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Classic Portrait
Classic Portrait
William S. McIntosh
Amherst Media ®
On the Cover
The concept for this portrait of JoAnn Falletta was to get the entire audience (over 2000 people) in focus in the back-
ground and JoAnn conducting in the foreground. Because this portrait would have been very difficult to make during a
concert, JoAnn was photographed in rehearsal the morning of the concert. The audience was then photographed just
before the curtain rose at 8pm for the concert. They were informed that I had photographed JoAnn that morning and the
finished result would be a one-of- a-kind image of JoAnn conducting and the audience included in the finished portrait.
Fuji NPH 400 film was just the film to meet the challenge of lighting the people in the audience so that you could
see most of their faces in a 30x40-inch portrait while keeping them subdued enough that they would not overwhelm the
conductor. The film allowed me to make my exposure at f-11, which was just right to get the depth of field needed. The
soft contrast of the film allowed me to get more detail in the very dark areas of the symphony hall and the audience.
Had I used Fuji NPS 160 film, I would have needed much more light; with Fuji NPZ 800 film, I could have made the por-
trait in the same light, but the contrast would have been higher.
Digital retouching artist Patricia Van Becelaere accomplished an awesome task on this portrait. There were a num-
ber of empty seats in the hall, so Patricia moved people that could not be seen behind the conductor and filled the
empty seats with them. Some of the people close to the lights were a little light and some in the back were a little dark.
I exposed for the dark areas and Patricia evened out the tones to the depth I needed, showing off the conductor and the
audience at their best. Patricia Van Becelaere can be reached at
( SUBJECT —JoAnn Falletta, Conductor and Music Director of the Virginia Symphony and the Buffalo Philharmonic
Orchestra; DATE —2002; CAMERA —Mamiya RZ67; FILM — Fuji NPZ, ISO 800 [on JoAnn] and Fuji NPH 400 [on audi-
ence]; LENS —140mm [on JoAnn] and 50mm [on audience])
Copyright © 2004 by William S. McIntosh
All rights reserved.
Published by:
Amherst Media, Inc.
P.O. Box 586
Buffalo, N.Y. 14226
Fax: 716-874-4508
Publisher: Craig Alesse
Senior Editor/Production Manager: Michelle Perkins
Assistant Editor: Barbara A. Lynch-Johnt
ISBN: 1-58428-132-4
Library of Congress Card Catalog Number: 2003112488
Printed in Korea.
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
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Notice of Disclaimer: The information contained in this book is based on the author’s experience and opinions.
The author and publisher will not be held liable for the use or misuse of the information in this book.
This book is dedicated to my daughter Leslie McIntosh Bullerjahn and my son-in-law Harald
Bullerjahn. Leslie and Harald joined my 53 year-old portrait studio four years ago to help
carry the McIntosh tradition into the 21st century. Their work has been outstanding, and
there is no doubt that McIntosh Portraits will be around for many years to come.
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