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New Matrix Int tests 1-5 FP
New Matrix Int tests 1-5 FP 10/8/04 9:21 am Page 2
Test 1
1 Read the text and match headings a–f to paragraphs
1–5. There is one heading you do not need.
a Silence preferred
b A divided country
c Living together
d A change of home
e Room for all the family
f A welcome for all
2 Underline the correct adjective in each sentence.
1 If his young daughter watches too much television in the
evening, she gets very outgoing / excitable and doesn’t
want to go to bed.
2 When he was younger he loved having conversations with
anybody. He was very talkative / direct . Now it’s difficult
to get him to say anything.
3 I like her honesty. She always says exactly what she
thinks! She’s so arrogant / direct .
4 Their dog tries to attack anyone who comes to the house.
I don’t know why he’s so aggressive / excitable .
5 My father is very tolerant / traditional . He doesn’t like
new things.
6 My sister’s lucky. She’s very outgoing / excitable and can
speak easily to anyone.
7 I really dislike arrogant / direct people who think they
know better than everyone else.
8 These days you need to be outgoing / tolerant . People
have so many different opinions.
9 Please be reserved / serious for just a moment. I know you
think this is funny, but it is important.
10 My grandfather is quite reserved / serious . He doesn’t like
to show his feelings very much.
The north and south
Life in the north and south of England can be very
different, not least because of the people who live there.
Whether as a result of climatic, historical, geographical or
economic reasons, or simply by chance, people from the
north and people from the south can be quite different
from each other and this can be interesting for visitors to
this country.
The northerners have a reputation for being friendly,
open and direct. They will not hesitate to start a
conversation with a stranger and it is said that their doors
are always open. A northerner will tell you exactly what
he thinks, whether good or bad. However, in some areas,
the dialect or strength of accent sometimes makes
understanding difficult for people new to the region.
3 Fill in the gaps with up , in or up with .
1 He’s built a good relationship with the
neighbours over the last few months.
2 Teenagers make
On the other hand, southerners are known to be more
private people. They like their own space and are much
more reserved in general. It is true that you can travel on
a crowded train in the south of England and not speak to
one person for the whole journey. One theory is that the
people from the south are quite shy. Another is that they
are simply colder than their neighbours further north.
the majority of those
who go to fast food restaurants.
3 He put a lot of research before
deciding where to open his new business.
4 Hotels bring
a lot of money to the
local economy.
5 They had to put a great deal of noise
when they lived near the motorway.
Today, many people from the south are moving to the
north to benefit from lower house prices and a lower cost
of living in general. It is also still possible to find unspoilt
areas to live in, in the beautiful moors and villages of the
north, far from the overpopulated south. For the
northerners, the move south to find work in this area of
greater opportunity is more difficult, but this is
happening more and more often these days.
4 Complete the sentences using these adjectives.
easy-going friendly affectionate sensitive nervous
1 Emma is a(n) child. She always kisses
her mother when she leaves for school.
2 I’m much too
. I often cry when I watch
sad films.
3 Jenny is a very
person. She doesn’t like
An unwelcome result of this moving population is that
extended families can be separated. More positively,
however, southern and northern people are living side by
side and perhaps the great historical divide will become
less obvious as the years pass.
to be in the house alone at night.
4 Mr Brent is a(n) teacher. He doesn’t
mind if we give in our homework late.
5 When I moved to my new house, the neighbours were
and often asked me in for
Ne w Matura Matrix Intermediate Plus
© Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE
Test 1
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Test 1
5 Underline the correct form of the present tense in each
1 They have / are having problems with their computer at
the moment.
2 Jenny is always borrowing / always borrows money from
me. I’m fed up with it.
3 I am thinking / think that’s a great idea. Let’s do it!
4 Who is Mike talk / is Mike talking to over there?
5 Where’s Janet?
She is playing / plays tennis.
6 My brother is working / works in New York for the
7 I haven’t decided which university to apply for.
I still think / am still thinking about it.
8 What is that new ice cream tasting / does that new ice
cream taste like?
Asking for and giving information
Preparation time: 1 minute. Work in pairs.
Read the roles below. You have about 2 minutes for
your conversation.
Student A
You want to do some unpaid work helping elderly people
in your area. Your friend already does this work. Ask
him / her:
• what sort of help is needed.
• the qualities you should have to do this work.
• fyou need your own transport.
You speak first.
Student B
You do some unpaid work helping elderly people in your
area. Your friend wants to do the same. Answer his / her
questions giving the following information:
• visit and talk to people in their own homes, e.g.
shopping, cleaning.
•a person should be caring, hard working, calm.
• need own transport as homes far apart.
Wait for your partner to speak first.
