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Warhammer 40K Fonts

Along with this text file, please find five individual True-Type font files containing Icon/Glyph/Symbols that are commonly found in the WH40K universe.

My intention when creating these fonts was to provide a quick, easy way for players of the game to create attractive banners and decorative symbols for their figures and vehicles in the WH40K and Epic games.

These fonts are freeware- I expect (nor will I accept) any payment for them.  Please note that many of the symbols are the intellectual property of Games Workshop, and their use with products that you intend to sell may be a copyright violation.

I would like to thank Brent D. McLean, Joseph Goodman, and Christopher Kelly for their help in collecting the icons and symbols used in these fonts.

Font 1 "ChaoSquat"

Originally a "catch all" font that contained Eldar, Marines, Guard and Chaos, this font is now entirely Chaos, Squat and Tyranid.  All of the icons are in the UPPERCASE key set.

Font 2 "Eldar"  

This was actually my original font, as I wanted to modify the banners that came with the new Eldar Jetbikes.  The entire font is dedicated to the Eldar, although most of the symbols are more decorative than meaningfull.  The numbers 1-7 are dedicated to the Aspect Warrior runes.  The UPPERCASE characters A, B, C, D, E, and F are the major craftworld symbols (OK, "A" technically is not, but it's a cool symbol anyway), and the rest of the UPPERCASE set are just decorative  "Eldar alphabet" runes, mostly hand-drawn-- you get what you pay for.  The lowercase set is made up of the (implied) runes for the various Eldar troops like the Avatar, the Farseers, Warlocks, Wraithguard, etc.  While non of these runes are actually "assigned" to a particular figure by the rules, they are associated by their proximity in the rulebooks.

Font 3 "Marines"

I pulled every Marine Chapter symbol that I could find out of the various source books (most notably the _Compendium_), individuals that have made up thier own chapters, and of course the White Dwarves.  For the most part, this font is confined to the UPPERCASE character set, but some Chapters have varients, and they dwell in the lowercase set.  Here is the listing of the included chapters:

A   Blood Angels
B   Ultramarines
C,c,d   Space Wolves
D   Dark Angels
E   Crimson Fists
F   Fire Hawks 
G,g   Mantis Warriors
H   Blood Drinkers
I   White Scars
J   Flesh Eaters
K   Scorpions
L,l   Minotaurs
M   Lamenters
N   Marines Errant
O   Tiger Claws
P   Howling Griffons
Q,q   Raptors
R,r   Star Sharks
S   Sons of Medusa
T   Fire Angels
U   Novamarines
V   Exorcists
W   Ictheon Legion
X   Sun Dragons
Y   Rainbow Warriors
Z   Imperial Eagle
u,v,w,x,y,z  Generic Marine symbols for the Terminators, Squad types, medic, etc.

Font 4 "Imperial"

This font is full of (relatively generic) Imperial Guard symbols and army markings.  The UPPERCASE set is filled with non-specific symbols and army markings.  The lowercase set has the Imperial Eagle, the Grey Knights Chapter symbol, an Inquisitor symbol, and a number of generic Imperial Guard icons.

Font 5 "Orky"

This font is filled with Orkish glyphs and symbols.  The UPPERCASE set has three Bad Moon glyphs (A-C), seven Death Skull glyphs (D-J), three Goff glyphs (K-M), three Blood Axe glyphs (N-P), three Evil Suns glyphs (Q-S), six Snake Bite glyphs (T-Y), and the Jolly Ork.

The lowercase set has a small selection of specific Orky glyphs: the Painboy, the Runtherd, the Mekaniac, the Nob, the Madboy, the Weirdboy, and some teef that I threw in there for the heck of it.

The numbers set (0-7) has the corresponding Orkish set (none-lots) that I tossed in simply because it was so easy to do.
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