Matrix Revolution.txt

(46 KB) Pobierz
0:01:15:I got nothing, sir.|No sign of Niobe or Ghost.
0:01:19:Nothing but blue pills.
0:01:20:Should we try to contact them?
0:01:22:Won't matter.|My gut says they're down.
0:01:24:- We should start back.|- Lf that ship can fly, we need it.
0:01:27:I was afraid you'd say that.
0:01:29:Search every pipe, every hole,|every crack we know.
0:01:31:Sweep as wide as possible,|as fast as possible.
0:01:34:- Lines are crawling with calamari.|- The sooner we find them the better.
0:01:43:Thought you could use|something to eat.
0:01:46:Thank you.
0:01:47:Any change?
0:01:53:- How is he?|- He's gonna be fine.
0:01:57:At least until he wakes up.
0:02:00:- What do you mean?|- Captain has some questions for him.
0:02:04:He'd better have some good answers.
0:02:06:You see these cuts?|I think they're self-inflicted.
0:02:10:- Why?|- VDTs maybe. I don't know.
0:02:14:But like I said,|the answer better be good.
0:02:20:Roland, I'd like to run another search|through the Matrix.
0:02:23:- For what?|- For Neo.
0:02:25:How could he be in the Matrix, sir?|He's not plugged in.
0:02:29:Please, for me.
0:02:40:This is what keeps bothering me.
0:02:45:His neural patterns don't read|like someone who's in a coma.
0:02:49:The strange thing is,|I see these patterns all the time.
0:02:52:- Where?|- On someone jacked in.
0:03:06:The big bupkes. Nada.|He's not in there.
0:03:09:- Sir, I got the projections.|- How long?
0:03:12:Based on point of entry and past speed,|the machines will be in Zion in 20 hours.
0:03:16:Jesus H. Christ.
0:03:19:All right, let's move with a purpose.|AK, I want you on holographics.
0:03:23:Mauser, I want forward and aft guns|manned at all times.
0:03:27:And make sure we are running|on as few pads as possible.
0:03:31:- Hey! You got a call.|- What?
0:03:37:It's Seraph.
0:03:41:I bring word from the Oracle.|You must come at once.
0:03:56:Good morning.
0:03:58:- Who are you?|- My name is Sati. Your name is Neo.
0:04:03:My papa says you're not supposed|to be here. He says you must be lost.
0:04:07:Are you lost, Neo?
0:04:13:- Where am I?|- This is the train station.
0:04:19:- This isn't the Matrix?|- That's where the train goes.
0:04:22:That's where we're going,|but you cannot go with us.
0:04:27:- Why not?|- He won't let you.
0:04:31:- Who won't?|- The Trainman. I don't like him.
0:04:34:But my papa says we have to do|what the Trainman says...
0:04:38:...or else he will leave us here|forever and ever.
0:04:55:Morpheus, Trinity,|thank you for coming.
0:05:01:One thing I've learned in all my years... that nothing ever works out|the way you want it to.
0:05:06:- Who are you?|- I'm the Oracle.
0:05:11:I wish there was an easy way to get|through this, but there ain't.
0:05:16:I'm sorry this had to happen.
0:05:19:I'm sorry I couldn't be sitting here|like you remember me...
0:05:22:...but it wasn't meant to be.|- What happened?
0:05:26:I made a choice, and that choice|cost me more than I wanted it to.
0:05:30:What choice?
0:05:32:To help you, to guide Neo.
0:05:35:Now, since the real test for any choice is|having to make the same choice again...
0:05:40:...knowing full well|what it might cost...
0:05:44:...I guess I feel pretty good|about that choice...
0:05:48:...because here I am, at it again.
0:05:51:- Do you know what happened to Neo?|- Yes.
0:05:55:He is trapped in a place between|this world and the machine world.
0:05:59:The link is controlled by a program|called the Trainman.
0:06:03:He uses it to smuggle programs|in and out of the Matrix.
0:06:08:If he finds out where Neo is|before you get to him...
0:06:11:...then I'm afraid our choices|are going to become difficult.
0:06:15:- Why?|- Because of who the Trainman works for.
0:06:18:The Merovingian.
0:06:20:He has placed a bounty on your lives.|You must be careful at all times.
0:06:25:Seraph knows how to find the Trainman.|He'll go with you.
0:06:29:For years he has protected me.
0:06:33:I hope he can do the same for you.
0:06:36:Please, follow me.
0:06:45:I know, Morpheus.
0:06:47:I can see you're filled with doubt,|clouded by uncertainty.
0:06:51:After everything that has happened,|how can you expect me to believe you?
0:06:56:I don't.
0:06:58:I expect just what I've always expected:
0:07:00:For you to make up your own|damn mind. Believe me or don't.
0:07:05:All I can do is tell you that your friend|is in trouble, and he needs your help.
0:07:10:He needs all our help.
0:07:14:- Are you from the Matrix?|- Yes.
0:07:18:- I mean, I was.|- Why did you leave?
0:07:22:- I had to.|- I had to leave my home too.
0:07:26:Sati! Come here, darling.|Leave the poor man in peace.
0:07:30:Yes, Papa.
0:07:36:I am sorry. She is still very curious.
0:07:40:- I know you.|- Yes, in the restaurant of the Frenchman.
0:07:43:I am Rama-Kandra. This is my wife,|Kamala. My daughter, Sati.
