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Programming the .NET Compact Framework in C#
By Paul Yao & David Durant
Chapter 8
Data Binding to Controls
In this chapter, we examine data binding, the ability to associate non-GUI objects that hold
and maintain data with the controls that present and receive that data. [Comment 8cs.1]
The DataGrid Control .................................................................................................................................. 21
Using Simple Data Binding with the DataGrid ............................................................................... 24
Styling the Display of Data in a DataGrid.......................................................................................25
Creating Table and Column Styles ................................................................................................27
Creating Styles at Run Time .......................................................................................................... 30
Responding to User Input .............................................................................................................. 32
Using Complex Data Binding with the DataGrid ............................................................................ 35
Accessing DataGrid Information .................................................................................................... 36
Providing a Drill Down Capability................................................................................................... 41
Providing an In-place Edit Capability ............................................................................................. 46
Providing an Automated In-place Edit Capability........................................................................... 51
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 59
Data binding
Most controls, especially single-item and list-based controls, display and accept data. Most
data, when it is not being displayed or modified within a control is kept in a database. And we're
using the term database quite loosely here; loosely enough to include anything from an
ArrayList to a SQL Server database. Since the data is kept in a database, and since we need to
display and modify it through the use of controls, we need a simple, consistent, property-
oriented technique for moving data between our database and our controls. Data binding
provides this to us. It is the ability to tie a control to a source of data, simplifying the movement
of data within a data-centric application. It specifically was developed to facilitate the movement
of data between the business tier and the presentation tier of a traditional three-tiered
application. [Comment 8cs.2]
Figure 8-1: Application tier s [Comment 8cs.3]
We cannot actually go directly from a database to and from a control, but we can go from an
object containing the data to and from a control. The data object might be an ArrayList, such as
our ArrayList of Project task structures used in the previous chapter; or it might be a database
Chapter 8 – Data Binding Page 1
Copyright © 2002-2003 Paul Yao & David Durant
Programming the .NET Compact Framework in C#
By Paul Yao & David Durant
specific object, such as a System.Data.DataView object, an object that looks very much like a
relational database table. One benefit of data objects is that they provide the presentation layer
an independence from the database layer. A DataTable , for instance, has the same PMEs
regardless of the database product that persists the data. Thus your presentation layer code
remains the same whether your database is SQL Server CE or a home-grown collection of
Data binding is a two way relationship. Any change in the data object data will be reflected
in the control and vice versa. This eliminates the need to reload the control whenever the data
in the data object changes. It also means that any bindable control can be used to update the
data object. For even controls that do not accept user input of data, such as the Label ,
DataGrid , and ListBox / ComboBox , provide for programmatic update of their properties, as in
myLabel.Text = “ABC” . Data binding ensures that this change occurs in the bound data
object as it occurs in the control. [Comment 8cs.5]
All visible controls are bindable; but some are a better suited to it than others. Controls that
are typically used with data binding include Label , TextBox , ComboBox , ListBox , and the
DataGrid control. The DataGrid control, which will be introduced later in this chapter, is the
only control written entirely in Managed Code, and was specifically developed for use with data
binding. Figure 8-2 shows the Project data that was introduced in the previous chapter being
displayed in a DataGrid , without any styling applied. [Comment 8cs.6]
Figure 8-2: Project Data Displayed in a DataGrid Control [Comment 8cs.7]
Since the subject of this chapter is data binding, we are only interested here in the
movement of data between the data objects and the controls. The subject of moving data
between the data objects and the underlying databases is covered in Part III - Data
Management. [Comment 8cs.8]
Chapter 8 – Data Binding Page 2
Copyright © 2002-2003 Paul Yao & David Durant
Programming the .NET Compact Framework in C#
By Paul Yao & David Durant
Data Bindable Controls
Controls differ in their data binding capabilities and in the method that is used to do the data
binding. Some controls can display more data than others, some controls accept user input
while others are display only, and some can take advantage of simple data binding while others
require complex data binding . [Comment 8cs.9]
Consider the System.Data.DataTable , shown in Figure 8-3, which holds the Project data
mentioned above. A DataGrid can display the entire table, while a ListBox or ComboBox is
slightly less capable, being able to display only a single column from the table, and single-
valued controls such as TextBoxes and Labels are able to display but a single data element.
