E-26. Buying a Pet.docx

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E-26. Buying a Pet

ESL Podcast 37, Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

My niece is turning 8 next week and I decided to buy her a new pet. She had been asking her parents for a pet for a long time. But, they were worried about taking care of a pet. I told them I would go to the pet store to see if I could find a pet that wouldn't be too much of a bother.

pet - zwierzę domowe

niece - bratanica, siostrzenica

is turning 8 - kończy 8 lat

take care of - opiekować się

store - sklep

bother - kłopot, utrapienie

I walked into a big pet store and looked around. I saw cages with dogs and cats. There were also bird cages with birds of every color. I even saw some snakes!

cage - klatka

snake - wąż

I saw a sales clerk and asked him for help. I told him that I was looking for a pet that was easy to take care of. He suggested a cat or a kitten. But, I told him that my niece was allergic to cats. Then, he suggested a puppy. I walked over to the rows of dog kennels and asked the clerk how often they needed to be walked. He said that usually, dogs need to be taken out three to five times a day. That was much too much work, I told him.

sales clerk - sprzedawca

kitten - kotek

be allergic to - mieć alergię na

puppy - szczeniak

row - rząd

kennel - psia buda

to be walked - być wyprowadzanym na spacer

take a dog out - wyprowadzić psa na spacer

much too much - o dużo za dużo

He then showed me some birds, including a parrot. Then, I asked him how often the cages had to be cleaned, and when he told me, I nixed that idea.

including - łącznie z

parrot - papuga

nix - odrzucać

Finally, he took me to the back of the store. I have the perfect pet for you, he said. I looked around and saw aquariums full of fish. There were 20 different kinds. The clerk said that they were very easy to take care of. With the right equipment, you don't have to clean the tank regularly and all you have to do is feed the fish. That was it! The perfect solution.

aquarium - akwarium

fish - ryba, ryby

equipment - wyposażenie, sprzęt

(fish) tank - akwarium

feed - karmić

perfect solution - doskonałe rozwiązanie

The next time I visited my niece, she told me she loved her fish. She had named them all. She even named one after me. It was called "Jeffish." Get it? Now, she's happy and so are her parents. Just before I left, my niece asked me: When can we go to Disneyland?

name - nadać imiona, nazwać

named one after me - nadała jednej moje imię

get it? - rozumiesz? jasne?

Ah, the work of an uncle is never done.

the work of an uncle is never done - praca wujka nigdy się nie kończy


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