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jQuery in Action
Bear Bibeault
Yehuda Katz
Covers jQuery 1.4 and jQuery UI 1.8
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Praise for the First Edition
This is an excellent work, a worthy successor to others in Manning’s “In Action” series. It is
highly readable and chock-full of working code. The Lab pages are a marvelous way to explore
the library, which should become an important part of every web developer’s arsenal. Five stars
all ‘round!
—David Sills, JavaLobby, Dzone
I highly recommend the book for learning the fundamentals of jQuery and then serving as a good
reference book as you leverage the power of jQuery more and more in your daily development.
—David Hayden, MVP C#,
The Elements of Style for JavaScript.
—Joshua Heyer, Trane Inc.
For those new to jQuery, this book is a good primer that covers a range of common uses of the
framework.... The examples throughout the book are relevant, and make the point effectively.
The code snippets are easily distinguishable from the rest of the text, and the text is clear and
easy to follow.
—Grant Palin, Blogger
It works and makes for a very readable book that you can just breeze through very quickly and
pick up and retain a lot of information.
—Rich Strahl, Blogger
Thanks to the authors Bear Bibeault and Yehuda Katz and their exemplary style, this compre-
hensive book, or operating manual as it might be called, can be taken in a front-to-back approach
to learn from scratch, or as a reference to those already dabbling in jQuery and needing verifica-
tion of best practices.
—Matthew McCullough,
Denver Open Source Users Group
With its capable technical coverage, extensive use of sample code, and approachable style,
jQuery in Action is a valuable resource for any Web developer seeking to maximize the power
of JavaScript, and a must-have for anyone interested in learning jQuery.
—Michael J. Ross,
Web Developer, Slashdot Contributor
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More Praise for the First Edition
An 8 out of 10—buy it! If you want to learn jQuery then this is an excellent book...
—John Whish, Founder,
Adobe ColdFusion User Group for Devon
I highly recommend this book to any novice or advanced JavaScript developers who finally want
to get serious about JavaScript and start writing optimized and elegant code without all the
hassle of traditional JavaScript code authoring.
—Val’s Blog
jQuery in Action offers a rich investigation of the up-and-coming jQuery library for client-side
I think that jQuery in Action is an excellent book that will help you learn and understand
jQuery. I certainly enjoyed reading the book.
—Gunnar Hillert,
Atlanta Java User Group
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jQuery in Action
Second Edition
(74° w. long.)
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Development editor: Lianna Wlasiuk
180 Broad St.
Copyeditor: Andy Carroll
Suite 1323
Typesetter: Dottie Marsico
Stamford, CT 06901
Cover designer: Marija Tudor
ISBN 978-1-935182-32-0
Printed in the United States of America
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