Ella Scopilo - Of Elves and Vampires-Trinity's Mark.txt

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Of Elves and Vampires:  Trinity's Mark
Ella Scopilo
Chippewa Publishing ¥ Wisconsin

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Sale of this book in printed/hard copy on paper is unauthorized unless the
copyright of Chippewa Publishing. This book is released in eBook format
only by Chippewa Publishing.  Sales of this eBook on a site other than the
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Content of this book is intended for mature audiences.  Language, violence
and sexual situations apply.
All characters in this book are a work of fiction. The characters and names
of characters nor their activities do not represent any human on this Earth.
Author: Ella Scopilo
Editor: Joletta Hill
Cover Art: Rachel Davis
Proofreaders: Joletta Hill, Maria Motely
Copyright 2004 Ella Scopilo
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Chippewa Publishing,
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

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This book is dedicated to my wonderful husband and family who put up with
my frantic desire to get the book published. A special thanks goes out to
friends and Joletta Hill and Maria Motley.
Thank you goes to the members of The Vampire Book Club at
http://www.vampirebookclub.com for making this book possible.

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Chapter One                                       
      Black shadows of the Sumac tree decorated Trinity's soft and perfect
lawn. She sat out on the porch admiring the full moon casting the shadows,
wondering what it would be like to stare back at the Earth from the moon.
Trinity had always obsessed about the paranormal world and there was no
question as to why she loved the glow of the moon.
      Her grandmother, a High Priestess wiccan, used to teach Trinity about
the elements of the Earth and sky and how to harness them as spells. Meme
Native would teach Trinity about love and how to harness the love of the
one she wanted to capture forever.                
      'Two bits of red rose petal for love, two bits of pink rose petal for
passion, two bits of mixed rose petal for trust, two bits of white rose petal for
friendship, and two bits of yellow rose petal for lust.' Meme Native would
chant as she crushed the petals into a beautiful perfume. Trinity never
understood the poem and after her mother ripped her away from her
grandmother's sweet home when she was four she eventually forgot the
pretty poem Meme Native chanted.                  
      With her mother's passing and her grandmother nowhere to be found,
Trinity was alone. At only twenty-two years old, after her mother's long
awaited release from cancer, she sought seclusion from the world. She sold
the two-story brownstone in their expensive New York lifestyle and opted
for a simple country home with a garden and horse in Wisconsin. Here she
could pass the time and write music for the bands, which bought her, love
songs and hide away from fame and people.         
                                                 * * * *
      From the shadows he watched her. The beautiful golden brown skin and
flowing golden hair that graced over her ass as she walked. Most of all he
loved her eyes, those glowing green eyes, as if magick itself was pooling
inside, waiting to reach out and grab the next man who walked by. Every
night he imagined running his hands over her tight little ass and sucking on
those perfectly round breasts. Raul watched but could never ever let her in
his life.                                         
For two hundred years he hunted for his lost one. For two hundred long
drawn out years of hunting, searching, and screaming for the one he lost so
long ago. He remembered back to when he changed forever, when he
became what he feared the most.                   

