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Skinwalker: Savaged edition
Skinwalker: A Pinebox Tale
Edited by: Cray Crouse, Preston DuBose, Trey Gorden, and Ed Wetterman
Savaged by: Ed Wetterman
Cover by: Jessica Van Hulle (http://www.jessicavanhulle.com)
Maps by: Craig Largent
Artwork by: Manuel Gomez (http://www.pencillad.com/) and
Sergio “O” Villa Isaza (http://www.commissionedcomic.com/)
Playtested by: Brandon Blakemore, Cory Bluhm, Jason Chapman,
Preston DuBose, John Flinn, Landon Gregory, Craig Largent, Walt Lombard,
Rob Mesecher, Ed Wetterman
his module is dedicated to Mark Ramsey,
for inspiring this adventure.
About the Cover Artist
Jessica Van Hulle received her
B.F.A. in Illustration in May
2004 from the Academy of Art
University, and has been honored
both nationally and locally for
her artwork. Her work was
displayed at the 2004 Seattle
Erotic Arts Festival, she was the
Spotlight Featured Artist of he
Artist’s Magazine, Feb. 2003,
and was a winner of the New
York Society of Illustrators 2002
student competition. In addition,
she has been featured in three
Academy of Art Spring Shows
and has been participating in Bay
Area art shows for four years.
his game uses the Savage Worlds game system, available
from Great White Games (www.greatwhitegames.com).
Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack, and all associated logos and
trademarks are Copyright 2004, Great White Games. Used
with permission.
Skinwalker ©2005, Jerry Blakemore. All rights reserved. 12 to Midnight and the 12 to Midnight logo are trade-
marks of 12 to Midnight. his material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express writ-
ten permission of 12 to Midnight.
his product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coinci-
dental. Made in Texas, USA.
By Jerry Blakemore
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Author’s Notes ........................................ 4
Section 0: GM Preparation ..................... 5
0.1: Introduction ................................................................. 5
0.2: Ranks............................................................................ 5
0.3: Play Notes..................................................................... 5
0.4: GM Background ........................................................... 6
0.4a Lucius Tiedens’ Pregame Timeline ......................................... 6
0.5: Plot Synopsis................................................................. 6
0.5a Lucius Tiedens Timeline ........................................................ 8
0.6: Setting the Mood .......................................................... 9
0.7: Recommended Plot Hook............................................. 9
0.8: Alternate Plot Hooks..................................................... 9
0.9: What’s in his One-Horse Town?.................................. 9
Section I: Inevitable Events ................... 10
1.1: Roadside ..................................................................... 10
Day One ................................................................. 10
1.1a: he Body ............................................................................ 11
1.1b: he Sheriff .......................................................................... 12
1.2: Just a Few Questions ................................................... 13
1.2a: hat’s My Daddy ................................................................ 14
1.2b: Second Skin........................................................................ 14
1.3: We’re Done Here......................................................... 15
Day Two.................................................................. 16
1.4: Texas Clean ................................................................. 16
1.4a: A Friendly Face ................................................................... 17
1.4b: Stand Up and Be Heard...................................................... 18
1.5: he Green Mark Corporation ..................................... 18
1.5a: Aikens................................................................................. 19
1.6: Another One Bites the Dust........................................ 20
Section 2: It Could Happen .................. 21
2.1: Investigation ............................................................... 21
2.2: East Texas University................................................... 21
2.3 Research....................................................................... 22
2.4: Enter the Texas Rangers and the FBI ........................... 22
2.4a: he Base Camp ................................................................... 23
2.5: Bobby Williams’ Home............................................... 24
2.6: he Skinwalker Moves ................................................ 26
2.6a: Skinwalker Attacks.............................................................. 26
2.6b: Kidnapping ........................................................................ 26
2.7: he Ol’ Sawmill .......................................................... 27
2.8: A Hike through the Woods ......................................... 28
2.8a: Lone Warden ...................................................................... 28
2.8b: Killing Tree ......................................................................... 29
2.8c: he Hunt ............................................................................ 30
2.8d: he Irish ............................................................................. 30
2.8e Ribbon Tree ......................................................................... 32
2.9: Mixed Blessings........................................................... 33
Section 3: Taking It to Tiedens.............. 34
3.1: We Are in Control ...................................................... 34
3.1a: Situation Assessment........................................................... 34
3.1b: A Flight to Remember ........................................................ 35
3.2: Druid’s Grove.............................................................. 37