Figure 8-3: A DataTable Containing Project Informatio n [Comment 8cs.11]
Figure 8-4 shows a ComboBox displaying one column of information from a bound
DataTable of Project data, while the TextBoxes display data elements of the currently selected
Figure 8-4: Different Controls Bound to the Same Data [Comment 8cs.13]
Controls that are capable of displaying an entire table, or at least a column of that table, use
a mechanism called simple data binding , which involves the control’s DataSource property.
Controls that only display a single data element require complex data binding , which is done
through the BindingsCollection property of the control. All objects that inherit from the base
class of Control have a BindingsCollection , but only objects that can display a list or a
table, such as a DataGrid , ListBox , or ComboBox , will have a DataSource property. [Comment
Not only are there inevitable limitations to the data binding capability of each control class,
there are also limitations on the data objects that can be bound to those controls in the Compact
Framework. [Comment 8cs.15]
Chapter 8 – Data Binding Page 3
Copyright © 2002-2003 Paul Yao & David Durant
Programming the .NET Compact Framework in C#
By Paul Yao & David Durant
Data Bindable Objects
As was mentioned earlier, data objects hold data but they have no ability to display that
data, the control must do the display of the data. .NET Compact Framework limits bindable
data objects to those data objects that have a tabular data structure. Having a tabular data
structure means that every item in the data object must have the same structure as every other
item in that data object. An ArrayList of Project structures qualifies as tabular because
every item in it is an item of Project structure data type. The same would true for the
ArrayList of Tasks introduced in the previous chapter, for every item is an item of Task
structure data type. If you had only one ArrayList object and had added both Projects and
Tasks to it, it would not be tabular and it would not be usable for data binding within the
Compact Framework environment. [Comment 8cs.16]
This requirement for tabular structure also eliminates certain System.Data objects. For
instance, a System.Data.DataTable or a System.Data.DataView is a bindable object
because of its tabular structure. What is not bindable in the Compact Framework environment
is the DataSet object. This object can contain multiple DataTables , tables that can be related
to each other through the use of keys. Figure 8-5 shows a diagram of a DataSet object
containing two DataTable objects. Because the DataSet object is hierarchical in structure,
rather than tabular, it cannot be bound to any control in the Compact Framework environment.
Either DataTable could be bound to a control but the entire DataSet could not be. [Comment
Figure 8-5: A DataSet with two DataTable s [Comment 8cs.18]
Also eliminated from data binding in Compact Framework because of their hierarchical
nature are objects from the System.XML namespace, such as the XMLDocument and the
XMLDataDocument objects. [Comment 8cs.19]
To be bindable, a data object must expose its columns as public properties , not merely as
fields. This is something to keep in mind when you define your own data structures and object
classes. The structure defined in the previous chapter to hold Task information, shown below,
could not be used in data binding for its data is exposed as fields, not properties. [Comment
private struct Task
public string strTaskIdent;
public string strTaskName;
public Date dateTaskStart;
public Date dateTaskEnd;
public int durTaskEstimated;
public int durTaskActual;
public string strTaskComments;
public void Task( string strNo, string strName,
Date dateStart, Date dateEnd,
int durEstimated, int durActual,
string strComments)
strTaskIdent = strNo;
strTaskName = strName;
dateTaskStart = dateStart;
dateTaskEnd = dateEnd;
durTaskEstimated = durEstimated;
durTaskActual = durActual;
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Copyright © 2002-2003 Paul Yao & David Durant
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Programming the .NET Compact Framework in C#
By Paul Yao & David Durant
strTaskComments = strComments;
To make it usable for data binding we must modify it to expose its data as public properties,
public struct Task
private string m_strIdent;
private string m_strProjIdent;
private string m_strName;
private DateTime m_dateStart;
private DateTime m_dateEnd;
private int m_durEstimated;
private int m_durActual;
private string m_strComments;
public string strIdent
return m_strIdent;
m_strIdent = value ;
public string strProjIdent
return m_strProjIdent;
m_strProjIdent = value ;
public string strName
return m_strName;
m_strName = value ;
public DateTime dateStart
return m_dateStart;
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