6 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of these verbs.
write eat want own work travel train
Anthony Masters is a famous British chef who
two restaurants in London. He regularly
to different countries to find new
recipes and appears on television every Saturday morning in
his own cookery programme. Right now he
hard in New York, where he
some chefs for his new restaurant there.
He says that food is his life and he 5 (always)
! However, he 6 to lose
a little weight so he 7 a book of diet
recipes which will help him as well as others!
7 You are on a language course in another country. Write
a letter (120–150 words) to your brother / sister telling
him / her about a new friend you have met. Include
information about his / her:
• physical appearance.
• personality.
• interests.
•nationality and family.
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Test 2
1 Read the text and choose the best answer, a, b, c or d.
5 In the writer’s opinion,
a filmmakers don’t make very good films from books.
b our imaginations are better than a filmmaker’s.
c sometimes we’re not certain if we’ve seen the film of a
d films can be very similar to our ideas from the book.
Did you really?
How can we be sure that our memories are real? Some
experts say that memories that we think are real are, in
fact, sometimes not true at all. We all know that our
memories can play tricks on us. How many of us
remember the summer holidays of our childhood as
longer, hotter and sunnier than they really were? But how
can we invent a memory that never happened?
A man from Bristol remembered watching a fire at a
house in his street when he was five years old. He can
describe the scene, the darkness, the flames and the fire
fighters. He can even remember the smell of the smoke
and the feeling of panic around him. Later in life he
learned from his family that he didn’t see the fire at all.
He was staying with his grandparents at the time. He had
been told about the fire and pictured it so clearly in his
mind that he really believed he had been there. He
would have even passed a lie test!
Something similar can happen to us quite often when we
read a book and our imagination creates pictures of the
characters and scenes from the story. Later we can be
unsure whether we have seen the film that was made
from the book or not. So, how reliable are our memories?
Maybe they aren’t as reliable as we think.
2 Complete the sentences with these words.
meaning brain concentration mind remind
senses memory explanation remember observation
1 I’m afraid I can’t
where I put your
2 For many children, at school is difficult
as they are always thinking of something else.
3 Why is there water all over the floor? I’d like a(n)
, please.
4 Could you tell me the
of this word,
please? I’ve forgotten my dictionary.
5 Terry had to have an operation on his
but he’s fine now.
6 There’s an interesting TV programme on tonight about
the , especially sight and hearing.
7 is important for artists. They need to
look carefully at people and places to get ideas.
8 I’ve made up my
1 The writer of the article believes that sometimes
a we lie about the details in a past event.
b people trick us with their stories of the past.
c we think we remember an event someone told us
d our minds invent memories to make our lives more
2 According to the writer,
a we preferred life when we were children.
b childhood memories can sometimes be exaggerated.
c the summer weather was much better in the past.
d our memories of our childhood are very real.
3 According to the article, the man from Bristol
a couldn’t see the fire because of the smoke.
b panicked when he saw the flames.
c forgot everything about the fire.
d didn’t see the fire.
4 The man from Bristol learned the truth
a from his grandparents.
b when he was five.
c from a fire fighter.
d when he was older.
– I will go to the
9 My grandfather has an excellent . He
often tells us stories about when he was a young child
and that’s 80 years ago!
10 Please
me to go to the bank later. I
mustn’t forget.
3 Underline the correct word in each sentence.
1 The police have a suspect / witness for the murder, but
they don’t have enough evidence to arrest him yet.
2 There is a ransom / reward for anyone who can give
information about the crime.
3 Jessica was stopped for speeding / fraud in her new
4 The judge / witness decided there should be a new trial.
5 Mike wasn’t punished for stealing the CDs, because it was
his first sentence / offence .
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Test 2
4 Complete the phrasal verbs by filling the gaps with up ,
off , or out .
7 A friend of yours from England is going on holiday to
the same place that you went to last year. Write a letter
(120–150 words) to your friend giving him / her some
advice on these things.
• the weather
• clothes to take
• best places to visit during the day
• best places to visit at night
• transport and prices
1 Did you find
the times of the trains?
2 I’m really tired. We set
at six this
3 He made the story of the fire.
4 I won’t have to walk. My brother will drop me
on his way to work.
5 Shall I buy the red or the blue shoes? I can’t make
my mind.
5 Underline the correct modal verb in each sentence.
1 You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat so much cake. It isn’t
good for you.
2 We could / had to go to the bank yesterday. We needed a
3 They can / should see Central Park from their hotel
4 You mustn’t / can’t write in that library book.
5 I couldn’t / didn’t need to phone Carol. I found the
information on the internet.
6 Steve should / could go to the doctor. His back problem
might be serious.
7 I need to / must use the computer this evening. Is that
8 I couldn’t / didn’t need to run very fast when I was a child
because I had weak ankles.
