Richard Hightower, Nicholas Lesiecki - Java Open Source Library Java Tools for Extreme Programming Mastering Open Source Tools including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus.pdf

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Table of Contents
Introduction - 4
Part I - Introduction and Key Concepts
Chapter 1 -Introduction to Extreme Programming - 10
Chapter 2 -J2EE Deployment Concepts - 17
Chapter 3 -Example Applications - 27
Part II - Mastering the Tools
Chapter 4 -Continuous Integration with Ant - 79
Chapter 5 -Building Java Applications with Ant - 90
Chapter 6 -Building J2EE Applications with Ant - 110
Chapter 7 -Unit Testing with JUnit - 156
Chapter 8 -Testing Container Services with Cactus - 204
Chapter 9 -Functional Testing with HttpUnit - 245
Chapter 10 -Measuring App. Performance with JMeter - 265
Chapter 11 -Load Testing with JUnitPerf - 282
Part III - API and Tag Reference
Chapter 12 -Ant Tag Reference - 298
Chapter 13 -Ant API Reference - 319
Chapter 14 -JUnit API Reference - 345
Chapter 15 -Cactus API Reference - 357
Chapter 16 -HttpUnit API Reference - 383
Chapter 17 -JUnitPerf API Reference - 408
Java Tools for Extreme Programming—Mastering Open
Source Tools Including Ant, JUnit, and Cactus
Richard Hightower
Nicholas Lesiecki
Wiley Computer publishing
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Publisher: Robert Ipsen
Editor: Robert M. Elliott
Managing Editor: John Atkins
Book Packaging: Ryan Publishing Group, Inc.
Copyeditor: Tiffany Taylor
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First and foremost, I'd like to thank my wife Kiley Hightower for putting up with me on this tight schedule. I
spent many a night at a coffee shop with my laptop working until the coffee shop closed.
I really appreciate working with Tim Ryan at Ryan Publishing Group. He orchestrated the work of the editor,
contributing authors, co-authors, technical editors, and made this a painless and smooth operation for the
authors and team. In addition, Tim provided advice and asked the right questions to guide the book along from
the very beginning to the very end. Tim is a true professional. Thanks!
Kudos to my co-author Nicholas Lesiecki! When I put together the outline of this book and pitched it to Tim
Ryan, Wiley was excited about the project and put it on the finish-darn-quick list. I agreed to an aggressive
schedule, and even considered taking time off from work to complete it, but decided not to. Nick was able to
bail me out by stepping up to the plate and taking on a lot of responsibility, and eventually he became the co-
author of the book. Thanks Nick.
Much thanks to Scott Fauerbach! Scott went over the pet store baseline application and simplified it a lot.
Originally it was very abstract, but a little difficult to understand. Scott ripped through it and simplified it.
Together we made it as simple as possible. Scott and I have been on several teams at several companies—
we work well together. Scott also did an excellent job on the session bean case study for the business tier of
the Pet store application. Thanks, Scott.
Erik Hatcher is a wealth of information on Ant and JUnit. I consulted him many times. It was great having the
FAQ moderator for Ant in the office next to you when you are having problems with Ant. Thanks Erik for all of
the support.
I'd like to thank Andy Barton for allowing me to host the Web site for the book for free, and Ron Tapia and
Chris Lechner for setting up the site. Also, Ron helped me debug problems when porting the application from
SQL Server to Hypersonic SQL.
Thanks to Jon Thomas and Paul Visan for stepping up to the plate and taking on case studies. I would like to
thank all of the contributing authors, Paul Visan, Erik Hatcher, Jon Thomas and Douglas Albright.
I'd also like to thank Mary Hightower & Richard Hightower (Mom and Dad), Mrs. Wooten my third grade school
teacher, and Whitney High-tower for understanding.
Last, but not least, I'd like to thank Avery Regier and Tiffany Taylor for editing the book. Avery was the
technical editor, and in my opinion he went above and beyond the call of duty. He had great suggestions and
was able to contribute ideas that were readily incorporated into the book. Thanks, Avery. Tiffany, the
copyeditor, found every misplaced tab and run on sentence—any remaining mistakes I take full credit for. Let's
just say Tiffany had her work cut out for her. Thanks, Tiffany.
Rick Hightower is the Director of Development at eBlox, where he leads the adoption of new processes like
Extreme Programming, and helps implement coding standards and guidelines for development.
Rick is a software developer at heart with over a decade of development experience in creating frameworks &
tools, enforcing processes, and developing enterprise applications using J2EE, XML, UML, CORBA, JDBC,
SQL, and Oracle technologies.
Formerly he was the Senior Software Engineer for Java Architecture at Intel's Enterprise Architecture Lab;
there he lead a team of developers, designing and implementing three tier client-server applications,
introduced O-O CASE tools to his department, and later created several frameworks using a variety of Java,
COM, CORBA, middleware technologies. Rick also created ICBeans and authored the patent application for
this technology, which was awarded to Intel.
Rick has contributed to several Java books and written articles for the Java Developer's Journal . He has also
taught classes on developing Enterprise JavaBeans, JDBC, CORBA, Applets as CORBA clients, and EJB.
Nicholas Lesiecki serves eBlox as a Technical Team Lead where he takes charge of team development and
architects the company's vertical application framework. Hired as an intern in the middle of the dot-com boom,
he has since become a Java master, boasting the 5th highest Java 1 score in the nation according to He maintains active committer status on Jakarta's Cactus project and constantly looks for
ways to improve code structure through testing and vigorous refactoring.
