Jerome Bigge - Warlady 07 - 2569 Ad The Dularnian Queen.pdf

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2569 A.D.!
By Jerome B. Bigge
Once again we return to the future. To a time of adventure, of "daring do", of brave men and women
fighting great odds. We now again travel to Dularn, to that country we've been to before. This time,
however, we see things through the emerald orbs of the lovely Maris, Queen of Dularn. Witness what she
"witnesses". Fight against foes both human and "supernatural", and again face THE EVIL ONE, who we
of this time know as the Christian "DEVIL"!! And for those who want to "know" what Maris Marn
"looks like", I suggest you watch the soap opera "THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL", as Katherine
Kelly Lang "is" lovely Maris Marn in face and figure. The only "exception"here being that Ms. Lang's
eyes are "hazel".
Mention is made of "characters"who will not play a "role" for some time yet. Characters such as
Darlanis' daughter, Lorraine's son, and the baby girl that Carol Simmons left with Maris to be raised by
the Queen of Dularn, no doubt due to the "fact" that the Simmons were also well aware of "what" the
future "held" for Mankind! (No greater "love" can any mother truly have...)
Is "demonic possession" possible? One wonders a bit here. I suggest that perhaps we don't "KNOW"
as much as we think we do.
Jerome Bigge
Chapter One
I could feel the sweat cold on my naked body as I helplessly fought the bonds that held me spread
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eagled there on my bed. The gag forced between my teeth now allowing me only meaningless animal like
squealing sounds as the horrible "thing" opened the door and stepped into the bedroom. A horrid "thing"
of rottenness and corruption, the bones exposed here and there where the flesh had rotted away! A
"dead" horrid "thing" that should have been safely cremated three years ago! Reduced to ashes and then
stored in an urn safely away in a vault there below my palace here in Arsana! The last "remains" of Darl
Jord, once Prince of Dularn, who had died at my own hands for his violation of the Code of Honor!
"I want YOU, Maris Marn!" it spoke to me in a hollow voice, the horrible fleshless tooth filled jaws
exposed where the flesh had now rotted away from its horrid face! My scream of horror in reply only a
high pitched meaningless squealing as I twisted and arched, glistening wet with sweat. Now only a
beautiful terrified animal fighting to break the bonds that held it helpless! Helpless before this "creature"
that only the "EVIL ONE"himself could have sent to so "torment" the Queen of Dularn! "You were
always so `beautiful'," it "crooned" to me, coming closer now, a creature that filled me with horror just to
look upon it! Eyeless sockets burning down into my eyes, a ghastly "glow" in them!
"My Queen, My Queen!" I heard a voice say, the creature now reaching for me, to put its horrid
fleshless rotten hands on me!! I screamed, this time a loud shriek of terror, and then suddenly I found
myself looking into the wide terrified eyes of Kathi, her gray eyes filled with fear as they looked into my
own sea green! The voluptuous bodied blondish wench's pretty face filled with concern as she brushed
the now dark sweat wet hair from my face! My entire body soaking wet with sweat, even the bed now
"It was a nightmare, Kathi," I said. "Just a nightmare." A woman of the Royal Guard now bursting
through the door, her drawn sword gleaming in the light from the bedroom windows where they overlook
the harbor there below the palace. She followed by two more, their polished steel helmets and chain mail
over their warm fur lined leather jackets making them look much like the toy soldiers I used to play with
as a girl back in Sana many years ago.
"It was a nightmare," I spoke in level tones, seeing them "nod" in reply. Another serving maid coming in
on their heels, a woman of reddish copper complexion, who had "once" been my slave.
"Mistress should see a Priestess," La- rasmiled in reply, a heavy shawl over her shoulders against the
late winter chill no fire could dispel here in the Royal Palace of Dularn. What those of the past had once
called theIslandofVancouverlong ago now. I thought what I really "needed" now was a man to hold me
close. Someone "strong" that I could cuddle up next to so warm and soft. I "needed" a man as bad as
any collared slut aware of her "sex"!
"It `was' a bad nightmare," I "smiled", the guardswomen now leaving, nodding to themselves in
agreement. This had not been the first time they'd heard the terrified screams of their Queen, although this
had been the worst nightmare I'd had so far now...
"I'll build up the fire," Kathi volunteered, the bed now "cold" with the wetness of my sweat. I suspected
that I didn't smell very "royal" just then either, the thought crossed my mind! Kathi tossing in coal into the
cast iron stove, while La- ra, once a woman of theNevadas, busied herself getting the fireplace going and
some water heated for the bath that I badly "needed" now! The pair in their long woolen dresses a
"contrast" in their way.
"It's snowing outside," I said, more to make "conversation" now than anything else, the white flakes
drifting down from an iron gray sky. It was the middle of March, with spring hopefully on the way. I was
"tired" of winter, of the snow and the cold. I wanted to get out, enjoy life,get the "winter fat" off myself.