3.3: Where Now? ............................................................... 38
Appendix I: Cast of Characters ............. 39
Rick Aikens........................................................................ 39
Butch Anderson — Wild Card........................................... 39
Dr. Dodge Billups .............................................................. 40
Helicopter Pilot.................................................................. 40
FBI Agent .......................................................................... 40
FBI Hostage Rescue Team Member.................................... 40
Golan County Sheriff’s Deputy .......................................... 41
Green Mark Employee ....................................................... 41
Green Mark Security Guard ............................................... 41
Roberta “Robbie” HawkinsWild Card ............................... 41
Heath Labender—Wild Card............................................. 42
Angela Lopez ..................................................................... 42
Chad Rathers ..................................................................... 43
Melonie Richards ............................................................... 43
Jed Seward—Wild Card..................................................... 44
SWAT Team Leader ........................................................... 44
SWAT Team Member ........................................................ 45
SWAT Team Sniper............................................................ 45
Grandma Taylor—Wild Card ............................................ 45
Lucius Tiedens—Wild Card............................................... 46
Texas Clean Member.......................................................... 48
Texas Department of Public Safety Trooper........................ 48
Mae Walker........................................................................ 49
Julie Williams..................................................................... 49
Appendix II: Cast of Creatures.............. 51
Oak Hound ....................................................................... 51
Leader of the Pack Wild Card ............................................ 51
he Hunter ........................................................................ 52
Appendix III: Magic ............................. 53
Buds of Entanglement........................................................ 53
Crow Whistle..................................................................... 53
Druid’s Grove..................................................................... 53
Medicine Bag ..................................................................... 53
Necklace of the Hunt ......................................................... 54
Staff of the Hunt ................................................................ 54
Appendix IV: Organizations ................. 55
Federal Bureau of Investigation .......................................... 55
Golan County Irish Community........................................ 55
Golan County Sheriff’s Department................................... 55
Green Mark Corporation ................................................... 56
Texas Clean ........................................................................ 56
Texas Druids ...................................................................... 56
Appendix V: Arms and Equipment........ 58
Appendix VI: Player Handouts ............. 60
12 to Midnight
Page 3
Author’s Notes
he journey of the Skinwalker started two and half
years ago. Weekend Warriors was in production and
there were only three partners in 12 to Midnight.
Mark Ramsey, a founder of 12 to Midnight, had
several cool horror
ideas for us to con-
sider—one was the
Skinwalker. I admit
that I had never
heard of such a thing
From there I re-
searched the legend
of the Skinwalker.
What I discovered
was an evil Shaman
with the ability to
look like anyone
and perform black
magic. Making this
work in game terms
called for some
An American Indian in Pinebox, or even Golan
County, would be too obvious a choice for the players
to pursue, especially from the angle of metagaming.
My first consideration was who else might be logical
as a Skinwalker. hen I did some reading on shaman-
ism and saw that Druids would be a good alternative.
hus, we have the origin of the Druids of Texas. In
retrospect, an American Indian GM character might
have been a good red herring.
his was a hard module to get going. One week-
end back in 2003, when all I had were basic stats
for Lucius Tiedens and a few pages of notes jotted in
a notebook, Ed Wetterman suggested we play Skin-
walker. I told him it was not ready, but he insisted.
So we played Skinwalker that September Saturday,
sitting on the porch swing looking over the yard.
I had two scenes that I carried in my head for a
few months. One was the scene with Julie Williams
alone in the truck. he other was when she sees her
dead father through the window of the Golan Coun-
ty Sheriff’s Office. hat second scene gave us both
Ed surprised me by calling the FBI, and that is
where I created the character of Roberta Williams.
Williams clicked with Green, and if I had not killed
her, she might have become a love interest. But
Green lives a rough life, and these things are to be
I wanted to make the woods extra spooky, and
that is how the idea for the “dawgs,” which later be-
came oak hounds, came about. At that point, I had
not even thought of the hunter, though he would be
available for playtest number two. I had no stats for
the oak hounds either. I had nothing that first play-
test but the ability to creep Ed out with the mood.
Fortunately, Green climbed a tree.
After this, Green met another pair of characters,
Grandma Taylor and Mae Walker. Taylor became
the oracle of my story, providing bits and pieces of
information—even blessings, odd as they appeared.
he rag tree was much smaller in my mind that day,
but Ed saw something much larger; so I adapted the
scene to his interpretation.