Nick resides in the heart of Tucson Arizona where the fire-play in the sky at sunset sweeps through his mind
and washes strange objects upon the shores of his memory. He lives with his wife Suzanne and their two
"children" Edgar the Dog and Juno the Wonder Cat. All three should be fairly regarded as contributors
because of their generous donations of Nick's time. Nick loves his wife very much.
About the Contributors
Doug "Chakka" Albright is a software developer who wrote the Ant tag reference.
Jon Thomas is a Senior Systems Engineer for HealthTrio in Tucson AZ. Prior to HealthTrio he developed
Products for eBlox, SimplySay (Voice Portal) and, in both Java and VB. Originally from
Los Angeles he "escaped" to the hidden jewel of the southwest in 1995. He lives in Tucson with his family,
where he writes software, prays everyday, and cheers for the Minnesota Vikings (proof that not all prayers are
answered the way we want them to be.) Jon wrote the Ant API reference. In addition, Jon wrote the case study
that converted the Pet store sample application to use XML/XSL for the presentation.
Erik Hatcher has more than 10 years of software development experience, most recently with J2EE. He is a
Sun Certified Java Programmer, actively involved in Apache's Jakarta efforts, and is the Ant FAQ maintainer
at jGuru. Erik is currently a Senior Java Architect for the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of
Business Administration." He wrote the case study on using HttpUnit. In addition, he provided a technical
support for using Ant when we ran into snags.
Paul Visan is a Technical Lead for eBlox, Inc doing exciting J2EE development. He comes from Romania,
where he was a close acquaintance of Vlad 'Dracul' a.k.a. 'Dracula' in the western world." He converted the
Pet store application to use Struts, and the HttpUnit code to test both the straight JSP version and the Struts
version of the application. In addition, he wrote the case study explaining the struts conversion of the pet store
Scott Fauerbach is a principal software engineer who specializes in software frameworks and development
tools in both the user interface and server side realms of Java. Scott has been developing with Java
professionally since it was in Beta and authored a complete set of light-weight GUI components called
Widgets, which were included with the first versions of Visual Cafй.
Scott currently works at FourthStage working on the next level of business-to-business software using Java,
SOAP, and JSP. He worked on the Pet Store example, and wrote the case study that moves the business tier
of the application to several Enterprise Session beans.
Ron Tapia , systems engineer at eBlox, helped setup the website and debug the application running on Linux.
This book describes techniques for implementing the Extreme Programming practices of automated testing
and continuous integration using open source tools.
Let's unpack that statement. Automated testing and continuous integration are 2 of the 12 core practices of the
Extreme Programming (XP) software development methodology. Extreme Programming is a lightweight
software development process that focuses on feedback, communication, simplicity, and courage. The full XP
process is summarized in Chapter 1 ; suffice it to say for now that it consists of common-sense development
practices practiced religiously and in concert.
Two of these common-sense practices are testing and frequent integration. Almost no software development
shop would consider leaving these steps out of its process entirely—after all, a system has to be integrated to
ship, and it must be tested to ensure that the customers accept the shipment. Thanks to the dot-com
shakeout, most of the shops that did skip these practices are now out of business. Still, many software
companies either struggle with implementing these processes, or acknowledge that they should be done but
claim that "things are just too busy right now" to do them. This book explains and demonstrates the use of
software tools to help put these valuable practices into place.
Why Spend So Much Time on the Tools?
We focus on tools, ironically enough, because XP is a human-centric development philosophy. It recognizes
that the key challenges of writing software are human challenges—such as getting people to work together,
helping programmers learn, and managing emotions. Its four core values (communication, feedback,
simplicity, and courage) are human values. Most books published on XP so far have focused on the human
issues: outlining the philosophy, spreading the ideology ( Extreme Programming Explained was described by
Kent Beck as a manifesto), and talking about the feeling of writing software. By doing so, Kent Beck and the
originators of XP have followed their own philosophy: Solve the most pressing problems first. However, the
current books do not cover the technical details of implementing some of their practices. That's where books
like this one come in.
We will explain how to set up continuous integration and automated testing in a Java environment (specifically
J2EE, although most of the tools apply generally). Technical detail will be addressed, and we will offer loads of
examples to show the tools in action. Specifically, we will cover how to use JUnit, Cactus, HttpUnit, JUnitPerf,
and JMeter to write automated tests and how to use Ant (along with the aforementioned tests) to achieve
continuous integration.
Who Should Read this Book
Although this book speaks from an XP perspective, you need not practice XP to benefit from it. Anyone who
needs help automating testing and integration can benefit from the tools and practices outlined herein. If you
know nothing about Extreme Programming, you should probably read the rest of this Introduction, along with
Chapter 1 to get a sense of the practices covered in this book, both alone and in their XP context. In particular,
the Introduction touches on the value of automated testing and continuous integration for all developers.
This book assumes you are at least a moderately experienced Java developer. Because it covers the
application of testing and integration tools to the J2EE platform, this book also expects familiarity with J2EE
technologies and development practices. Those who are not interested in J2EE applications will still find
plenty of worthwhile material, because most of these tools can be applied to almost any Java (or, in the case
of JMeter and HttpUnit, even non-Java) software project. Developers who aren't familiar with J2EE but who
want to apply these tools and techniques to a J2EE application may also want to pick up a comprehensive
J2EE book like Developing Java Enterprise Applications, 2nd edition , by Stephen Asbury and Scott Weiner.
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