9 Jake’s only two – please help him. He can’t / may not do
it on his own.
10 Silvia was such a clever baby. She could / had to speak
when she was one!
Asking for and giving information
Preparation time: 1 minute. Work in pairs.
Student A
You are a police officer. Student B is a witness to a
burglary which happened at 8 Ash Road last night. Ask
him / her about the following:
• where he / she was and the time.
• what he / she saw.
• what the burglar looked like and what he / she was
You speak first.
Student B
You live at 9, Ash Road. You witnessed a burglary last
night at number 8, the house opposite yours. Answer the
police officer’s questions. Tell him / her:
• where you were when you saw the burglary.
• what time this was.
• what the burglar did.
• what the burglar looked like and what he / she was
Wait for your partner to speak first.
6 Complete the email with these modal verbs.
can mustn’t had to can’t have to
Hi Susan
We’re having a terrible holiday! The hotel is really awful. Our
room is on the tenth floor and we 1
the lift because it’s out of order. We 2
close the windows at night because of the noise from the
road and we 3 only get sandwiches in the
restaurant because the chef’s got food poisoning!
Robert got sunburnt yesterday so we 4
take him to the doctor. He 5
go on the
beach for three days or he’ll be very ill.
I hope you’re having a better week than we are!
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Test 3
1 Read the text and decide which sentence, a or b, best
summarises paragraphs 1–5.
1 a It takes a long time for changes to happen to the body.
b Changes to the body can cause us a lot of problems.
2 a Teeth problems today are often a result of changes in
eating habits.
b Our ancestors used their teeth for eating hard meat.
3 a Our backbones are still adapting to walking on two
b We have problems with our backs because we don’t
walk properly.
4 a Mankind is getting fatter because we do not hunt and
exercise like our ancestors.
b Our body system of storing fat needs to change.
5 a Health problems will become fewer in the future.
b We will have stronger bodies in the future.
The body is quite wonderful in the way that it adapts to
change and in the future perhaps we will have fewer
teeth, a stronger backbone and less stored fat on our
bodies. I hope it’s soon.
2 Complete the sentences with these words.
descendants average person couch potato mankind
height staple diet ancestors hunter-gatherers
1 My came from Africa.
2 Rice is an important part of the
3 I hope our
will live in a more peaceful
4 There is a minimum
for some jobs;
police officers, for example.
5 The survival of
Today’s problems, a result of the past?
Many of the medical problems people have today are a
direct result of how the body has changed and is still
changing to suit different lifestyles. The changes in both
the body and lifestyle happen extremely slowly and will
continue as long as mankind exists. Common medical
problems today concern teeth, bones and weight. Many
of these have happened because of evolutionary changes
to the body, not because of bad diet or a lazy lifestyle, as
a lot of people think.
Millions of pounds are spent every year to help teenagers
who have too many teeth in their mouths. In the past,
our ancestors needed more teeth and large, strong jaw
bones so that they could tear the meat from animals’
bones. With our modern diet this is no longer necessary.
Our jaw bones are getting smaller and unable to hold so
many teeth and this produces overcrowding. The teeth
themselves are also changing. The teeth which we used
for tearing are not as sharp as they were before.
Another common medical problem today is back pain.
The spine, the bones in our back, is still getting used to
the fact that humans walk on two legs. This was a new
way of moving. It is easy to damage the back, but this
important part of our skeleton is likely to become
stronger and stronger in the future.
It is a well-known fact that we are getting fatter but this is
not only because we eat the wrong foods and do not get
enough exercise. When our ancestors lived by hunting
and gathering food, there were times when there was
plenty to eat and times when there was very little. The
body developed a system to store fat for the times when
there was no food. Our bodies are still storing fat which
we do not use because, in general, food is always
available. Now we try medicines, diets and even
operations to lose the unnecessary fat.
may depend on how
well we protect our planet.
6 The
sleeps for about eight hours a
7 If you stay in and do no exercise, you’ll become a
8 Before agriculture was invented,
ate a
lot of meat and different wild plants.
3 Complete the sentences with these verbs.
put fall give take try let
1 We were going to try the new restaurant but the high
us off.
2 In Japan people usually
off their shoes
when they enter a house.
3 Our teacher will not
up with Jenna’s
rudeness for much longer.
4 Mike promised to help me with this work and now he
says he won’t. He’s really me down.
5 Sarah might have to go to London on Friday. I hope our
plans to see a film in the evening don’t
6 You should
up cycling. It’s a good way
to exercise.
7 Mum didn’t on the dress in the shop
and now she’s upset because it’s too tight.
8 I must
up cream cakes. I’m putting on
too much weight.
Ne w Matura Matrix Intermediate Plus
© Oxford University Press PHOTOCOPIABLE
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