E-27. Food for the Barbecue.docx

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E-27. Food for the Barbecue

ESL Podcast 38, Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

I moved into the new apartment last month and decided to invite a few friends over for a house-warming party. I didn't want to spend the day cooking, so I decided to have a barbeque. The food would be easy to prepare and I could cook it when my friends got here. But first, I had to go get a few things at the supermarket.

barbecue (barbeque) - grill; przyjęcie z grillem

apartment - mieszkanie

house-warming party - parapetówka (oblewanie nowego mieszkania)

spend the day - spędzić dzień

go get - pójść po

I got to the store and got a cart. I started out in the meat department. It wouldn't be a barbeque without hamburgers so I bought some ground beef. I also picked up some chicken breasts and hot dogs. I skipped the seafood counter since I didn't want to bother with fish.

cart - wózek

meat department - dział mięsny

it wouldn't be a barbeque without - nie byłoby grilla bez

ground beef - mielona wołowina

chicken breasts - piersi z kurczaka

skip - pominąć

seafood counter - stoisko z owocami morza

bother with - kłopotać się z

Then, I was off to the produce department. I got some corn on the cob and a lot of vegetables for grilling for my friends who are vegetarians. Then, I was off to the bakery section. I needed buns for the hamburgers and hot dogs, and I also bought some cookies for dessert.

I was off to - udałem się do

produce department - dział owocowo-warzywny

corn on the cob - kolba kukurydzy

grilling - grillowanie, pieczenie na ruszcie

vegetarian - wegetarianin

bakery section - dział z pieczywem

bun - bułka

cookies - ciasteczka

dessert - deser

Then, I was almost done. I went down each aisle looking for the condiments - the ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise. And, just before wrapping things up, I went to the liquor department and got some beer, wine, and soda. Nearly everyone I invited asked if they could bring something to the party but I told them no. I would have plenty of food and drink.

I was almost done - prawie skończyłem

aisle - przejście

condiments - przyprawy

mustard - musztarda

mayonnaise - majonez

wrap up - zapakować

liquor department - dział monopolowy

soda - napój gazowany

That was it. I stood in line at the check-out stand, staring at the magazine rack full of tabloids, until the cashier rang me up. The shopping went off without a hitch. Now, all I have to do is clean my messy apartment. That's the hard part.

line - kolejka

check-out stand - stoisko kasowe

stare at - wpatrywać się w, gapić się na

magazine rack - półka/stojak z czasopismami

tabloids - prasa brukowa

cashier - kasjer, kasjerka

rang me up - nabił do kasy moją kwotę

went off without a hitch - poszło bezproblemowo

messy - zabałaganiony

that's the hard part - to trudna część (tych przygotowań do przyjęcia)


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