Inhale (2010. HDRIP. Evolution. SG).txt

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[38][73]Any Reasonable Person Would act so.
[80][120]I do not know.|- Let me finish.
[121][162]Street crime,|drugs in schools.
[163][195]And what Does this mean?|- He shot HIM.
[196][237]You need our legal system|blame, not Mr. Ruiz.
[238][280]He did only what Any father|Would Have done.
[281][313]Also I am a father, and I Would not do it.
[314][356]Give HIM a medal.|Now on to something important.
[357][398]you just turn on|the Prosecutor INTEND ...
[399][429]Mr. Ruiz to sue.|- Ridiculous.
[430][461]Attempted murder|His neighbor on ...
[462][503]Andrew Pechinsky ...|- Sentenced for pedophilia.
[505][539]Abuse of children.|- This is nonsense.
[540][558]The defense ...
[1171][1201]... The child is not abused.|But if so?
[1202][1233]Mr. Ruiz is not condemned.
[1234][1274]Anyone who kills a child rapist,|deserves a medal.
[1275][1326]No, I can not.|You can not judge their own games ...
[1348][1488]Justice. Justice.
[1519][1549]Mr. Stanton?|- A question.
[1559][1601]Why the charge?|Pechinsky had assaulted his son.
[1602][1643]He says. Ruiz had the police|must go.
[1644][1675]But he shot Mr. Pechinsky down.
[1676][1707]An assailant.|- There are laws.
[1708][1750]Ruiz is Pechinsky|life in a wheelchair.
[1751][1782]Attempted murder.|- But the fact ...
[1783][1818]Hey, Paul.|- Sneak sneak inside you?
[1826][1875]I wanted to act not disturb.|- You would not be seen with me.
[1876][1903]Good morning.
[1908][1944]That case is just your suicide.
[1953][1992]Oh yeah? Should we Pechinsky stone?
[1993][2029]There are many Latinos who want to do.
[2032][2073]You think their voices.|- They need you.
[2074][2112]Forget those cowboy boots|Go and learn Spanish.
[2113][2155]I have come a long way in those boots.|Are you coming to my fundraiser?
[2156][2188]I do not anyway, after my big check?
[2189][2235]You call that fat?|You krenteriger than a donut.
[2265][2296]I must make some difficult questions.
[2297][2335]Your son had blood type O. He is a donor.
[2336][2367]His organs could save many lives.
[2402][2437]So the boy was three and a half hours|at home?
[2439][2480]You have not made advances?|- We played video games.
[2481][2517]They love the kids to.|- You are condemned.
[2524][2578]You may not interact with children.|- That bastard shot me.
[2579][2607]Receive more minors?
[2608][2658]What are those questions?|I'm forever in a wheelchair.
[2662][2697]I piss in a bag.|You have to defend me.
[2713][2766]I'm prosecutor, you're a witness.|It leaves me cold where you pissing.
[2808][2850]Answer the questions.|If I want to win the case ...
[2854][2885]I might let you testify.
[2896][2926]I take it with you.
[2965][2995]Paul Stanton.|I want Dr. Rubin speak.
[2996][3031]Yes, I wait.|- We may have a donor.
[3041][3086]He fits Chloe. But the UOS|has a receiver.
[3087][3120]Get them to give Chloe the lung.
[3171][3212]Say my appointments off.|- Blood and weight matched.
[3213][3245]The tissue type is almost perfect.
[3246][3272]The lungs go to Salt Lake City.
[3273][3324]It takes too long.|My daughter could be here in fifteen minutes.
[3325][3366]I am sorry|That boy is higher on the list.
[3368][3409]This is for personnel.|You can not come here.
[3410][3449]Chloe's LAS-classification was 91.2.|Is not that enough?
[3450][3482]They have been waiting over seven months.
[3496][3527]The body adjusts, the receiver is nearby.
[3528][3560]If you submit the lungs,|helps nobody.
[3561][3596]There are 98,000 people|on the waiting list.
[3598][3633]2.100 lungs are required.|198 in Region 5.
[3651][3682]Each case is an exception.
[3712][3738]Excuse me.
[4249][4287]Can I sleep with you?|- What you're heavy.
[4288][4320]Because I can not play football.
[4326][4369]That will come again.|- Mommy and I have seen you on TV.
[4370][4401]Really?|- You were much too seriously.
[4418][4453]You should smile more.|- So, there you go.
[4463][4489]Good night.|- Chloe is right.
[4490][4520]You should smile more often.
[5107][5138]Go sit upright. Come here.
[5139][5175]Enter here.|He is empty, get a new one.
[5211][5243]Daddy get your medication. Hurry.
[5249][5283]Ll al|- Papa get your medication, right?
[5288][5318]It's okay, honey. Here.
[5322][5356]But one, baby. But one.
[5452][5488]Since the list came UOS,|20 years ago ...
[5507][5539]There are 317,000 registered patients.
[5559][5598]There are only two reasons|to be abolished.
[5599][5635]They receive a donor organ,|or they die.
[5678][5708]Why are you telling us?
[5726][5779]After consultation with my colleagues|Unfortunately, we believe ...
[5805][5835]Chloe begins to phase 4.
[5844][5875]This is the final stage, huh?|- Oh God.
[5974][6004]I'm sorry, Diane.
[6033][6063]There is a rumor that gnaws at me.
[6064][6100]And I have a name entered|the UOS.
