Date::July 3, 1989
                        WRITTEN BY::DOCTOR DISSECTOR
 [Phile 1.2]
                           TPH #1 Table Of Contents:
        Title Page & Disclaimer Notes............................. 1.1
        Table Of Contents & Introduction.......................... 1.2
        The Phreak's Vitals....................................... 1.3
            True Definition Of The Phreaker
            The Phone Phreak's Ten Commandments
        The Phreaker's Glossary................................... 1.4
        Other Fone Information.................................... 1.5
            Voltages & Technical Stuff
            Scanning Phun Fone Stuff
        References & Suggested Reading............................ 1.6
                            Introduction To TPH #1
      This  phile  was  written  for  beginning  as  well as those uninformed 
 "advanced"  phreaks  who  need  something  as  a  reference  when reading or 
 writing  philes concerning phreaking or fone phraud. Of course, you could be 
 a  beginning  phreak and use this phile to B.S. your way into a big group by 
 acting  like  you know a lot, or something, but that is up to you. Anyway, I 
 compiled  this  listing  phrom  various  sources,  the majority is listed as 
 references at the end of this phile.
      This  phile's  only  goal  is  to  educate  and  inform. Any illegal or 
 fraudulent  activity  is  neither  encouraged nor supported by the author of 
 this  phile,  not  by  the  majority  of the >TRUE< phreaking community. The 
 author assumes NO responsibility for the actions of the reader.
      Also,  I  know  that  some  of the stuff covered in this release of TPH 
 will  be  old and outdated; however, I will try to clean that up by the next 
 release  of  TPH,  and  will  notify  you, the reader, of the changes due to 
 these revisions.
 [Phile 1.3]
                             The Phreak's Vitals:
                        True Definition Of The Phreaker
      "Many  people  think of phone phreaks as slime, out to rip off Bell for 
 all  she  is  worth. Nothing could be further from the truth! Granted, there 
 are  some  who  get  their kicks by making free calls; however, they are not 
 true  phone  phreaks.  Real phone phreaks are 'telecommunications hobbyists' 
 who  experiment,  play  with, and learn from the phone system. Occasionally, 
 this  experimenting  and  a  need to communicate with other phreaks, without 
 going  broke,  leads to free calls. The free calls are but a small subset of 
 a >TRUE< phone phreak's activities."
                                           - Wise Words Of The Magician
                      The Phone Phreak's Ten Commandments
      I.  Box  thou  not over thine home telephone wires, for those who doest 
 will surely bring the wrath of the Chief Special Agent down upon thy head.
      II.  Speakest  thou  not of important matters over thine home telephone 
 wires, for to do so is to risk thine right of freedom.
      III.  Use  not  thine own name when speaking to other phreaks, for that 
 every third phreak is an FBI agent is well known.
      IV.  Let  not overly many people know that thy be a phreak, as to do so 
 is to use thine own self as a sacrificial lamb.
      V.  If thou be in school, strive to get thine self good grades, for the 
 authorities well know that scholars never break the law.
      VI.  If  thou  workest, try to be an employee and impressest thine boss 
 with  thine enthusiasm, for important employees are often saved by their own 
      VII.  Storest thou not thine stolen goodes in thine own home, for those 
 who  do are surely non-believers in the Bell System Security Forces, and are 
 not long for this world.
      VIII.  Attractest  thou  not  the  attention of the authorities, as the 
 less noticeable thou art, the better.
      IX.  Makest  sure  thine  friends  are instant amnesiacs and willst not 
 remember  thou  hast  called  illegally,  for  their  cooperation  with  the 
 authorities willst surely lessen thine time for freedom on this earth.
      X.  Supportest thou TAP, as it is thine newsletter, and without it, thy 
 work would be far more limited.
 [Phile 1.4]
                            The Phreaker's Glossary
      1XB - No.1 Crossbar system. See XBAR for more information.
      2600   -  A  hack/phreak  oriented  newsletter  that  periodically  was 
 released  and still is being released. See Phile 1.6 for more information on 
 the magazine and ordering.
      4XB - No.4 Crossbar system. See XBAR for more information.
      5XB  -  No.5  Crossbar  system.  The  primary end office switch of Bell 
 since the 60's and still in wide use. See XBAR for more detail.
      700  Services  -  These services are reserved as an advanced forwarding 
 system,  where the forwarding is advanced to a user-programed location which 
 could be changed by the user.
      800  Exceptional  Calling  Report  - System set up by ESS that will log 
 any  caller  that excessively dials 800 numbers or directory assistance. See 
 ESS for more information.
      800  Services  -  Also known as WATS. These services often contain WATS 
 extenders  which,  when  used  with  a code, may be used to call LD. Many LD 
 companies  use  these services because they are toll-free to customers. Most 
 800  extenders  are  considered  dangerous  because most have the ability to 
      900  Services  -  Numbers  in  the  900 SAC usually are used as special 
 services,  such  as  TV polls and such. These usually are $.50 for the first 
 minute  and  $.35 for each additional minute. Dial (900)555-1212 to find out 
 what the 900 services currently have to offer.
      950  -  A  nationwide  access exchange in most areas. Many LD companies 
 have  extenders located somewhere on this exchange; however, all services on 
 this  exchange  are  considered dangerous due to the fact that they ALL have 
 the ability to trace. Most 950 services have crystal clear connections.
      ACCS  -  Automated  Calling  Card  Service.  The typical 0+NPA+Nxx+xxxx 
 method  of  inputting  calling cards and then you input the calling card via 
 touch tones. This would not be possible without ACTS.
      ACD - Automatic Call Distributor.
      ACD  Testing Mode - Automatic Call Distributor Test Mode. This level of 
 phreaking  can  be  obtained  by pressing the "D" key down after calling DA. 
 This  can  only  be done in areas that have the ACD. The ACD Testing Mode is 
 characterized  by  a pulsing dial tone. From here, you can get one side of a 
 loop  by  dialing  6,  the  other side is 7. You may also be able to REMOB a 
 line.  All  possibilities  of  the ACD Test have not been experimented with. 
 See silver box for more details.
      ACTS  -  Automated  Coin  Toll  Service. This is a computer system that 
 automates  phortress  fone  service by listening for red box tones and takes 
 appropriate  action.  It is this service that is commonly heard saying, "Two 
 dollars  please.  Please  deposit  two  dollars for the next three minutes." 
 Also,  if  you  talk for more than three minutes and then hang up, ACTS will 
 call back and demand your money. ACTS is also responsible for ACCS.
      Alliance  -  A  teleconferencing  system  that is apart from AT&T which 
 allows  the general public to access and use its conferencing equipment. The 
 equipment   allows  group  conversations  with  members  participating  from 
 throughout  the United States. The fone number to Alliance generally follows 
 the  format  of 0-700-456-x00x depending on the location the call originates ...
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