That little ditty, "The Queen of Dularn is broad in the beam!" no longer "funny" any more to a woman
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who fought a constant battle with her weight. Who at five feet eight weighedone forty eight! Twenty
pounds more than I weighed when I first became the Queen!!
"What your majesty needs..," Kathi "ventured", bringing in my breakfast while La- rabusied herself
washing me down, "Is a man to keep her `warm' at night," the grin on her face leaving no doubt in my
mind as to her own sleeping "arrangements" right now. I muchly envied the wench, but such was quite
impossible for the Queen of Dularn, who must observe certain social "proprietaries"!
"Carol Simmons `spoiled' her," La- ra"whispered" to me then. I nodded, smiling, well aware that High
Priestess Tais would be bringing no more people from the "past" up into our own time, nor would the
Simmons, a couple from the 20th Century, ever be "back" again now that they had served their purpose
here in our era of restoring the "balance of power" between Dularn and California... I had their baby
daughter Hope, a lovely child now eight months old who had been left with me to raise, Carol having said
to me that she did not wish to raise a child back in the era from which they had come, not with what they
knew about everything to come.
"As did `others' before her," I smiled back at theNevada. Kathi had been a slave girl on the estate of
Lorraine Richards, the Queen of Trelandar before Carol had stolen her fromLorraine.
"She `belongs' in a collar," La- ra"breathed" in reply then.
"No woman `belongs' in a collar unless she is a criminal," I answered in level tones, well aware of the
enmity growing between the two women. La- rahaving been my own personal slave girl before I'd freed
her, while Kathi had once belonged to the Simmons before they'd left our time to return back to their
own last fall. I still missed them both, both Bob's intelligence and wit, and his wife's delightful
provocativeness that left no doubts in anyone's mind who met her that she was a "woman" like few
others! I still recalled too that morning there in Trelandar when she had faced the Imperial Warlady
herself blade to blade, the "duel" in its way perhaps only the climax of "something" that had "driven" the
lovely 20th Century brownette to become so filled with "hate" that she could think of nothing more than
crossing blades with a woman who many have said is the greatest swordswoman of all time!
"Your majesty doubtless knows best," La- raanswered softly. I had spent several years in slavery in
California, mostly on an estate in Trelandar, where my golden blonde hair and green eyes had made me
extremely "popular" with men, although fortunately I never suffered too much "abuse" at their hands due
to the rules and policies of Lady Lana, whose name had been on my collar then. I had also found "love"
in the arms of a man married to another, a "situation" that later on led to serious trouble when Lady Lana
was killed in battle and left her estates to one Lorraine Duval, a woman whom I was led to believe
wished me to become her lover!* *No doubt Lady Sanda would prefer not to have me "mention" this,
but as it is well documented by others I see no harm in it here. I am obviously a "beautiful" blonde, and I
suppose Mrs. Talen saw this as a way of getting "revenge" against one she much disliked! My "epic"
voyage in a small sailboat all the way from Trelandar to Dularn was the "turning point" in my life, making
me "famous", and thus "eligible" for marriage to Queen Tulis' son, Darl Jord, of whom the less "said" now
perhaps the better here. (M.M.)
"It is wrong for human beings to `own' other human beings," I answered, La- ranodding, well aware of
my feelings on this now. It hadn't made me too "popular" with a lot of people, but I felt I was "right" on
this issue despite whatever anyone thought now! I had not been able to "outlaw" slavery, but my feelings
on the subject were well known here in Dularn, and had some "support"...
"I will brush your hair out while Kathi gets your clothing ready," La- rareplied, nodding to the former
Trelandarian, whose ample rear end often got its "share" of "attention" from my men, Kathi being the sort
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of a woman who enjoys "teasing" men whenever she gets the chance to do so, something that will no
doubt someday get her into "trouble" despite whatever she thinks of it now!
"The blue woolen tunic and hose?" Kathi asked, holding the items up for my attention. My sword and
dagger in their sheaths were fixed to my weapons belt slung there on the bedpost, a Queen of Dularn if
"wise" sleeping always with "weapons" close to hand.
"We are allowing the Imperials to make thePacific Oceanan `ImperialLake'!" the Senator exclaimed,
standing there before me as I stood behind the podium upon the speaker's dais. "They have over half a
dozen steam frigates in commission, and soon they will have three battleships against our two," he
continued on. I knew that he spoke the truth so far as it went, but I didn't see that there was very much
that Dularn could "do" about it now! A number of his companions now nodding as they sat in the
semi-circular chamber, Dularn being a "democracy" with a constitutional monarch (me) whose absolute
veto power often served to protect the people of Dularn from those who thought they knew "best" what
the people really "needed", even if it wasn't what they "wanted"! This being a "failure" of the old
democracies back centuries ago. It being known now that "freedom" is won with "arms" and lost by
"ballots", such having happened back in the Twentieth Century...