0:07:48:We are most honored to meet you.
0:07:50:- You are programs.|- Oh, yes.
0:07:53:I am the power-plant systems manager|for recycling operations.
0:07:57:My wife is an interactive software|programmer. She is highly creative.
0:08:01:What are you doing here?|You do not belong here.
0:08:04:Kamala! Goodness, I apologize.|My wife can be very direct.
0:08:10:It's okay.
0:08:11:I don't have an answer.
0:08:13:- I don't even know where "here" is.|- This place is nowhere.
0:08:17:It is between your world and our world.
0:08:21:- Who's the Trainman?|- He works for the Frenchman.
0:08:24:Why did I know you would say that?
0:08:26:The Frenchman does not forget,|and he does not forgive.
0:08:30:- You know him?|- I know only what I need to know.
0:08:33:I know if you want to take something|from our world into your world...
0:08:37:...that does not belong there,|you must go to the Frenchman.
0:08:40:Is that what you're doing here?
0:08:42:- Rama, please.|- I do not want to be cruel, Kamala.
0:08:46:He may never see another face|for the rest of his life.
0:08:49:I'm sorry.
0:08:50:- You don't have to answer that question.|- No, I don't mind.
0:08:54:The answer is simple.
0:09:02:I love my daughter very much.
0:09:04:I find her to be the most beautiful thing|I have ever seen.
0:09:08:But where we are from,|that is not enough.
0:09:11:Every program that is created|must have a purpose.
0:09:13:If it does not, it is deleted.
0:09:17:I went to the Frenchman|to save my daughter.
0:09:22:- You do not understand.|- I just have never...
0:09:25:Heard a program speak of love.
0:09:28:- It is a human emotion.|- No, it is a word.
0:09:32:What matters is the connection|the word implies.
0:09:39:I see that you are in love.
0:09:42:Can you tell me what you would give|to hold on to that connection?
0:09:48:Then perhaps the reason|you are here... not so different|than the reason I am here.
0:10:00:That's him.
0:10:03:- Get away! Get away from me!|- We don't want trouble.
0:10:06:- Get the hell away from me!|- We need your help.
0:10:09:I can't help you!|No one can help you!
0:11:02:Oh, no!
0:11:15:Damn it!
0:11:19:- When is the train due?|- It is already late.
0:11:23:It's not like the Trainman to be late.
0:11:26:You think it has something|to do with me?
0:11:28:I cannot say.
0:11:30:Who knows such things?|Only the Oracle.
0:11:32:- You know the Oracle?|- Everyone knows the Oracle.
0:11:35:I consulted with her|before I met with the Frenchman.
0:11:38:She promised to watch Sati|after we said goodbye.
0:11:43:- You're not staying with her?|- It is not possible.
0:11:46:Our arrangement with the Frenchman|was for our daughter only.
0:11:50:- My wife and I must return to our world.|- Why?
0:11:53:- That is our karma.|- You believe in karma?
0:11:56:Karma is a word, like love.
0:11:59:A way of saying:
0:12:01:"What I am here to do."
0:12:04:I do not resent my karma.|I'm grateful for it.
0:12:07:Grateful for my wonderful wife,|for my beautiful daughter.
0:12:11:They are gifts, and so I do|what I must do to honor them.
0:12:16:- Papa, the train!|- Yes. Find your bag. Quickly.
0:12:22:Can I carry that for you?
0:12:25:All right.
0:12:32:Hurry it up, I'm late!
0:12:39:- Who are you?|- He is a friend.
0:12:43:I know you.
0:12:45:- So that's what they wanted.|- I need to get back.
0:12:50:I'll pay you whatever you want.
0:12:52:One way or another,|I'm getting on this train.
0:12:55:Oh, no, no, no.
0:12:57:You'll stay here until|the Merovingian says different.
0:13:00:If I know him...'re gonna be here|for a long, long time.
0:13:05:- I don't want to hurt you.|- You don't get it.
0:13:09:I built this place.
0:13:12:Down here, I make the rules.|Down here, I make the threats.
0:13:21:Down here, I'm God.
0:13:26:Get on the train|or you'll stay here with him.
0:13:45:We should return to the Oracle.|She will know what to do.
0:13:48:No. We know what has to be done.
0:14:34:You gotta be kidding.
0:14:37:Holy shit, it's wingless.
0:14:39:I get it.
0:14:41:You must be ready to die.
0:14:44:I need to speak with him.
0:14:46:Only way you're getting through|this door is over my big, dead ass.
0:14:51:So be it.
0:15:14:There are no weapons allowed|in the club.
0:15:17:At the bottom of this elevator,|there is a coat-check girl...
0:15:20:...and if we are lucky,|one man for checking weapons.
0:15:24:And if we're unlucky?
0:15:26:There will be many men.
0:15:29:Can I take your...? Oh, my God.
0:17:48:What in the hell?
0:17:53:I don't believe this.
0:18:06:The prodigal child returns.
0:18:11:Are you here for the bounty, Seraph?
0:18:17:Tell me, how many bullets|are there in those guns?
0:18:20:I don't know, but I don't think|you have enough.
0:18:23:- We only want to talk.|- Oh, yes.
0:18:26:I'm sure you do. You have fought|through Hel to do so. Yes?
0:18:31:I'll tell you ...
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