[6127][6158]This should be kept confidential.
[6244][6280]James Harrison?|- The James Harrison?
[6312][6340]According to his medical record ...
[6341][6377]in 2001 he had two years to live.
[6395][6427]A few months later he removed.
[6428][6464]So?|- He has found an alternative.
[6486][6533]Does he have an illegal heart transplant|had?
[6534][6569]Can. Other countries, other laws.
[6570][6611]Tourism body.|In China they sell organs ...
[6612][6662]from death row.|In Iran you can sell your kidney.
[6680][6732]If you need an organ|and money, there are options.
[6790][6845]You were right. The lungs are dead|on their way to Salt Lake City.
[6846][6901]We can not rely on the UOS|Chloe's life in order to save.
[6906][6940]What about Harrison?|- What can I do?
[6941][6976]Ask him about the transplant.|- How?
[6981][7023]My doctor has me your illegal|medical history told?
[7024][7065]Now your political career is over,|tell me:
[7067][7101]How did you get that heart?|- It is about your career.
[7102][7138]As Harrison says,|you should do something ...
[7139][7172]against your lofty morality.|- That is unfair.
[7173][7210]It's not about my career,|but to the law.
[7212][7262]It keeps you on the law?|Then, defending child molesters.
[7361][7392]Ruiz, your lawyer is visiting.
[7574][7614]He is six, and he was three and a half hours|in that house.
[7621][7667]There is no physical evidence|that your son has been abused.
[7730][7770]He's my son,|I saw it in his face.
[7771][7794]So why you shot him?
[7796][7822]Si. Si. Yes.
[7829][7864]And you claim that you defend your family?
[8049][8090]Yes, my family.|I wanted to protect my son.
[8120][8154]Mr. Harrison,|Paul Stanton is in your office.
[8166][8197]Hey, Paul. What can I do for you?
[8221][8261]Pechinsky on the case.|Maybe you're right.
[8276][8328]You do it pretty well.|It rises in the polls.
[8332][8378]Yesterday I talked to the father.|- And that grabbed you, huh?
[8420][8450]What would you do?|- I?
[8460][8492]I would stop, while you can.
[8494][8524]You must not interfere in the matter.
[8525][8561]Pechinsky is a setter.|He has earned this.
[8587][8621]Do I have a deal?|- I would do it.
[8632][8668]The father receives the minimum|imprisonment.
[8669][8701]It is not about the law|fanatic perform.
[8702][8734]It is the society|that you want.
[8735][8762]Do not you think?
[8801][8837]I take Fri|It's bad with my daughter.
[8838][8873]I'm sorry. If I can help ...
[8875][8905]You can find me a pair of lungs.
[8907][8933]That would be great.
[9016][9045]I will pray for her.
[9241][9273]So Claudia, I'm back at nine hours.
[9280][9313]Do not worry, I'll call if there is.
[9383][9418]These new glasses allow you really cute.
[9437][9469]I look like a nerd.|- A nice nerd.
[9481][9516]What is it?|- We go to Harrison's fundraiser.
[9523][9559]You surely do not want?|- It's alright.
[9567][9598]What is nice mom, huh?|- Thank you.
[9599][9640]Yet you go to sleep eight hours.|- You're too clever.
[9646][9686]Hurry, or we'll be late.|- I shower here.
[9687][9718]Good night, Daddy.|- Good night, sweetheart.
[9924][9949]Hello. Carol.
[9951][9982]Diane. How nice to see you.|- Hello.
[9991][10028]Jim said you could not.|- We wanted to endorse.
[10029][10060]Come along to the others.
[10066][10094]When Jim asked me to speak ...
[10095][10141]he gave me a bottle of Jack,|against stage fright.
[10174][10221]And offered me twenty dollars.|I said I was not for sale.
[10222][10254]So he offered me fifty. I asked him:
[10261][10292]You think I'm so cheap?
[10296][10328]Eventually he offered me one hundred to.
[10344][10375]So, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
[10419][10453]JH I have since college.
[10465][10501]While I drank|and behind the girls sat at meat ...
[10508][10539]Sorry, here's a toilet somewhere?
[10540][10571]Go upstairs, in the bedroom.
[10573][10608]And his tremendous enthusiasm and commitment ...
[10615][10661]He was the successful man|that we see today.
[10720][10766]A toast to the worst patients|I've ever had ...
[10770][10816]and the best governor|that there is out there: Jim Harrison.
[10862][10893]Thank you. Like all|Republicans ...
[10894][10944]I trust you all to,|except a public function.
[10968][11009]I am overwhelmed by your support ...
[11010][11041]and thank you all for coming.
[11124][11157]So you're Jim's doctor. Paul Stanton.
[11159][11200]A colleague. I can imagine|that it is difficult.
[11201][11232]He keeps you busy? Beer, please.
[11243][11278]I follow the case Pechinsky.|You're doing great.
[11283][11324]I hate mass hysteria.|- A man after my heart.
[11325][11367]Nice speech. Tomorrow I prove|you're wrong.
[11368][11408]I have no time for golf.|- Oh, what a shame.
[11416][11446]Thank you for coming, Paul.
[11637][11672]Harrison has me.|He interrupted me ...
[11674][11716]as soon as I approached his doctor.|I should let him talk.
[11717][11748]Maybe this helps? Azathioprine.
[11749][11784]From his medicine cabinet.|Nobody saw me.
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