THERA-BAND - ksiazka.docx

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STAWY SKOKOWE(ANKLE)……………………………………….... 6

KLATKA PIERSIOWA (CHEST) …………………………………….. 13

STAW ŁOKCIOWY (ELBOW) …………………………………………. 18

STOPA (FOOT) ........................................................................................................... 25

CAŁE CIAŁO (GENERAL BODY) ................................................................... 28

RĘKA I NADGARTEK (HAND&WRIST) ............................................ 29

GŁOWA (HEAD/TMJ) .............................................................................................. 32

STAW BIODROWY (HIP) .......................................................................... 35

STAWY KOLANOWE (KNEE) ............................................................... 45


KOŃCZYNA DOLNA (LOWER EXTREMITY) ................................... 62

KRĘGOSŁUP SZYJNY (NECK/CERVICAL SPINE) ......................... 80

STAW BARKOWY (SHOULDER) ............................................................. 84

UDO (THIGH) ................................................................................................... 109


KOŃCZYNA GÓRNA (UPPER EXTREMITY) ................................... 128






Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch (Lower Abs) - Targets the lower abdominal muscles.


Lay on back with hips and knees flexed. Stretch the band over knees and cross underneath. Secure each end of the band under your hands with elbows extended by your side. Lift your knees upward, lifting your hips off the floor. Slowly return.


Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch in Sitting - Older Adult. The abdominals can also be strengthened sitting in a chair by using an elastic band for older adults unable to get on the floor




Begin looping middle of the band around the back of a chair. Sit all the way back. Hold both ends of the band at your chest. Keeping ends of band at your chest, lean forward, bending at the waist. Slowly return to starting position                .
TIP: Keep your back straight and bend at the hips. Be sure band is securely attached behind chair. Remember to breathe.
CAUTION: Older adults with osteoporosis should not perform this exercise!



Thera-Band Abdominal Crunch in Supine - Adding elastic resistance to your curl-up will increase the contraction of your abdominal muscles.


Securely attach the ends of the band to a stationary object near the floor. Lay on your back with your knees bent. Extend arms in front and grasp the middle of the loop with hands close together. Keep elbows straight in front and curl trunk upward, lifting shoulder blades from floor. Hold and slowly return. TIP: Keep your elbows straight and be sure to lift shoulder blades off floor.

Thera-Band Abdominal Oblique Crunch in Supine - Adding elastic resistance to your curl-up will increase the contraction of your abdominal muscles




Securely attach the ends of the band to a stationary object near the floor. Lay on your back with your knees bent. Extend 1 arm in front and grasp the middle of the loop. Keep elbow straight in front and curl trunk upward toward opposite knee, lifting shoulder blade from floor. Hold and slowly return.
TIP: Keep your elbows straight and be sure to lift shoulder blade off floor.




Thera-Band Thoracic Rotation in Sitting - This exercise focuses on the thoracic spine rotators and extensors.



Tie the ends of the band together, making a loop. Sit "inside" the loop, and twist the loop in front of your chest. Place the top loop in the bend of your elbows, and grasp the back of your neck. Keep your back extended and rotate trunk to one side. Repeat in other direction.
TIP: Keep your back straight; don't "slouch"




Thera-Band Trunk "Chop" - This functional PNF exercise trains the entire core with rotation, flexion, and side bending

Securely attach one end of the band to a stationary object above your head. Grasp the band with both hands over your shoulder closest to the attachment, with your trunk slightly rotated toward the band. Pull the band down to the opposite hip with both hands, turning your trunk away from the attachment. Slowly return.

CAUTION: User must wear suitable eye protection such as safety goggles during this exercise to protect against possibility of eye injury as a result of the band or tube snapping towards the face if grip is lost or if the band or tube breaks.


Thera-Band Trunk "Lift" - This functional PNF exercise trains the entire core with rotation, extension, and side bending                     .


Securely attach one end of the band to a stationary object near the floor. Begin with hips and knees slightly bent. Stand to the side of the attachment and grasp the handle with both hands, with your trunk slightly rotated toward the band. Lift the band over your opposite shoulder with both hands, turning your trunk away from the attachment. Slowly return.




Thera-Band Trunk Extension (in long sitting) - Targets the low back and trunk extensors.


Sit with legs extended. Stretch the middle of the band around both feet. Grasp both ends of the bands with hands at chest. Lean back, stretching the band. Keep your lumbar spine straight by extending at the hips. Slowly return.




Thera-Band Trunk Rotation in Sitting - This exercise helps strengthen the abdominal obliques and low back rotators


Securely attach one end of the band.. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your back straight. Grasp the other end of the band at chest level. Rotate your shoulders away from the attachment, stretching the band. Hold and slowly return.
TIP: Avoid leaning your trunk over.



Thera-Band Trunk Sidebend-Overhead (In Standing)


Stand with feet a shoulder width apart, knees and hips slightly bent, and back straight. Secure middle of band under feet, grasp end of band by your sides. Extend one arm with elbow straight overhead (opposite the side you are strengthening). Lean away, stretching band. Slowly return.







Thera-Band Ankle Calf Raise - Strengthens the calf muscles. Also great for balance training.




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