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      Raul and his lover Alonsa were making sweet love in the barn at the
foot of her father's ranch. Alonsa loved the sound of the horses and the smell
of the leather so much that she would drag him out of the bedroom and into
the barn when her father left for those long trips to Spain.  They would
spend hours making love on blankets in the soft hay with no one else around
but the helpers in the house. Alonsa would give them silver to keep them
quiet as Raul would laugh at their greed.
      That night, Alonsa kissed her sweet love then ran home as she did every
night before her father's return.
      Raul was sprawled out on the blanket, lying on his stomach.  His
muscular back twitched from the extensive lovemaking he and Alonsa
previously enjoyed. He smiled in his slumber, remembering her sweet kisses
and her tightness wrapped around him. Even after an hour of lovemaking
and then sleep, he was still aroused.
      Fingernails tickled his back and ass. He squirmed as they traced from
the bottom of his crevice to the top of his neck.
      'Allie.' He moaned in his sleep. Raul rolled over on his back, his
erection pointing to the moon. He awoke not to Alonsa's beautiful green
eyes staring down at him but to the glowing silver eyes of a beautiful
stranger. The haunting gray eyes mesmerized him as he tried to focus on his
lover's face.
      'Who are you?' He cried, wanting to neither remove this beautiful
stranger nor fuck her.
      'Why, I'm Alonsa. Do you not recognize me?' She cooed as she stared
into his eyes as she stroked his long and aching cock.  She licked his pulsing
head with her skilled tongue then sucked in the top part of his head. Her
tongue swirled around his shaft until it was completely covered.
      Raul groaned as he brought his legs up and wrapped his fingers through
the woman's hair. 'Yes, Alonsa.' He moaned and pulled the woman from
his swollen member. He gasped at the beautiful woman's face and tried to
push her away but she coaxed him for more. He groaned, already aching in
need for her tight mouth and soft lips, and pushed her head back down to his
throbbing cock.
      To his disgust, she removed herself right before he came. He doubled in
sweet pain and held his climax, awaiting the next move of the delicious
      It hurt, but hurt so good. The woman straddled his waist then slowly
lowered her body over his engorged muscle. She lowered her body over his
thick head then stopped at the very top. Raul wanted to grab her curvy hips
and force her upon him but the way she teased him drove him beyond his

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wildest desires. She grabbed his hands and pulled them over his head,
holding them down with strength he had never known from a woman.
      Her breasts bounced in his face, teasing him to no end. With each pass,
he tried to catch one in his mouth but didn't succeed. The woman's laugh
echoed with desire as he played, sucking at each hardened nipple as they
passed his pursed lips. She finally let him have one when she pushed her
whole body over his, plunging his cock inside her wet folds.
      'Amor!' She screamed, riding him with quick thrusts of her hips.
Raul still couldn't move his pinned arms. His cock was deep inside her but
how he wanted to squeeze her bobbling breasts and knead her tight ass that
teased his aching balls. The seductress bent over, allowing him to suck her
taut nipple as he took in as much of her breast as he could. A sharp pain
pinched then pierced his neck as he suckled her mounds. Pain shot through
his skin and ran into his veins as he felt his blood being pulled from his
body. He tried to shake the woman off but her grasp of his arms and hips
was much too strong.
      The pain soon subsided into a deep overbearing ecstasy. He could feel
his own blood leaving his body into this love goddess, his veins drying into
mere threads of tissue. She pumped his life through her lips as his cock
exploded deep inside her depths.
      Through the pain and pleasure of it all, Raul knew he was dying. His
body felt the loss of blood and as he slipped in and out of consciousness.
Before he died, the woman put her own breast to her lips and cut the top
with her own long canines.
      Raul watched in horror and lust as she brought her bleeding bosom to
his lips and forced him to suck. 'Feed from me, amor.' She cooed. 'Take
the life of my blood and renew your life.'
      He felt himself starting to cum again as he took the life from this
woman. The woman just seduced him and killed him and whose name he
didn't even know. She laughed as he suckled her breast, thrusting his hips
between her own.
      'Raul! No!' Alonsa screamed from the other end of the barn. He tried to
stop but the life the woman brought to him from her breast kept him
suckling for more.
      'Drink sweet one. Drink. Take life from me as I have from you. Become
mine forever.' She cooed as he gulped down thick swallows of his own
infected blood as it recycled through the woman's body.
      'Alonsa?' He managed through the blood pouring into his lips. As he
regained focus of the woman seducing him, his cock went limp. Frightened
and confused, he pushed the woman off his body and ran toward the woman

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he loved only to fall down at her feet.  Naked and striped with blood, he
begged her forgiveness.                           
      The look of horror screamed from Alonsa's eyes. 'No.' She cried,
staring down at Raul. 'What have you done?'       
      'Little one, go!' The vampire hissed as she floated toward Alonsa. 'Go
before I have you too!'                           
      'Go!' Raul screamed in hor...
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