"We are not without `allies'," I "answered" in level tones. "Queen Freydis is a good friend, and Sharon
of Orgon, young and inexperienced as she may be, believes in the same ideals we do." This "last" had
come as a big surprise to both Darlanis andLorrainelast winter, when Sharon Duval, the Queen of Orgon,
had let it be "known" that she favored Dularn over the Empire in a dispute over whether Orgon should be
"Californian" or "Dularnian".Sharonhaving maintained that Dularn was more a "peace loving" society than
the more militarily aggressive Empire of California. I didn't mention Queen Valeris of the "Free Women",
who was still a considerable problem to Queen Freydis due to covert assistance by the Imperials despite
"agreements" they had made not to do so. This "assistance" having been carried out mostly by "Bajan
traders" who were obviously very well "paid" for their "troubles"... "There are also theWyomings, whose
Prince will be here in Arsana in a few days," I added. "To sign a treaty that will unite their peoples with
ours in a common bond against `those' of the south." There being no "doubt" in anyone's mindwho "those
of the south" were, the names of Darlanis of California and Lorraine of Trelandar names muchly "feared"
by many of Dularn now with good reason.
Chapter Two
"It is a `work' of the `Ancients'," the man said, one of the caste of Builders, as he supervised his labor
gang now pounding away with hammers and chisels against the reinforced concrete of the vault like
structure they'd found outside the city of Arsana. "And it is obvious from its design that it was meant to
`protect' something from the ravages of time," he added, giving me a smile. The falling wet late winter
snow giving everything a coating of white, including the Queen of Dularn, who wasn't all that "delighted"
inbeing called out to look at this latest "discovery"! The evergreens growing up about us now lovely
tapering columns of white pointing up into the grayness of the sky over our heads. The mist of our breath,
that of our animals adding its own "quality" to the scene. My unicorn, those of my Royal Guard shuffling
and stamping about there behind us. The snow coating us all this wintry March day, the year 522 A.W.
with a chilly coat of white* * Time was "dated" in this era from The War of 2047. (J.B.) The trio of
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guardswomen with me speaking softly among themselves. My personal Scribe there at my side, quietly
watching everything. A "discovery" like this would be "meaningful" to her, I supposed.
"Looks like a `tomb' of some sort," I "ventured", standing there, the snow now coating my lovely fur
coat, wetting my golden hair, the diamond studded tiara that I wore as Dularn's Queen. There was, in my
opinion, little "value" in digging up the past although I suppose that those of the "learned" castes might
differ with me on that. I am of the Warrioresses, a "caste" not noted for "intellectual" qualities, but for the
blood we "shed", the battles that we fight against the foes of our lovely island.
"Built awful `strong' for that," the Builder grinned back.
"It's not likely to contain anything `valuable'," I said.
"One never `knows' about such things," he "reminded" me.
"Perhaps it contains valuable books," my Scribe ventured.
"Or a `computer' like the oneLorrainefound," I commented. I supposed a "device" like that might be
"useful", although I had little "idea" why it might be, asLorrainegot little practical use of hers despite the
fact that she bragged about having one... The Builder nodding at my Scribe, who now shrugged her
shoulders, no doubt sharing the "opinion" that I was really just another "Warrioress" who had little
education or "interest" in "anything" but killing people and making war with other countries. I suppose I
shouldn't have said what I did, but I wasn't in the best of "moods" just then and I just didn't care what I
said now! The "fact" that they'd sent someone to bring ME out "here" was I supposed "proof" that they
thought this was "important", but to me I couldn't see "why" they needed the Queen of Dularn for this.
The structure was now quite obviously a "tomb", and nothing else!
"They're through," my Scribe breathed, the Builder nodding, as white as a snowman, the snow melting
and running down my neck! I wondered to myself if down in the Empire they got Darlanis to come and
"look" at every bit of "history" they dug up? I rather doubted it, knowing what I did about that tall golden
"There's something inside," one of the men called out. I smiled to myself, holding back the comment that
there doubtlessly would be or those of the past wouldn't have ever built this tomb!
"Those are `coffins', your majesty," the Builder said to me, holding the smoky torch he'd made from
some pine branches twisted together. I repressed the comment that I knew what a coffin was! They were
well preserved, although that didn't mean that much now as the Ancients had metals that were proof
against almost everything. Those of the past building in steels that never "rusted". Like the Lorr they had
even possessed the ability to travel between worlds, although this last had been their "downfall" when
Mankind had attempted to destroy the Lorr with a gigantic comet "redirected" so that it would strike
Mars and destroy the "ants".
"After five centuries there won't be `much'," I answered. I was well aware that the ancients had
possessed secrets of preserving dead bodies that we couldn't match today, but even so it was rare to find
a body from that era still more than just bones. On the other hand someone had gone to a lot of trouble
to build this "tomb", and the stainless steel coffins were obviously designed to preserve a dead body for
as long as was possible here.
"We will need tools, and a place to work," the Builder said.
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