How to Get Girls with Hypnosis.pdf

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The Easy Way
To Get Girls;
With S/A Hypnotism
Copyright 2000
Did you ever wonder why it is that some men have absolutely no trouble
getting girls while others find it most difficult?
Well there is a rather simple explanation for this. You see ... it takes a bit
of confidence and self-assurance in the world. This type of man has a
"positive self-image".
Girls also sense it when a man doesn't have very much confidence in
himself. This type of man has a "negative self-image". And this lack of
confidence is exactly what turns girls off.... QUICKLY!
Some men just naturally possess the quality of self-confidence. And they
put it to use whenever they come in contact with girls. They let it work for
them every time they approach a girl. They have learned to rely on it. And
it seldom lets them down.
On the other hand: Some men are not naturally in possession of this
priceless asset of self-confidence (positive self-image)... and therefore must
find a way to change their negative self-image to one of a positive nature.
Through S/A Hypnotism, you will be able to develop more than enough
confidence to get just about any girl you desire. Once you aquire this new
inner-confidence, you will find it extremely easy to meet girls. You will
find it easy as pie to get dates with girls. And ... you will have very little
trouble getting most girls to sleep with you. THAT'S WHAT S/A
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The Key to Meeting, Dating and Seducing Girls
Once you develop a moderate amount of self-confidence (through S/A
Hypnotism), most girls will see you as a man who they'd like to get to
know better ... MUCH better.
Girls feel comfortable with a man who is sure of himself. They look up
to him. They feel secure with such a man.
You must have seen this type of "self-assured guy" in action plenty of
times. He's the guy who simply walks up to a girl and begins talking to her
as if he has known her for years.
And what does he receive in return for this simple (simple for the truyly
self-assured man, that is) action? Well, we'll bet you our bottom dollar that
he will have her name, her address and phone number within minutes. Give
him a day and he'll have a date with her. Give him a week (at the most) and
he'll have her in bed....
These are just some of the benefits available to the man who has a
"positive self-image". And these are the benefits that will be available to
YOU.... once you develop your own positive self-image through S/A
Keep in mind as you read - we are not talking mere theory or giving you
our opinions. We are giving you COLD HARD FACTS!
S/A Hypnotism - What Is It?
S/A Hypnotism is self-administered hypnotism. It is also known as
auto-suggestion or simply called self-hypnotism. But they all add up to
basically ... for the purpose of replacing certain negative qualities with those
of a positive, more desirable nature.
S/A Hypnotism and Subconscious Mind
"We are what we "think" we are."
Read that sentence again. Think about it. It's quite true. We truly ARE
what we THINK we are.
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If you don't "think" you can't win a race, you won't. Not in a million
If you don't "think" you can jump the distance, you won't make it.
If you don't "think" you can meet, date and seduce girls. YOU WON'T!
But it's a little more than merely thinking about it. You must honestly
BELIEVE. Believe in yourself.
Before you can beat the other guys at the high-jump, you must actually
believe you are the best jumper in the stadium.
And before you can expect to meet, date and seduce beautiful girls, you
must honestly "believe" you have that certain "something" that every girl
desires in a man. You must believe it with all your heart.
Then...and only then... will you become a successful lady's man.
S/A Hypnotism - What Is It?
QUESTION: How do you "believe with all your heart" that women simply
can't resist you?
ANSWER: You lead your subconscious mind to believe it.
Once your subconscious mind believes you are a new man ( a man who
can have just about any girl he wants), your conscious mind will begin to
believe it. And once this begins to happen, you will automatically come into
possession of that all important "positive self-image". Which in turn, will
lead you directly to the success with girls you've always wanted.
Remember - we guarantee your success. But you must give it an honest
try. If you do just that much, the principles described in this book will lead
you directly to the success with girls you are trying so hard to find. BUT
Through S/A Hypnotism, you will be able to give your subconscious
mind "suggestions". After a short time (it could take a few weeks, a week,
or only a couple days), your subconscious mind will begin to believe the
information that you have been feeding it and will finally accept it as
At that time when your subconscious mind takes the suggestions you've been
giving it as "truth", a change will immediately take place in your conscious
mind and, thus, in your every-day way of thinking and acting.
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Example: There was a very popular heavyweight fighter who turned to
self-hypnotism for aid when the going got rough. For years he was just
another pug. Then he began to practice the techniques we are about to
teach you.
Through these techniques, he was easily able to reach his subconscious
mind ... at which time he gave it certain suggestions with the hope that he
would be "lifted" to the level of greatness that produces champions.
IT WORKED. His subconscious responded to the suggestions that were
given to it.
Before long, he was beating every opponent he came up against. With
the help of self-hypnotism, he climbed that steep ladder of success. WITH
Does S/A Hyonotism work ?
You bet it does!
These principles have helped countless men achieve success in their own
particular calling. And...these principles will help you achieve success
with girls. Before long, nine out of ten girls you appoach will be quite
interested in getting to know you better....MUCH better!
Remember - we guarantee it will work for you IF you give it an honest
And remember also - there is not hard work involved. The basic simple
formula you will be following is this: 1) Reach your subconscious mind
through S/A Hypnotism, then 2) give your subconscious certain
"suggestions" that will (after a short period of time) be accepted as "truth"
by your subconscious as well as your conscious mind at which time, 3) you
will automatically become the person that you are commanding your
subconscious mind to help you become.
Don't worry if you don't understand exactly WHY these principles
work. The important thing is that you accept the fact they DO work.
Preparing Your Subconscious Mind to Receive Suggestions
Before you can give your subconscious mind suggestions, you must
"prepare" it to receive them. This is known as: putting yourself in an
altered-consciousness. Let us begin.
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Procedure #1
Retire to a quiet room free from any outside disturbances. This room
will require enough light so you can read and be dark enough for a
comfortable and relaxing atmosphere.
Relax by stretching out on a bed or in your favorite easy-chair. It is
suggested that you do not lie entirely flat. Just drop your head and
shoulders on a couple of pillows.
Now, get comfortable and relaxed. Close your eyes and relax. Relax
every single muscle in your body.
Now, blank your mind of all thoughts. Simply relax ... and think of
nothing at all. Block all outside noises and distractions completely from
your mind. Keep your eyes closed.
Procedure #2
Now, you will silently command each and every part of your body to
relax (be sure and actually fell each body-part totally relax as you give each
1. Command your feet to relax (take your time and actually feel them
2. Command your ankles to relax.
3. Command your calves to relax (feel the muscles in your calves relaxing).
4. Command your knees to relax.
5. Command your thighs to relax (feel every muscle in your thighs
*NOTE - Don't Rush ... Take Your Time Between Each Command
6. Command your stomach to relax (feel your stomach muscles relaxing).
7. Command your chest muscles to relax ( feel them relaxing).
8. Command your shoulders to relax (feel them relaxing).
9. Command your upper arms to relax.
10. Command your elbows to relax.
11. Command your forearms to relax.
12. Command your wrists to relax.
13. Command your hands to relax (feel each finger and joint in your hands
14. Command your lower back to relax.
15. Command your upper back to relax (feel all the muscles in your upper
and lower back relaxing).
16. Command all the muscles in the back of your neck to relax (feel them relaxing).
17. Command the back of your head and scalp to relax.
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