From there we went on to the end, with its violent
‘copter crash. I made everything up on the spur of the
moment. Maintaining the mood was the vital issue
to me.
here were four playtests altogether. I ran all but
one of them. Playtest number two added Bobby Wil-
liams’ home, which the heroes ransacked for clues.
his session also introduced the element of the Skin-
walker’s teasing the heroes with his cruel threats.
he fourth playtest upped the ante in the form of
crows. his was the first time I used them to stop
the Williams truck. Before, he simply had to answer
mother nature’s call.
his has been a long project, and I am happy it is
coming to a close. I hope you scare the hell out of
your players, but that they all live to fight another
day. Most of all, I hope you walk away afraid, fearful
that everyone you meet could be the Skinwalker.
Jerry Blakemore
Strategy and Tactics magazine back introduced Jerry to gaming back in
1972. While stationed with the Army in Germany, he heard about these
Lieutenants playing some game with elves, dwarves, and black pud-
dings. Soon he was invited to join them and gaming has never been the
same since. D&D 3.0 inspired Jerry to write modules for others, but Ed
Wetterman and Mark Ramsey talked him into writing modern horror
for 12 to Midnight. Today Jerry lives in Sugar Land, Texas with his wife,
Branda and two children, Justine and Brandon.
12 to Midnight
Page 4
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Section 0: GM Preparation
0.1: Introduction
Most citizens of Pinebox are excited that the Green
Mark Corporation is moving in. he jobs are wel-
come and most folks are excited about the prospects.
Among the few who are critical of the change, how-
ever, is one individual who takes personal umbrage at
the news: the Skinwalker. He believes that parts of the
forest are sacred and that Green Mark is encroaching
upon that sanctity. he only way to restore order to
nature is through an offering of blood—Green Mark
had an equally deadly ending, outlined in Section 3.2:
Druid’s Grove . Between these two encounters you
should be able to bring the adventure to a suitably
climatic ending.
Out of necessity, the presentation of the module
focuses on the story from one avenue, but the GM
should adjust to his investigating team’s actions. Re-
sist the urge to railroad your heroes along a certain
path. Keep the action cinematic. You and your play-
ers will find the experience rewarding.
Characters can die quickly in this module if they
are not careful. Lucius Tiedens is a powerful, vindic-
tive Skinwalker. He has animals trained to monitor
certain areas of town, and his shamanistic powers al-
low him to speak with them and find out what is
happening. Tiedens does not hesitate to challenge
those who interfere with him. Sometimes he warns
folks, but anyone who meets him on his turf can ex-
pect a deadly encounter.
0.2: Ranks
his adventure is written for four characters of Nov-
ice to Seasoned rank. Because combat is secondary to
the unfolding mystery, game masters should find it
easy to scale the adventure for any party.
0.3: Play Notes
his adventure is mostly nonlinear, and difficult to
run without preparation. he GM should read the
entire module several times and become familiar
with the Pinebox setting. Once the heroes complete
the first two introductory encounters ( 1.1: Roadside
and 1.2: Just a Few Questions ) they should be allowed
to explore and go wherever they please while you
adjust clues accordingly. To help the GM, we have
organized the adventure into three sections: Section
1: Inevitable Events , Section 2: It Could Happen, and
Section 3: Taking It To Tiedens .
he encounters in Section 1: Inevitable Events ,
should take place regardless of what the characters
do. It is possible that the characters may not be pres-
ent for one or two of these incidents, depending
upon how they conduct themselves. Just remember
that these events occur with or without the characters
and that they may affect future developments.
Section 2: It Could Happen covers several encoun-
ters that take place if the characters go to particular
locations. Some of these events may not occur , but
you should be prepared for them if they do.
Section 3: Taking It to Tiedens presents two pos-
sibilities for the ending. Section 3.1: We Are In Con-
trol explains how the conclusion played out in the
original running of the module. he second playtest
Your 12 to Midnight Guides
Jackson Green
Jackson believes in the paranormal and
has extensively investigated hauntings
and ghostly activities. He offers advice
and background information.
“Wait a sec, guys. I just want to check the
recorder I left in Lance’s room last night.”
Lance Carson
Lance is a skeptic, but open to the pos-
sibility of a world beyond the one we
see. He offers advice on dealing with
players who go “off the map.”
“We’re facing murder charges, and you
guys are worried about pizza?”
Professor Glen Maclanahan
he professor is an expert researcher
and investigator. He offers aid regard-
ing the use of skills and mechanics of
the game.
“I carry a prism around with me for ten
years, and the one time I need it it’s in the
12 to Midnight
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